Chronic pancreatitis in pregnancy

Quite often, pregnancy and chronic pancreatitis go hand in hand. Diagnosing chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy is quite a difficult task for medical personnel, as in the body of a woman there are already huge changes, which makes it difficult to diagnose correctly.

Referring to statistics, we can say that this disease affects one woman per 4000 healthy. Most often, pancreatitis makes itself felt in later terms. It's nice to know that this disease does not affect the course of pregnancy and its final in any way. In addition, the fetus does not suffer at all.

Chronic pancreatitis can manifest itself due to the presence of the following factors:

  • Drinking alcohol for a long time.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Power failure.
  • Medication administration over a long period of time.
  • Infectious and viral diseases.
  • Genetic predisposition to the disease.

But what can cause the appearance of pancreatitis in pregnancy? Everything is very simple: in connection with growing inside the fetus, the uterus considerably increases in size, thereby squeezing the pancreas and its ducts. As a result, the iron begins the process of self-corrosion. That's why pregnant women suffer from toxicosis, taste changes, overeating and other problems. Such phenomena lead to the fact that the pancreas suffers from overloads, and this can lead to chronic pancreatitis. Even the intake of various vitamin complexes may be fraught with pancreas.

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How to identify chronic pancreatitis in pregnancy? There are basic symptoms and signs of the appearance of this serious disease.

  • Soreness in the left side or upper abdomen, as well as shingles.
  • Bloating.
  • Sealed formations in the navel, painful enough.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Loss in weight, aversion to food.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Allergy to certain foods.

If you are pregnant and have identified such symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis will consist only in ultrasound examination, blood tests, urine and feces. This examination will not harm the fetus. But from x-rays and computed tomography will have to refuse, because these manipulations are contraindicated in "interesting situation."

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