Superficial gastritis and cardia deficiency

An incomplete cardia is called a pathology of the main digestive organ, in which the valve that separates the body of the stomach from the esophagus is not fully closed. A frequent cause of it is a superficial gastritis.

With this condition, the acid content of the digestive organ can easily enter the esophagus, in which an alkaline or neutral medium is usually maintained. Enzymes that are involved in digestion, as well as gastric juice, trapped on the walls of the esophagus even in a small amount, cause their burns, often leading to ulceration.

The consequences of cardia deficiency with superficial gastritis are serious and dangerous. With this pathology, in most cases, malignant degeneration begins in the epithelium of the esophageal mucosa.

The incidence of cardia with superficial gastritis: symptoms, treatment and prevention

The main symptoms of the disease include frequent pain, dislocated in the esophagus, eructations, nausea, heartburn, which can occur after eating or without eating. Also, with a lack of cardia, which has arisen because of superficial gastritis of the stomach, dizziness and general weakness, rumbling in the abdomen, the tongue is constantly covered with whitish plaque.

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  • To prevent cardiac failure caused by superficial gastritis, you should wear only loose clothing, avoiding tight belts and any squeezing at the waist. Attacks of nausea and heartburn are removed or medication, or when using prescriptions that exist in folk medicine;
  • Eat and drink to prevent these symptoms is recommended only while sitting or standing. After eating for an hour, do not lie down, and at night you need to use high pillows or a raised head of the bed. The head should be in a position elevated above the level of the trunk by 15 centimeters;
  • The main method of treatment of superficial gastritis of cardia deficiency in traditional medicine is medication. It is appointed exclusively by a specialist doctor after complete gastrointestinal diagnosis. A prerequisite for this disease is adherence to the strictest diet, and as an auxiliary means - reception of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

This complex treatment is aimed at removing the inflammation processes both on the stomach mucosa and esophagus, and also restore digestive function. In the most neglected cases, when complex treatment does not give results, surgical intervention is prescribed for suturing the muscles that form the cardia.

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