How to treat osteoporosis at home

Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease that can lead to multiple fractures and bending of the bones. It occurs in people who suffer from a shortage of calcium in the body. It is believed that this disease is progressing in the older generation, but, in connection with the deterioration of environmental factors and the conduct of an incorrect lifestyle, the disease is getting younger. Now doctors can make this diagnosis even for middle-aged and younger people. How to treat osteoporosis at home and what preventive measures can be taken to avoid the disease?

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Osteoporosis treatment

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In the treatment of osteoporosis, a wholecomplex of methods. Along with the medicines prescribed by the attending physician, gymnastics is recommended, to regulate nutrition and to use folk remedies.

Warning! For effective results, a combination of all methods is necessary!

Treatment of bone osteoporosis with

medications Many patients ask why they treat osteoporosis with what medicines. It is very important not to forget in the treatment of osteoporosis to use medicines based on calcium and vitamin D. They are available in the pharmacy and can be taken for the prevention of the disease.

  1. Bisphosphotane preparations - allow the body to increase bone mass and reduce the risk of fracture.
  2. Calcitonin - compacts the bone and restores the primary mass.
  3. Raloxifene - affects the hormone estrogen and stops resorption.
  4. Calcitrol - accelerates the growth of bone mass, helps digest calcium.
  5. Teriparatide - stimulates the formation of bones.

Before use, consult with your doctor, ask about dosage and contraindications!

How to treat osteoporosis of bones folk remedies

To restore bone strength it is necessary to consume a large amount of calcium. At home, it's quite easy to cook it and take it right. The most common method of obtaining calcium from food is the eggshell.

Attention! How to treat osteoporosis of the spine you can find out here.

  1. Take raw fresh eggs, thoroughly wash the shell and cook for 6 minutes. To eggs are well cleaned, dip them into cold water for several minutes immediately after they are cooked.
  2. On the inside, remove the film and fry the shell in a frying pan until it turns yellow.
  3. After it has cooled, crush it into powder and you can consume ready-made calcium.

Warning! Calcium is best extracted from the shell in an acidic lemon environment!

Of course, you can not eat dry powder from the shell, so there are many folk recipes how to properly add it to your food. For example, take calcium together with various porridges or with cottage cheese. Boil 100 g of oatmeal, pour a quarter of a teaspoon of powder and sugar to taste. It is recommended to eat in the morning on an empty stomach.

Tincture of raw eggshell

For the preparation of the dosage form, the following sequence should be adhered to:

  • a prepared shell of 5-6 eggs is poured with freshly squeezed juice from 10 lemons;
  • leave to infuse for 7-10 days, until the shell completely dissolves;
  • add 250 ml of honey;Store
  • in the refrigerator.

Take the mixture daily from morning to 20 grams.

Warning! Learn about the symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis.

Treatment of tincture of geranium

Osteoporosis at home can be treated with tincture of geranium. To cook it you will need 50 g of finely chopped leaves, which are poured with boiling water( 250 ml) and insist for 40 minutes. Then strain and take inside 2 tablespoons.tablespoons per day. This tincture well stimulates the growth of bone tissue.

Tip! Make an alcoholic tincture from the walnut shell. Consumption of even one tablespoon per day will significantly increase the level of calcium in the body.

White clay in the treatment of osteoporosis

The substance is rich in calcium, which is catastrophically short for every person. Therefore, traditional medicine, has long recommended the use of 1 tsp.clay diluted in a glass of water in three doses per day.

Prescription for nettle remedy

To repair the lack of calcium, the young nettle will help:

  • take 200 g of the plant;
  • pass through the meat grinder;
  • press the juice.

Take 1 tsp each.daily before meals. Freshly squeezed nettle juice is not only an effective curative, but also a preventive procedure for osteoporosis.

Infusion of dandelion roots

Chop the roots of dandelion( 50 g) with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink tincture every day for 2-3 tablespoons before eating.

Attention! You can learn how to treat osteoporosis in elderly women here.

Onion soup is an effective remedy against osteoporosis

In the treatment of bone diseases, onion soup is recommended. Prepare it very simply at home.

  1. Take two large bulbs, chop and fry on any vegetable oil.
  2. Add the husk from the onion and pour in a liter of water.
  3. You need to boil everything for 15-20 minutes and let it brew for half an hour.
  4. Remove the husks and eat the warm soup three times a day.

In our time, few people know that sea pebbles have long been used as a remedy for osteoporosis. To prepare an effective medicinal drug, take 5 kg of pebbles and carefully rub into sand. Add 0.100 g of citric acid and 20 g of copper sulfate. Thoroughly mix everything and pour 10 liters of water. Infuse in a cool place for two weeks with a tightly closed lid. It is necessary to overtake the tincture through the distillation apparatus and collect the first 5 liters of pure liquid. This tincture is recommended to be taken in the morning on an empty stomach for one month, then take a break.

Wellness gymnastics

It should be mentioned a few words about health gymnastics, which must be performed in a complex of measures for the treatment of osteoporosis. Distribute physical activity in such a way that all bones of your body are involved.

For example, weight training is very effective - it can be walking up the stairs and descending, daily walks in the fresh air for one hour, dancing.

Use loads of flexibility, for example, do yoga or stretching. And also important load on resistance - visit the pool, take swimming lessons or practice in the gym on the horizontal bars.

Warning! Always remember that in cases of osteoporosis, it is strictly forbidden to make sudden movements and intense physical activity. For example, contraindicated: jumps, waist turns, slopes, etc. - anything that can lead to bone fracture.

Nutrition for osteoporosis

Treatment of osteoporosis will not do without normalizing your diet. The menu must include foods rich not only with calcium, but also with other vitamins - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D.

It is recommended to use all lactic products: curd and cheese, kefir and yogurt, cheese, etc. Do not forget to make salads with sea kale, broccoli, and add beans, peas or spinach to the menu. A large number of necessary trace elements is found in soy, egg yolk, pork liver, nuts, cereals. Phosphorus, which is necessary for better assimilation of calcium, can be replenished from fish - salmon, sardines, etc.

To get vitamin D, take daily walks in clear weather. It is thanks to the sun's rays that the body produces this important component, without which calcium is not absorbed. In winter, a lack of vitamin D can be replenished by buying it in a pharmacy.

Prevention of the disease

People say that it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Therefore, to prevent osteoporosis at home, it is recommended to take the following folk recipes:

  1. The use of oat flakes reduces the risk of the disease. Soak 100 grams of porridge in cold water for about 2.5-3 hours, and then cook until ready. Eat it in the morning and in the evening every day.
  2. Mumiyo is prescribed not only as a curative, but also a preventive remedy every 3 months a year. Dissolve the ball, the size of a match head, in 100 ml of water and drink twice a day. The procedure should be repeated for 3 weeks, and then take a break.
  3. For prophylactic measures to prevent osteochondrosis, it is recommended to include foods rich in calcium in the diet. For example, milk and sour milk, cheese, yoghurt. Do not forget seafood and fish, especially mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna.
  4. Eliminate sweet fizzy drinks from your diet, as they contain a large percentage of iron, which helps to quickly remove calcium from the body.

Attention! Remember that preventive measures are aimed at strengthening bone tissue and, if possible, inhibit the process of washing away calcium from the body.

Summing up all of the above, I want to generalize and highlight the main idea. Osteoporosis in most cases occurs in people who have a lack of calcium in the body due to malnutrition, the presence of bad habits and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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