First aid for dysbacteriosis, what will help?

Dysbacteriosis is an ailment, which today can be found quite often. It manifests itself as a complex complex of symptoms and changes that occur in the intestine. Well if the dysbacteriosis has appeared, when you have an opportunity to address to the expert and what to do or make, if you on rest, and to the nearest doctor of many kilometers? You need to know how you can provide first aid for dysbiosis.

First of all, you should pay attention to your diet. So, you need to ask yourself the question: "What have you used recently?" This can be spicy or fatty foods, pickles or canned food. Thus, to help the body with dysbiosis it is necessary to immediately exclude all unwanted products.

In addition, it is worth noting the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Such harmful habits exacerbate the situation, and interfere with the recovery of the intestinal microflora.

If the disturbance of the microflora is accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea, the help to the intestines with dysbacteriosis consists in excluding from the diet products that cause fermentation processes, for example, cabbage, apples and sour fruits. Drinking water is allowed only after half an hour after eating, which normalizes the digestion process. To drink down food at once it is not necessary, as the liquid has properties of dilution of digestive juices that complicates process of digestion. For lovers of meat dishes, it is necessary to refuse from frying - preference is given to quenching, cooking or steam cooking.

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When dysbiosis is included in the diet products that contain enough lacto- and bifidobacteria in sufficient quantities to fight pathogenic bacteria, for example, kefir, fresh yogurt. To help increase the useful microflora of the intestine requires the use of a large amount of cellulose of plant origin.

What will help with dysbiosis?

The first help with dysbiosis is the reception of medicines. To begin with it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of microflora disorders. So, if the pathology is accompanied by diarrhea, it is worth using drugs with astringent effect, which will eliminate the symptom quickly enough. But if a violation of the intestinal microflora caused constipation, then it is necessary to take osmotic laxatives, sorbitol or xylitol, cholagogue.

Often, dysbacteriosis causes an allergic reaction, which is removed with antihistamines. If a neurasthenic condition occurs, sedatives will be required.

Help with the appearance of painful sensations will have antispasmodic and pain medications, for example, No-shpa.

After the first signs of a dysbacteriosis have been removed, it is necessary to start the colonization of the intestinal cavity with a useful flora and bacteria. This will help pro and prebiotics. It should be noted that the latter are contained in products of plant origin, namely in cereals. However, the use of cereals will not be enough, so it is worth taking medications that will help restore the intestinal microflora, for example, Laktusan, Prebio or Normazu.

Probiotics are different, but for the first aid will be suitable combined. Such remedies not only restore the intestinal microflora, but also provide the body with the support of the immune system. They are not colonizers of the intestine. In addition, they are unlikely to be effective in the case of severe dysbiosis. Anyway, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible to help with the appointment and in the process of treatment on the basis of the clinical picture, so that the situation of dysbacteriosis will not worsen, and the condition itself will pass quickly enough.

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