Can beans with pancreatitis?

Beans in pancreatitis are used as a decoction for exacerbations of the disease. A ten-day course allows you to achieve a state of remission. Some varieties of this plant contain a rare protein called phytohemagglutinin. It promotes healing, activates leukocytes. Exactly there is this protein in the following grades:

  • Tepari
  • lima beans
  • holly

Beans in pancreatitis are not used all, only the valves that brew on low heat. On a glass of water use a spoon of leaflets, drink the broth before dinner, lunch, breakfast in advance( half an hour).The dose is half a glass, the broth should be fresh. The effect is to clear the pancreatic ducts. The course lasts from ten days to two weeks.

Beans for pancreatitis are not used for food, the purines contained in it are deposited in the body of salt. In addition, this food is heavy, digested for a long time, pancreatic. Eating legumes can be healthy people, with a normal bowel and metabolism. The cellulose of these plants is harmful to patients with pancreatitis, especially after seizures. If the soaked peas in soda after a long cooking people can still afford remission, the beans are completely excluded.

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Is it possible to have string beans in pancreatitis?

String beans( it's also asparagus, sugar, green) belongs to the category of indispensable food products, thanks to its rich content of vitamins and beneficial microelements. But, despite the indisputable benefit to the body, yet, it has contraindications to use.

Contraindicated in the use of string beans in pancreatitis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer, increased acidity), due to the fact that it is rich in fiber. Fiber is poorly digested and absorbed by the stomach, therefore a feeling of heaviness is created and the disease can worsen.

In addition, the product provokes increased secretion of juice to digest a heavy product, and this contributes to the increased work of the pancreas, which must be at rest. At the same time, it, like all legumes, causes bloating, which can cause a new attack of the disease. Patients with pancreatitis at the stage of recovery can consume dishes from asparagus beans in very small portions, while, only boiled, without oil and spices.

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