An exacerbation of a pancreatitis( the exacerbated kind) - how much lasts, what it is possible to make, if the pancreas has become aggravated?

How long the exacerbation of pancreatitis lasts first of all depends on its shape and severity. Inflammation of the pancreas can be of two types: acute and chronic.

The fact how long this disease lasts depends on the speed of the inflammatory process spread to the pancreas departments and the intensity of the treatment. As a rule, the acute form of pancreatitis is characterized by periods of exacerbation from two to eight days. The first phase of this exacerbation, with its acute form, lasts for 24 hours and does not have pronounced signs, only the laboratory examination of the patient's blood can show the presence of this disease in the initial manifestation. Much more important, how much the main stage of acute pancreatitis is taking place, it proceeds, on average, for two days and it is during this period that intensive destruction of pancreatic tissue occurs and foci of necrosis are formed. This stage, despite its short duration, is the most dangerous for the patient and requires urgent skilled care. Then begins the third stage, which lasts as long as necessary time for the restoration of the destroyed tissues. At small areas of necrotic formations, during exacerbation of pancreatitis, drug treatment quickly quenches the destructive process in the pancreas and promotes the complete restoration of its functions.

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How much acute pancreatitis will last, directly, depends on the strength of the pain sensations and the response of the patient to them. After all, with dull not very strong pain, the patient can not immediately pay attention to the discomfort in the pancreas and not immediately begin the necessary treatment. Chronic processes take much longer, so the periods of exacerbation of the chronic form of this disease can last up to several months.

Knowing the duration of exacerbation of this disease, especially its acute form, it becomes clear how important it is to provide the patient with all necessary assistance in the shortest possible time from the onset of an exacerbation and stop the destruction of the pancreas.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the actions of hospital staff in the first two or three days of onset of the disease can often depend on the prognosis for a complete cure of the patient with pancreatitis and complete restoration of the gland functions or its death.

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