Chronic gastritis of the stomach - types and forms, illness in children and pregnant women, photos and pictures

Recurrent inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach, with the corresponding symptoms and is called chronic gastritis. The main culprit of the disease is a microorganism, such as Helicobacter pylori. It cleaves urea, forming ammonia, thereby damaging the walls of the stomach. The disease can occur both independently( primary) and due to other diseases( secondary).According to epidemiological studies, it increases tremendously with age. Children suffer from them in 10-15 percent.

Common features of the disease chronic gastritis: photos

Various factors affect the development of chronic gastritis. External causes are:

  • wrong mode and power supply;
  • addiction to harmful food;
  • regular intake of too cold or hot food and drink;
  • insufficient chewing;
  • long-term use of certain drugs - antibiotics, reserpine, cytotoxic drugs and a number of others.

Internal causes include:

  • Inflamed oral cavity;
  • presence of diseases of the endocrine system - diabetes or thyroid gland;
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  • disturbed metabolism;
  • kidney disease;
  • disorders in the digestive system - hepatitis, pancreatitis and others.

Chronic gastritis can be associated with food allergy, as well as with hereditary predisposition. The reason can also be covered in neuroses - the presence of a negative emotional background in the family or at work, regular conflicts. Another stimulant for the development of chronic gastritis of the stomach may be the presence of worms and giardiasis.

How does chronic gastritis of the stomach manifest?

Symptoms can determine the types of chronic gastritis, about them a little later, and now about the common manifestations of the disease.

  1. Appearance of soreness at the top of the abdomen. How strong it is, one can judge the most inflammatory process.
  2. Uncomfortable sensations. It can be an isolated symptom or together with pain, then appearing, then subsiding.
  3. The appearance of heartburn, increasing in slope or during physical exertion - burning at the top of the stomach, as well as behind the breastbone. This sensation happens and throughout the esophagus up to the throat.
  4. Unpleasant breathing and "belching" with air or food.
  5. The appetite worsens, the child refuses to eat.
  6. Appearance of nausea or vomiting.
  7. Digestion is broken - the stomach is filled with gases, the stool changes, hemoglobin is lowered and many other symptoms that speak of poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. When palpation in some cases, there is a stomach spasm.
  9. In appearance, you can also determine hr.gastritis - the skin is pale, the tongue is white or gray.

All these symptoms can occur both separately and together. Proceeding from this, the types of chronic gastritis are distinguished.

Forms of chronic gastritis

The disease of chronic gastritis of the stomach differs in etiological, functional, clinical, morphological and local features. We will consider each separately.

Etiological signs of chronic gastritis are divided into the following groups of diseases:

  • of alimentary;
  • of the toxic-infectious;
  • is neurogenic;
  • exchange-endocrine;
  • is irrational;
  • is allergic;
  • and with an unexplained etiology.

Functional disorders occur in two groups - a preserved or increased secretory function and secretory insufficiency.

The clinical course of the disease has 3 forms:

  • easy;
  • of medium gravity;
  • heavy.

These symptoms occur with frequent exacerbations or infrequent. And they have their own stages, with the separation of two phases - the very exacerbation and remission. The latter form happens with incomplete clinical, clinical and clinico-endoscopic remission, that is, recovery.

Morphological signs are divided:

  • Chron.gastritis, when the gastric mucosa is unchanged.
  • Superficial course of the disease.
  • The glands are affected, but not atrophied.
  • With moderate severity.
  • Severe severity.
  • With perestroika.

Localization of pathology is identified:

  • Antral gastritis.
  • Pangastritom.

How to eat people with chronic gastritis?

It is the diet that is important in the process of healing and recovery. With chronic gastritis of the stomach should adhere to certain recommendations.

  1. Food is taken fractionally and regularly. Here the main point is the amount of food offered - small portions.
  2. Only fresh products with gentle properties, not irritating the stomach. It excludes spicy, smoked, fatty, fried foods with flavoring and spices, as well as consuming confectionery, muffins, white bread, legumes and vegetables in raw form.
  3. Cook steamed, boiled or baked.
  4. Ration is mashed potatoes, soups on vegetables, chicken, rabbit, beef, porridge of oats, rice and buckwheat. Refill with butter. You can eat cutlets, cooked for a couple of low-fat meat and fish, from cottage cheese to make a casserole. From drinks to cook cocoa on milk, not strong tea, and it is desirable to brew medicinal plants and dried fruits. You can eat a little honey and crackers of your own cooking in the oven.
  5. A strict diet is observed only at the onset of the disease. As soon as improvements begin, the diet should be increased so that the lost energy reserves and nutrients will be replenished faster.

Хр.gastritis in children: features, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Children, in general, begin to suffer from chronic gastritis of the stomach at school age. Manifestations of the disease give an incentive for doctors and parents to take care of the child's health. It is necessary to confirm or deny the diagnosis, because under gastritis can be hidden where the disease is more dangerous.

The most optimal way to identify chronic gastritis in children is diagnosis by the method of fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Immediate visual examination assesses the condition of the gastric mucosa. Minus procedures are technical difficulties and inconveniences, therefore it is not very often applied to children. Usually prescribe preventive methods and observe the process - with non-decreasing manifestations of the disease, the above-described method is prescribed. And the smaller the child, the more difficult it is to apply it. Ultrasound is prescribed to rule out other gastrointestinal problems. Blood tests with urine show the severity and possible complications of the disease, as well as the associated problems( liver and pancreas).It is compulsory to check the stool for general analysis and the presence of worms.

The stimulus is set and completely excluded from the supply. Be sure to give a couple of days to stay at home. When vomiting it is necessary to wash the stomach. It is desirable to drink more water, but little by little. With an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, pictures of which can be seen here, a decoction of chamomile with sugar or not very strong tea will have a beneficial effect. As soon as the child's well-being improves, you can feed a little - porridge, low-fat broth, carrot puree or banana. In a few days, add the cottage cheese, lean meat and boiled soft boiled egg. Softness and uniformity of the consistency of cooked dishes are required. The temperature should be the same with the child's body.

From medicines you can give cerulek or motilium, they bring the work of the digestive tract back to normal. If there are severe pains, then you should apply riabal or noshpu. And, of course, to regulate the proper nutrition with the introduction of mineral waters - Borjomi, Essentuki and others.

Chronic gastritis in pregnancy

Women suffering from this disease, in 75 percent of cases experience its exacerbation of pregnancy. The disease manifests itself in an early toxicosis, which lasts for up to 17 weeks with severe leakage. In special cases, there may even be bleeding.

The forms of chronic gastritis in pregnancy are atrophic and unspecified. Diagnosed by complaints, gastric juice is examined by probing, endoscopy is performed - according to indications( an optical device is inserted and the stomach walls are inspected) and using laboratory methods - a blood and urine test. Do not use for chronic studies.gastritis in pregnant women radiographic method - it is ineffective and unsafe. But ultrasound is completely permissible. With its help, there is an excess of mucus, hypersecretion, the thickness of the walls and local painful points are estimated.

If normal or increased acidity, and there is no puffiness, it is recommended to drink mineral water - Borjomi, Jermuk, Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya( from 150 to 300 ml three times a day every 2 hours after meals).With chronic gastritis of reduced acidity, Mirgorod, Essentuki with numbers 4 and 17, as well as Arzni mineral water should be used. You can use medicinal plants, endowed with anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, enveloping and absorbing qualities. These include - flowers of chamomile, mint leaves, flaxseed, oats, valerian, motherwort, calamus( root), and others. The tincture is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of the collection is poured into the cup, it is poured with boiling water, it is insisted half an hour and filtered. Honey is added if desired. Drink a drink warm in half a cup to 6 times a day after eating. Treatment of chronic gastritis of the stomach in pregnant women with medications is prescribed only by a doctor. You can anesthetize Maalox. Attalulgite adjusts the work of the stomach, removes spasm with papaverine or drotaverine. In any case, all the appointments are made by a medical professional.

With chronic gastritis of the stomach, it is useful to use milk, a thick cereal soup, eggs, boiled soft-boiled meatballs from meat and fish, butter, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetable stew, fresh fruits and vegetables. As soon as the condition begins to improve, boiled fish with meat, potatoes, pasta, lean ham, doctor's sausage, not sour cream and cheese are added. But in any case, you can not eat smoked, sharp and fried foods. Pregnant women during an exacerbation of hr.gastritis is mandatory bed rest and compliance with a certain diet. Eat up to 6 times a day. The food should be semi-liquid, the intake of salt and bad carbohydrates - sugar, jam and confectionery, and also broths with sokovonnymi actions is limited.

To work on well-being, just rest and observe a diet. With progressive toxicosis, treatment should be carried out immediately, as constant vomiting becomes exhausted, hunger increases and weight decreases, liver and kidneys begin to suffer, and blood levels deteriorate. And, of course, exclude smoking, alcohol abuse and avoid stress.

Love yourself, take care and stay healthy!

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