The belladonna of hemorrhoids, candles and ointments with extract, instructions for use, names

Hemorrhoids are quite an unpleasant disease, which is best treated before the disease goes into a heavier form. Some patients are afraid to visit a qualified specialist, so they should pay attention to the treatment with herbs.

In the first stage, the patient hardly feels any symptoms, but over time, discomfort and pain begin to disturb him. Anesthetize hemorrhoids can be with belladonna. This plant contains:

  • Hyoscyamine;
  • Apoatropine;
  • Scopolamine.

It is best to use at the hemorrhoids of the belladonna candle. They in a few minutes will relieve the pain syndrome and improve the general condition of the patient.

How to choose candles with a belladonna from a hemorrhoids?

Faced with hemorrhoids, patients immediately go to the pharmacy to buy medicines. Many medicines without proper application can cause harm to health. That is why it is best to use herbal suppositories. To make the right choice, patients need to know the name of the candles from hemorrhoids with bellies:

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  • Most often, experts prescribe to patients from hemorrhoids the belladonna extract. The drug has antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Suppositories are able to immediately stop the pain syndrome, as well as to resist the inflammatory and infectious process. The suppository contains a thick extract of belladonna and phenol;
  • In case of severe inflammation, Betiol is recommended. It includes ihtiol and krasavka extract. The drug eliminates the pain syndrome and resists the inflammatory process;
  • Anusole, like other suppositories from hemorrhoids with bellies, is able to arrest pain syndrome. In addition, thanks to the content of xerogen and zinc sulfate, the suppositories are dried, knit and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

After selecting candles, you need to familiarize yourself with the application method.

Dosage and method of application of candles with krasavka extract from hemorrhoids

For treatment to be effective, dosage should be observed. In most cases, no more than three candles with a belladonna extract can be used in a single day. There are times when the number of suppositories increases. Everything depends on the severity of the disease. With exacerbations or severe stages of the ailment, consult your doctor. To eliminate symptoms and improve the condition, 10 suppositories per day can be prescribed.

It should be noted that not following the instructions for using candles, an overdose may occur. It is most often expressed in violation of the motor, as well as the speech center. There are hallucinations, delirium and depressed breathing.

As for the instructions for using candles with belladonna against hemorrhoids, it is quite simple. Suppositories are administered rectally, so that the drug can act on the hemorrhoidal nodules. Before starting the procedure, the patient should empty his bowel. When the patient's body is ready to insert a candle, it should be removed from the package.

It should be remembered that the candles with the belladonna extract from hemorrhoids should not melt in the hands. To prevent this from happening, the suppository is quickly inserted into the anus. After the procedure is completed, the patient should be at least 30 minutes at rest.

Instruction for candles with a belladonna from hemorrhoids

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, unfortunately, during pregnancy, hemorrhoids may appear. Being in the position, any medicine is contraindicated to the woman, the same concerns candles and ointments with belladonna. This is due to the fact that the composition of the herb includes alkaloids. If such substances enter the fetus, functional development will be disrupted, and some pathologies may develop.

It is not recommended to use the belladonna for people of certain professions, whose activities are connected:

  1. With care;
  2. With concentration.

This is due to the fact that the drug is able to dull attention and psychomotor reaction.

Another warning is the patient's high fever. In this case, the patient may suffer a heat stroke. Functional renal impairment also does not allow the use of suppositories with bellies. Only the doctor can correctly prescribe the dosage, so that there are no serious consequences.

Special instructions include the storage rule for suppositories. First of all, the storage space should not be accessible to young children. Also, the sun's rays should not get on the drug. The room should have a moderate humidity and storage temperature within the range of 22-25 degrees. As for the shelf life, it should not exceed 24 months.

Contraindications and side effects of belladonna with hemorrhoids

Despite the high effectiveness of belladonna, it is necessary to remember the contraindications. It is not recommended to use the medication for the following diseases:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Myasthenia gravis;
  • Atony of the intestine;
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Severe atherosclerosis;
  • Atonic defecation;
  • Acute bleeding;
  • Tachyarrhythmias;
  • Swelling of the lungs;
  • Individual intolerance.

There are also relative contraindications, in which the use of belladonna extract is possible, but not recommended:

  • With hyperthyroidism;
  • In ischemic heart disease;
  • With chronic heart failure;
  • With diaphragmatic hernia.

Due to the fact that the belladonna contains alkaloids, the patient may experience side effects. They are expressed as follows:

  • Dryness in the oral cavity;
  • Pupils greatly dilated;
  • The act of defecation is broken;
  • Vision is temporarily impaired;
  • Psychomotor agitation is possible;
  • Delay in urination is not excluded;
  • Cramps appear.

To reduce the likelihood of side effects, you should visit a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the dosage required in a particular case for a suppository with a belladonna extract. Observance of all prescriptions will allow for a short time to normalize the state of health, and soon completely get rid of hemorrhoids.

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