The concha of hemorrhoids hurts, has burst, has dropped out, bleeds, left, has got out, has inflamed, was inflated, what to do or make for treatment?

Many people know firsthand that hemorrhoids cause many inconveniences to a person, the severity of symptoms depends on the stage of the disease. During periods of exacerbation, the disease turns the life of the patient into real anguish. There is severe pain, trouble bleeding, there is itching and burning, often all this leads to the fact that a person is afraid to empty the intestines and consciously postpones defecation, thereby provoking constipation. To prevent hemorrhoidal cones, do not neglect treatment, because over time, the ailment will only progress.

Pains in hemorrhoidal cones can be caused by various reasons. Often, the symptoms of the disease worsen after bowel movement, especially if the patient suffers from constipation, then hard feces injure external and internal hemorrhoids, they inflate, become inflamed and because of this often there is not only pain but also bleeding.

Why did the lump of hemorrhoids burst?

In addition, this disease is often accompanied by anal fissures, they can have a chronic course. Long non-healing ruptures also cause severe pain, which is exacerbated during the act of defecation. The broken hemorrhoidal cones and anal fissures can become an excellent habitat for various bacteria. Purulent inflammation will also be accompanied by pain, fever and secretions, in which case hospitalization is absolutely necessary.

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Thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal cone is also often accompanied by severe pain syndrome. The person in this case usually complains about the feeling of bursting and the sensation of a foreign body. Hemorrhoidal plexuses become dense, acquire a crimson color. It is not always possible to cope with this problem on its own, in some cases only the operation in which the thrombus is extracted can help. If you do not seek help in time, then tissue necrosis may occur.

But sometimes a hemorrhoidal lump itself bursts. Then the pain immediately stops, but then there is a strong bleeding. Many patients do not know what to do in this situation and turn to the proctologist. This is correct, because a significant loss of blood can lead to anemia. If the node often bursts, then most likely, without the intervention of the surgeon can not do.

How to get rid of pain with hemorrhoids?

If the lump falls and hurts, it means that the disease is already running. At an early stage there are no pronounced symptoms, the nodes do not come out, only slight burning and tingling can be observed. In this case, you can cope with unpleasant sensations at home, but in the presence of severe pain it is better to consult a proctologist to find out the exact cause.

Unpleasant sensations in the hemorrhoid cone can be stopped with the help of ice, this method will also help to cope with minor bleeding. A cube of ice is applied for a few seconds to the rectal area and the symptoms gradually pass. If the hemorrhoidal lump fell for the first time, it is better if it is put in by a professional. In the future, you can do it yourself, to prevent such complications as pinching the knot, which can be aggravated by thrombosis, in which sometimes the nodal plexus bursts and the blood flows abundantly.

To reduce unpleasant symptoms will help warm baths. The solution can be prepared from medicinal plants, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable. A similar procedure is usually performed 4 times a day. If the node has left and a liquid flows out of the rectal area, a similar procedure will help reduce these symptoms.

Medication for pain in the hemorrhoid cones

In case of exacerbation of the disease, anesthetizing ointments and suppositories can be used. There are combined drugs that remove the main symptoms of inflammation of the hemorrhoids, they fight with swelling, reduce itching, have hemostatic and healing effect. For example, often used drugs such as Relief, Neo-Anusole, Anestezol, Ultraprot.

In a complex treatment, venotonizing drugs are usually prescribed. They help to reduce puffiness, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, dilute blood and prevent the formation of blood clots and prolapse of nodes. As anti-inflammatory agents, non-steroidal drugs such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen can be used if a person does not have contraindications.

In order to prevent exacerbations, in order to prevent hemorrhoids from falling out and causing discomfort, it is necessary to achieve a normal stool. If the diet does not cope with this task, then the doctor can prescribe laxatives.

What if the hemorrhoidal cone hurts and often pops out of the anus? You can not ignore these symptoms, you should immediately contact the proctologist. If the disease is started, and conservative therapy does not help, then you can pick up other methods, most likely, you will need an operation. To avoid this help timely prevention, the disease itself will not pass, with each year it will only progress.

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