History of chronic pancreatitis - with exacerbation, therapy, surgery

The pancreas is one of the main digestive organs. In addition, the endocrine functions are not entrusted. It produces a number of hormones necessary for metabolism. Digestive enzymes, which produce this organ, by ducts, enter the intestine. Where the food components are already directly split. As soon as due to various reasons, these channels are clogged, there is a failure in the metabolic processes. This, in turn, leads to the cessation of outflow of a special juice, which entails the onset of inflammation of the tissues of the organ. And in the absence of proper therapy, and at all leads to their withering away. A similar process is diagnosed as chronic pancreatitis.

In place of dead tissue, the usual connective tissue soon appears. It, by virtue of its anatomical features, can not produce the appropriate enzymes and hormones. Thus, the history of chronic pancreatitis develops, which comes into contact with digestive disorders and hormonal failure.

History of the disease - exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

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As mentioned above, with chronic pancreatitis, there is a gradual deformation and death of pancreatic tissue. What is the history of the disease with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis? In short, the process can be described in this way. If you do not follow the diet, daily routine, alcohol abuse and other negative factors, this process accelerates. The attack of an exacerbation testifies that the most part of tissues of a gland was lost in the shortest period. That is why, the condition is characterized and accompanied by such sharp pain. While all over the chronic state, the process is gradual and very slow.

History of the disease chronic pancreatitis - therapy

Therapy of chronic pancreatitis is performed by a doctor - gastroenterologist. For this, hospitalization is recommended. Begin the treatment process by the appointment of a diet, the type and type of which depends on the stage of the disease. In the first two to three days, food is excluded altogether. It is allowed only drinking non-carbonated mineral water, in small portions. In the subsequent time, from the diet are excluded completely fatty and heavy food sodas, meat, fish, bakery products.

After a week of therapy, low-fat sour-milk products, vegetable soups and casseroles, dishes of their low-fat varieties of meat and fish are gradually introduced into the ration.

At the same time, medical preparations of different spectrum of action are necessarily taken: pain killers, antacids, enzymes, other drugs, depending on the stage and type of the disease.

After discharge, patients are recommended, in the future, to avoid exacerbation, adhere to such a diet, minimize consumption of alcohol, smoking. In addition, do not forget to undergo a medical examination from the attending physician.

History of the disease chronic pancreatitis - surgery

In some cases, drug treatment of chronic pancreatitis will not bring the proper result. Therefore, one of the types of surgical intervention is used. None of them is universal and is assigned only individually in the presence of a number of indications.

The first type is longitudinal. It is prescribed if the pancreatic duct diameter is at least 7 cm in diameter.

Partial operation is performed if the duct is not enlarged. As a result of manipulation, the inflamed tissues of the organ are cut off. Before the surgery, the patient is trained for the operation. The surgical history of the disease includes a number of studies, excluding food for a day, minimizing the use of water.

After the surgery, the patient is on inpatient treatment, under the supervision of the doctor for at least two weeks.

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