Effective treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis( pancreas) in a hospital( hospitalization in a hospital clinic), how and what are they treating?

There are probably a lot of people deliberately refusing to treat pancreatitis while in the hospital, arguing that it is quite possible to take medications at home. Moreover, even with the need for injection therapy, many do not agree to hospitalization, preferring to invite nurse for injections or to involve relatives.

Actually, if the issue does not touch really insurmountable circumstances( there is no one to leave children with, etc.), it is better still at the onset of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic to immediately agree to treatment in a hospital.problems caused by abnormalities in the pancreas, because only careful examinations conducted by qualified personnel of the clinic can provide an objective picture of the patient's condition, and therefore - to assign the most effectiveth therapy. The work of the pancreas is extremely important for the full functioning of the body, so if the doctor, in the presence of pancreatitis, advises hospitalization, then he is sure that it will be better for you.

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It should be understood that even if the complete cure for inflammation of the pancreas is not achieved, then in any case, the hospital specialists will try to do everything possible to keep its natural functions as fully as possible. Sometimes only effective treatment of the pancreas in the clinic is the patient's only chance to continue, if not habitual, at least close to the former way of life. After all, unfortunately, pancreatitis is a disease that dictates its conditions, consisting in various restrictions( in the first place - in nutrition).

In addition, treatment of inflammation of the pancreas in a hospital usually does not last long: in mild forms the patient is given an infusion therapy for several days, after which he is discharged from the clinic home, having previously made the appointment. And the sooner you turn to the clinic, the more effective will be the treatment of pancreatitis and the shorter the period of stay in the hospital it will take. But it should be remembered that the satisfactory state of the patient will depend not only on the actions of the medical staff, but also on strict compliance of the patient with all prescriptions.

Hospitalization with pancreatitis

Suspicion of an attack of acute pancreatitis shows hospitalization. Only in a hospital where there is a modern diagnostic equipment, you can make a correct conclusion about the patient's condition. The tactics and methods of treatment depend on how correctly the diagnosis is made. And in the end - how high-quality will be the future life of man.

In the hospital admission department the following studies are assigned to the patient hospitalized with the direction of "acute pancreatitis":

  • general hemogram( the number of leukocytes determines the presence of inflammation);
  • biochemical blood test( for the detection of RV enzymes in the blood);
  • ultrasound of internal organs( to determine the location of the source of inflammation);
  • emergency laparoscopy.

As a result of the initial examination in the hospital, the morphology of the disease( form of pancreatitis) is established, the amount of organ damage and the likelihood of developing abdominal complications. A decision is made on the further way of treatment: therapeutic or surgical.

How is pancreatitis treated in a hospital?

The patient is placed in the intensive care unit and intensive care unit of the clinic. In 70-75% conservative treatment is used, its volume depends on the form of pancreatitis( non-severe edematous or already severe necrotic).The goal of therapy is to stabilize the patient's condition as soon as possible, to prevent the development of destructive form and death. At the early stage of the disease, the pathological process is controlled, so a whole set of measures is taken to remove the patient from an acute, often critical condition.

Targeted activities in the treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital:

  • Providing functional dormancy of the pancreas. With severe pain and vomiting, fasting is prescribed up to 4 days, a special catheter is placed in the stomach to remove its contents for 1-3 days;antacids are taken( if pain and vomiting are not intense in the form of an almagel), cold mineral alkaline water can be recommended, in severe cases, H2 blockers are injectively injected.
  • Removal of edema of the prostate and parapancreatic fiber. To stimulate diuresis intravenously, diuretics are administered, a bubble with ice is topically applied.
  • Anesthesia. The removal of pain in the hospital is practiced with Novocain blockades and analgesics, including narcotics. Hypertension in the biliary tract is eliminated by the use of spasmolytic agents with miotropic properties( simultaneously dilate the vessels).
  • Suppression of enzyme activity in the clinic is performed with the help of inhibitors. The introduction of antifenzymes in large doses stabilizes the processes in the prostate, promote the renewal of tissues at the cellular level.
  • The fight against enzymatic intoxication is assigned individually in special cases.
  • Antibiotic therapy in the hospital is carried out in the presence of purulent complications and for their prevention. Preference is given to bicomponent drugs with the possibility of intensive accumulation of the active substance in an unchanged form or antibiotics in combinations.
  • Normalization of metabolism. Infusion introduction of salt solutions, soda, plasma, albumin provide a water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, protein metabolism.
  • Detoxification of the body. If necessary, destructive conditions are performed by drainage of the thoracic lymphatic duct or peritoneal dialysis.
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