Cholecystitis, cholecysto-pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and pancreas

Gallbladder inflammation, called cholecystitis, occurs in 10% of men and 20% of women. There is a direct dependence on weight and age, often provokes cholecystitis pancreatitis, and vice versa. These diseases are interrelated due to the close arrangement of organs, their combination is dangerous peritonitis with a fatal outcome. This is a lymphogenous disease that occurs on the basis of papillostenosis or choledocholithiasis.

Symptoms of cholecystitis pancreatitis

After some time in patients diagnosed with cholecystitis, the pancreas can begin the process of self-digestion. At the same time, it swells, which makes it known by shingles of the local or local type. To the habitual pain on the right( hypochondrium) and nausea pain is added to the left, giving in the back. In addition to bitterness, the mouth feels constant dryness, bloating.

This signals the need for a visit to a doctor who will prescribe ultrasound, analysis and tomography. When confirming the diagnosis, he corrects the diet and medication course. Relapses occur more often when a body is found not with stones, but with biliary silt. Very accurately diagnoses a 10% increase in bilirubin in the blood, AST and ALT, amylases.

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Treatment of cholecysto-pancreatitis

The main question that is asked by the attending physician who discovered cholecystitis and pancreatic enlargement is the timing of the operation. Successful treatment is considered, after which stones are removed, the outflow of bile is released. Effective treatment by washing the glandular bag and choledochus by the simultaneous administration of antibiotics and inhibitors( local or systemic).Operation on the bile duct always increases the likelihood of progression of the pancreatic disease in the future. Therefore, doctors often use new therapies:

  • , drainage through the Vinsla aperture
  • , drainage of the common bile duct
  • , ectomy, laparoscopic
  • , sanation of the biliary tract

. There is no single algorithm, each surgeon uses methods based on personal experience.

Complications of cholecysto-pancreatitis

Cholecysto-pancreatitis is especially dangerous for older people, it can cause perforation of the walls of the organ, gangrene of the gallbladder. In the vessels irreversible changes start, necrosis foci appear.

Pancreatitis after cholecystectomy

Studies have shown that pancreatitis after cholecystectomy occurs only with malnutrition and predisposition of the body. The probability has a very wide range from 90 to 5%.The load on the digestion of food( the development of enzymes) completely falls on the remaining organ( pancreas), increasing the load. The total elimination of prohibited products increases the chances of patients.

Pancreatitis, cholecystitis with pyelonephritis

Combination of such diseases as cholecystitis, pancreatitis and pyelonephritis - are not so rare. Treatment depends on the cause of diseases of internal organs. The course of restorative therapy is long and consists of the effects of medications on the tissues of the body and on the affected organs. Complex treatment depends on the progression of the disease.

If pyelonephritis is caused by a subacute inflammatory process in the bowel-and-pelvis system and due to a violation of protein metabolism, the cholecystitis is caused by subacute inflammation in the walls of the gallbladder. Pancreatitis, in turn, is an inflammation in the pancreas. When pancreatitis, cholecystitis with pyelonephritis is diagnosed at the same time, it leads to a number of serious deviations in digestion, the emergence of bilirubin encephalopathy, a violation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes, the endocrine system, the appearance of diabetes and other serious pathologies.

The danger is that these diseases develop slowly, sometimes even for years. Most often, they are detected accidentally or after the acquisition of a chronic form. The latent form of the course of diseases forms serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

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