Complications of chronic gastritis, what are the consequences?

By itself this disease is not very scary, however, its consequences can be much more serious because of a number of complications. If the patient periodically visits a doctor, follows all recommendations, monitors his diet, then anxious symptoms will quickly pass, and chronic gastritis will go to the stage of long-term remission and will not bother for a long time. Sometimes the pain will appear at the time of complication of chronic gastritis, but the rest of the time the patient will not experience any special difficulties. You can even pamper yourself with products from the forbidden list, but we should not forget about the danger of incidents and complications.

It should be noted that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often, accompany a person for the rest of his life. It is clear that the disease chronic gastritis, which was acquired for many years can not be cured in a short time - miracles do not happen. The stomach is already damaged, the secretory secretion is broken, complex inflammatory processes can occur due to complications. Therefore, to complete its recovery, it takes a lot of time, as well as proper treatment.

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Than chronic gastritis is dangerous?

There is a large number of diseases that can occur against its background. It is worth knowing that many of them can even lead to death. Therefore, do not delay with a visit to the doctor, even if you have an initial stage of the disease, and it is better sometimes to visit a specialist for the delivery of appropriate tests to identify any violations in the body before the time to avoid complications. The danger can be:

  1. Ulcer. Symptoms are very similar to gastritis, but still strongly differ from it. Very negatively affects not only the stomach, but also all other organs. She suffers more than 10% of the adult population of the country, and the number is steadily growing. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the consequences can be very deplorable.
  2. The most terrible disease of the twenty-first century is cancer. Unfortunately, it can not always be cured. It can arise as an independent disease, and be the next step after an ulcer. A lot of people die from it in Russia, and most often, cancer is caused by gastroenterological problems. The well-known fact that chronic gastritis in some cases can cause damage to a certain bacterium, after this disease, the chance to earn stomach cancer is greatest.

This is only a small part of the complications that can develop against the background of gastritis chronic, the consequences can be less dangerous, such as bleeding, but they also have a negative impact on health.

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