Cervix( neck) of the pancreas

The pancreas consists of several sections. The narrowest part of this digestive organ is the neck, which connects its body and head. This segment is oriented up, forward and left, its diameter is much smaller than the head, and the width is on average about 4 centimeters.

Constriction of the cervix is ​​caused by cavities, as well as vessels passing through this area. The right side of the pancreas is adjacent to the 12-inch skinny bend. On the back surface, she has a special trough where the superior mesenteric artery and vein are located. Mesenteric and feeding the splenic vein pass along the upper cavity, merge, and form a portal vein. In front this segment is designated gastroduodenalnoy artery, as well as the pyloric department of the stomach.

Isthmus of the pancreas

In order to identify the health of the pancreas, specialists use a variety of methods, one of which is ultrasound. Isthmus is considered the thinnest part of it and provides an opportunity to examine surrounding organs and tissues.

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The pancreatic duct is clearly visible through the cervix in the transverse section. As a rule, it passes through the entire length of this organ and rotates in the area of ​​narrowing downward, towards the common bile duct. Normally, its diameter should be a maximum of 3 mm. Blockage of this can lead to the development of a disease such as pancreatitis.

If the patient has an obstruction of the pancreatic duct in the area of ​​the isthmus, he may be prescribed pancreaticunostomy procedure, the main purpose of which is the removal of pancreatic juice into the jejunum.

Sometimes cysts can form and puff up in the neck. In this case, patients are prescribed antibacterial therapy, as well as a surgical operation involving external wide drainage.

The isthmus of the pancreas can also become a zone of development of malignant tumors. However, it should be borne in mind that such tumors are operable and are considered safer for patients than, for example, head cancer. As a rule, during the operation, the doctors, together with the injured isthmus, remove part of the stomach. In some cases, patients can remove the duodenum and gallbladder.

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