How to get rid of intestinal dysbiosis, how to eliminate?

Dysbacteriosis is characterized by imbalance of pathogenic and useful microflora. Almost every person develops in various manifestations, in hidden or clearly expressed. Its development is possible after infection, treatment with antibiotics, diseases. How to get rid of dysbiosis?

To ensure the normal growth and reproduction of useful microflora, the use of dietary fiber and pectin, which are contained in vegetables, fruits, cereals, is required. In addition, get rid of dysbiosis and help products containing bifido- and lactobacilli.

Prebiotics come with food, are not digested in the intestinal cavity, but provide a normal environment for a useful flora. These include lactulose, galactose and various oligosaccharides. However, prebiotics are not only of plant origin, but also of artificial origin. So, to solve a problem how to get rid of a dysbacteriosis, it is possible to get Dufalak or BADy.

Probiotic, which also helps to eliminate dysbacteriosis, contains live bacterial cultures. They can be represented by monocomponent capsules, which contain one of the types of beneficial intestinal microflora, or polycomponent, which contain several bacterial species. In addition, to get rid of dysbiosis, you can use antagonists, which, although not relevant to the beneficial microflora, but can suppress the pathogenic flora. An excellent tool to get rid of dysbiosis is combined probiotics, in which, in addition to useful microflora, there are substances that have an immunomodulatory effect.

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How to eliminate a dysbacteriosis?

Antiseptics do not have the property of absorption in the intestinal cavity, which is why they are effective in eliminating dysbacteriosis. It is worth noting that they have virtually no effect on the main flora.

Antibacterial agents will be prescribed only if the form of dysbacteriosis is established and with strict account of the sensitivity index of microorganisms. Such means to get rid of intestinal dysbiosis, are used in case of defeat, staphylococcus, proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or E. coli and other viruses.

Separately it is necessary to tell about bacteriophages which also are used to get rid of a dysbacteriosis. Bacteriophages are viruses that are aimed at the defeat of a certain type of bacteria. They do not lose their effectiveness when combined with antibacterial treatment, or can act as an alternative technique. Reception is carried out in the form of enemas or capsules. To date, in order to get rid of pathogenic bacteria, bacteriophages from pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus, protea, or koliprotea can be found on the market.

Infringement of a microflora conducts to loss of function of an absorption of useful substances at the expense of synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms with water-soluble vitamins therefore the hypovitaminosis appears. To eliminate this condition, multivitamin preparations are used.

Since in the case of the appearance of pathogenic microflora in the intestinal cavity local immunity is always violated, it is worthwhile to use immunomodulators and biostimulants. To get rid of dysbiosis in this way, apply herbal preparations, for example, magnolia vine, propolis extract or Dibasol.

Do not forget about the use of funds that help to eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis. So, with diarrhea, you can use sorbents, and with constipation - laxative. With painful sensations, antispasmodic and anesthetics will help.

It is worth remembering that a reasonable treatment tactic to get rid of dysbiosis requires enough time and effort.

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