Physiology of the pancreas of man and pathophysiology

The physiology of the pancreas determines its position in the body and the function of the organ. However, everyone knows that it is this body that often affects various diseases. All these deviations from the norm are studied by another, no less exact science - pathophysiology or pathological physiology. Both of them are constantly developing and despite the fact that the body has already been sufficiently studied by doctors and scientists, there are still many open questions. But I want to believe that they will all be resolved.

Physiology defines it as an unpaired organ having a lobed structure located in the abdominal cavity and lying in front of its posterior wall. This gland is connected to the duodenum. In the place of their confluence there is a hole where the vein and mesenteric artery penetrate into the gland. Here is located the bile duct, which gives a secret to the duodenum. In addition, she considers the secretion of juice and enzymes, water and hormones. For the first time these questions were studied by Pavlov, who, together with his students, studied the production of pancreatic juice in dogs, and described the physiological characteristics of this organ. Having studied these questions in more detail, you can learn about the effect of its enzymes on the cleavage of intestinal contents.

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Along with this science, there is a pathophysiology of the pancreas. She examines the pathological changes in this organ, its diseases. Initially, it was an experimental science that studied pathological processes. But over time it has been established that it is pathophysiology that can become the science that is so necessary for the training of doctors. After all, he should know all the deviations in the development of this body, in order to be able to correctly diagnose.

One of the serious disorders noted by the pathophysiology of the pancreas is diabetes mellitus. Very common is a violation, when in the body there is a complete or partial violation of the excretory function. This occurs if the duct becomes inflamed, compressed with a tumor or covered with a stone. She pays attention to the damage to the pancreas as a result of tissue changes in case of a tumor, hemorrhage or pancreatitis.

Having studied the physiology of the pancreas, a person has an idea about this organ. This knowledge is necessary both for those who have a healthy body, and for those who suffer from such diseases. Perhaps this is the first step toward healing or another way to get around the disease side.

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