Diet with ascariasis, nutrition with ascarids in adults, what foods to eat?

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Ascaridosis is a parasitic disease caused by roundworms. This disease is considered very common, it affects both adults and children. Basically, medication is indicated, because only drugs can guarantee a good result. But as with any helminthic invasion there is a weakening of the defenses of the body, then the special diet that is used for ascariasis will help to improve health.

Proper nutrition with ascariasis will increase the effectiveness of treatment, and the patient will quickly recover. From the food that we eat, much depends, with proper nutrition creates an unfavorable environment for parasites. The diet for ascarids includes the following principles of nutrition:

  • It is not recommended during the treatment period to eat food that can trigger the development of pathogenic microorganisms, these include: all pasteurized foods, sugar, wheat flour, and unboiled milk.
  • The adult ascariasis diet should not include things like chocolate, sweets, all kinds of fizzy drinks with dyes, because they can aggravate the allergy that appears when the disease is infected.
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  • It is allowed to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, but they need to be thoroughly washed, because there may contain soil particles with the eggs of the worms. Parasites do not like the acidic environment, so it is desirable to include in the diet with ascariasis various berries: cranberries, raspberries, cranberries. Also, we should not forget about vegetables, for example, helminths do not like garlic, onions, carrots, horseradish.

Healthy nutrition with ascariasis should be observed for adults and children, it will not only help to get rid of parasites much faster, but also improve the overall condition of the patient. Vegetable food is rich in various trace elements, so it is simply necessary for a weakened organism.

What foods can I take with ascariasis?

People infected with helminths should refuse to eat meat, because it is a heavy food that can cause rotting processes in the intestines. It is also better not to drink milk, which contains sugar and all kinds of dyes. Bread and pasta are also banned.

It is very important to drink a lot of liquid, natural vegetable juices are useful, for example, carrot, beet, cabbage. You can eat light vegetable soups, meat during the treatment can be replaced with soy. Fish can be eaten, also fermented milk products are allowed, but they should be natural without sugar and dyes. In addition, the diet can include mushrooms and legumes.

Diet for ascarids: useful recommendations

In addition to a special diet with ascariasis, the correct order of food intake is also very important. To ensure that the food is well absorbed, and there were no problems with digestion, you must drink a glass of water before meals, then in order to follow the vegetable food, for example, lettuce, and then it is recommended to use other dishes.

Askaridosis can cause a lot of discomfort to a person, this disease causes various symptoms that worsen the patient's quality of life. Massive infection can provoke serious health problems and even lead to death. That is why this disease must necessarily be treated with the help of medications and special dietary nutrition.

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