Constipation from the milk, can it be from cow or goat's milk, does it cause in adults kefir and sour-milk products, mixtures?

Often there is a situation where a certain number of people as a result of the use of cow or goat milk, constipation occurs. What causes long delays in acts of defecation in this case? Really useful and loved by many a drink? Yes this is true. The main reason for the occurrence of long stools is that many people suffer from intolerance to lactose. It can be both congenital and develop with age. The appearance of this ailment, which causes prolonged constipation, is due to the inability of the body to digest milk sugar. In this case, for the normalization of the chair, it is sufficient to adjust the human diet so that this unique and wholesome beverage is completely excluded from it.

Constipation from dairy products is also provoked by the fact that they contain a large amount of casein. The largest quantity is contained in the drink received from the cow. Why does casein, contained in milk, cause adults to delay the stool? The thing is that this element acts on the digestive organs as well as glue. It covers the entire inner surface of the intestine, preventing these normal absorption of nutrients. This significantly slows their progress.

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The harm of goat's milk in its pure form lies in the fact that it greatly impairs intestinal peristalsis, which leads to constipation. Also, this drink reduces the production of gastric juice, which leads to an increase in the load on the gastrointestinal tract, also causing stool delays. In addition, goat's milk, in contrast to the cow, has a high fat content. This fact also indicates that violations of acts of defecation when using it occur much more often.

The easiest way in this situation is for adults who, in order to avoid constipation from dairy, can simply refuse to drink. And what about children, for whom it is the main food? For toddlers suffering from this kind of ailment, acid mixtures from it are developed. They are prescribed from 6 months and have a beneficial effect on the baby's body. But in some babies and when feeding them with fermented milk mixtures, there may be constipation. What is the reason for this? Experts note that the appearance of delayed acts of defecation occurs in infants with such feeding because of the following factors:

  • Allergy to cow protein;
  • Disturbance of the environment in the intestine( it should not be acidic, but alkaline);
  • Sharp transition to the mixture.

To understand why milk causes constipation and correctly pick up the baby's food can only help a specialist.

Can there be constipation from yogurt?

This nutritious and well-thirst quenching product from cow's milk helps to facilitate acts of defecation, but sometimes, contrary to logic, it can provoke stool retention. Why does such a side effect of using kefir arise and how to avoid it? The most common cause of constipation from kefir is lactose intolerance contained in milk. People who are aware of such a characteristic of their body, use kefir categorically not recommended.

In addition, constipation when consuming such a magnificent milk drink as kefir, can be caused by its environment in which bacteria live and reproduce. Although they are for the most part and useful, but only in a fresh drink. In the same case, if the yogurt has stood for more than 3 days, it appears pathogenic bacteria that provoke the hardening of stool. To avoid the occurrence of a delicate problem, you should carefully study the expiration dates and in any case not allow the use of expired products not only by children, but also by adults. What to do if the dairy caused prolonged constipation? This question is of interest to many patients, so it should be understood in more detail. Specialists recommend the following:

  • Exclude from the diet cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk, curdled milk and other beverage derivatives that have in their composition negatively affecting the work of intestines casein and lactose;
  • Increase the intake of liquid and digestible fats. This will help soften the stool and will have a lubricating effect on the internal walls of the intestine;
  • To include in the menu foods rich in fiber. This, accordingly, will accelerate peristalsis and prevent the occurrence of constipation.

It should also be remembered that any delays in acts of defecation indicate that serious pathologies can develop in the body, so even if a person is sure that he has constipation due to dairy, take any independent measures, do notconsulting with a specialist, should not. Only consultation of an experienced doctor will help to identify the true cause of abnormalities in the work of the digestive tract and to take quick and adequate measures to eliminate them.

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