How to get rid of pinworms at home forever for 1 day, is it possible to quickly get rid of enterobiasis folk remedies?

With the arrival of the summer, children spend more time outdoors, playing in the sand and pets. At the same time, the kids always put their hands in their mouths. This provokes the appearance in their body of pinworms.

Once in the children's body, the worm begins to actively develop, in consequence the patient has the following symptoms:

  • Itching in the anus;
  • Periodic abdominal pain;
  • Nausea, and sometimes vomiting;
  • Appetite is lost;
  • Insomnia.

When the first signs appear, parents are interested in the question: "How to get rid of pinworms?" If you do not timely eliminate the worm, all family members can get infected.

How to get rid of pinworms at home?

After the manifestation of the symptoms, you can go to the clinic where specialists will perform the examination, and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, during the summer period, many families move to live in dachas located at a great distance from cities and hospitals. In this case, every parent should know how to get rid of pinworms at home.

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During its existence, the man invented a huge number of options that allow you to fight not only with pinworms, but also other worms. Patients, it remains to choose a recipe that allows you to get rid of pinworms folk remedies at home:

  • Pumpkin seeds and milk. These products are at every person at home, so you do not need to go to pharmacies or specialty stores. In addition, by such means, you can get rid of pinworms, not only in an adult, but also in a child. To prepare the broth you need 15-20 seeds of pumpkin and 1 glass of milk. Seeds are cooked in milk, and then taken in the morning. Complete recovery occurs after 14 days;
  • You can get rid of worm-pinworms with the help of cucumber brine. It should be remembered that such a medicine is capable of damaging only mature individuals, the brine does not work on eggs;
  • Infusion of bitter wormwood. This infusion allows you to get rid of pinworms in adults. Prepare a medicine is not difficult at home. It is necessary to take 25 grams of dry herb wormwood, and pour it 400 milliliters of boiled water. When the infusion cools, it must be filtered. Take a medicine should be 1 tablespoon 20-25 minutes before meals;
  • Enema, also quickly allows you to get rid of worms. As a solution, it is best to use milk and garlic. To prepare the medicine at home, you need 20 milliliters of milk and 1 large head of garlic. Put the container on the fire, and boil until boiling. After this, the milk mixture should be infused for 12 hours. A single dose for an adult is 1 glass. The course of treatment lasts for 1 week.

If you want to get rid of pinworms in 1 day, you should purchase medicines in advance. It is better to consult a pediatrician or another doctor.

How to get rid of pinworms during pregnancy?

Being in an "interesting position", women are faced with the fact that their immunity goes down. This can cause the appearance of various ailments, including helminthic invasion. There is a difficulty, since getting rid of pinworms during pregnancy is much more difficult. The problem of treatment is due to the fact that many drugs, including antihelminthic drugs, are contraindicated.

Despite the fact that drug therapy is contraindicated, you can resort to treatment with herbs at home. It is best to get rid of helminths in the shortest possible time. Many experts advise you to use enemas, since they do not harm the baby.

In addition, do not forget about the symptoms that cause discomfort in the patient. Women are thinking about how to get rid of the itch, which appeared due to the vital activity of pinworms. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. To make microclism with a weak solution of soda. To prepare the solution you need 200 milliliters of water and 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  2. Immediately before going to bed, moisten the cotton swab with Vaseline and place it in the anus. It's better to do this for a few days.

Getting rid of pinworms is also difficult for a nursing mother, as for a pregnant woman. The baby can receive drugs that his mother uses. To get rid of helminths, you must also resort to improvised products. If you want from worms quickly, you will have to comply with certain conditions, namely, stop feeding the baby.

How to get rid of pinworms in a child?

Faced with the problem of helminthiosis, many parents are interested in the question of how to get rid of pinworms without medication. This is due to the fact that adults do not want to harm the child's body. Treatment can be done at home, you just need to decide on the prescriptions:

  • Most of the children love to click the seeds, so you can get rid of helminths with the help of pumpkin seeds. It is recommended to grind the seeds and mix them with vegetable oil. The proportions should be 1 to 1. The best seeds are in the morning, before breakfast. Duration of treatment is 3 days;
  • A child over 6 years of age can take a mixture of herbs. To prepare the medicine you will need 1 part of the chemist's daisy( flowers), 1 part tansy( flowers), 3 parts buckthorn( bark) and 2 parts bitter wormwood( grass).Mix thoroughly. For 1 tablespoon of dry mixture take 200 milliliters of boiled water. The tincture should be infused for 12 hours. To save the child from pinworms, it is necessary to give him a cup of tincture in the morning and evening;
  • Almost all people make sauerkraut for the winter. Virtually all worms are afraid of sauerkraut juice. To eliminate worms, it is recommended after eating to consume one glass of sauerkraut.

If none of the recipes helps, and you can not get rid of pinworms at home, you should go to the doctor. Nowadays, there are some medications that can be prescribed to a child, and they do not cause side effects, besides they can be taken without the supervision of a doctor.

Why is it difficult to get rid of enterobiasis?

Some parents do not understand why it is difficult to get rid of enterobiasis, despite the fact that babies use medicines and folk remedies. This is due to the fact that children, getting rid of helminths, continue to play on the street and are again attacked by parasites.

To avoid this, it is necessary: ​​

  • Wash hands after visiting the toilet;
  • Children from an early age should learn to keep clean;
  • Eggs of pinworm can fall under the nails, so parents should cut them in time;
  • It is recommended to change bed linen as often as possible, as pinworm eggs can get on the sheet during sleep;
  • The underwear should be washed every day;
  • Dust should be wiped with a damp cloth every day. Otherwise, with dust, eggs of helminths will enter the human body.

Parents should wipe toys daily to reduce the chance of infection. Patients should try to scratch less. When combing the skin, eggs fall into the external environment, which means that after a certain period of time, one of the members of the family will become infected with helminthosis again.

Probiotics may be used as prophylaxis. For 250 milliliters of yogurt, you should add 2 tablets. It must be remembered that compliance with the instructions is an important element of treatment. Disregarding the dosage can lead to serious consequences. Thus, getting rid of enterobiasis will be much easier.

Unfortunately, you can not get rid of pinworms forever. You can only reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. It is better to drink once extra preparations than to fight against parasites.

Despite the fact that enterobiasis is not the most dangerous disease, it can cause the following consequences:

  • Immunity of a sick person is greatly reduced. In the blood, the level of interferon decreases, and the activity of lysozyme also decreases. As a result, a person is exposed to infectious diseases;
  • Inoculations delivered earlier, reduce their effectiveness. It is for this reason that doctors send patients for diagnosis before they are vaccinated;
  • The kid can lag behind in development. Pinworms inhibit neuropsychic development. This is due to the release of toxic substances into the patient's body.

In order not to run around the hospitals for several days, you can immediately resort to the folk way to get rid of pinworms.

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