Acute gastritis, ICD code 10

To date, it is known that the most significant cause of development of acute gastritis is the irritating effect of various pathogenic factors. Among the irritating factors, it is possible to distinguish abundant, acute, excessively cold, or hot food, the use of alcoholic beverages, the use of medications( sulfonamides, corticosteroids, digitalis, NSAIDs, etc.), microorganisms( Helicobacter pylori, staphylococcus), stress reactions,various kinds of food allergies, autoimmune diseases, pernicious anemia( B12-deficient).

According to the prevalence of acute gastritis, according to the ICD with a code change of 10, divided into diffuse gastritis, when the process affects the entire stomach, or focal, when some of its departments are involved in the process. In turn, the structure of focal gastritis distinguishes pyloroduodenal, pylorhanthral, ​​antral and fundal gastritis.

Based on the morphological changes in the gastric shell, several forms of acute gastritis can be identified, according to the ICD with revision code 10: catarrhal( simple);fibrinous;purulent( phlegmonous);necrotic, most often developing when entering into the stomach of aggressive chemicals( NaOH, H2SO4, etc.).

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Morphology of the gastric mucosa during catarrhal( simple) gastritis belongs to the ICD, with revision code 10, to heading 29.0.It has characteristics: the mucous layer is thickened and pinched, hyperemic( full of blood), abundantly covered with slimy masses, with a large number of petechial hemorrhages( small hemorrhagic spots), erosion. Most often this form of acute gastritis results in complete regeneration of the mucous cover of the stomach, according to the ICD code 10.

Morphology of fibrinous gastritis: the formation of fibrinous film on the surface of thickened mucosa. The depth of mucosal necrosis may be different according to the ICD.Proceeding from this, this form is differentiated into croupous( insignificant depth of necrosis) and diphtheria( great depth of necrosis) fibrinous species.

Morphology of purulent( phlegmonous) gastritis: the folds of the mucosa become coarse, with multiple hemorrhages, fibrinous-purulent films, the stomach wall contains a leukocyte( purulent) infiltrate. In this form of acute gastritis, according to the ICD with the code revision 10, often develops such a serious complication as peritonitis.

In the case of necrotic( corrosive) gastritis, necrosis may affect the superficial and / or deep layers of the gastric mucosa. By the form of necrotic changes is divided into coagulation( dry) or colliquated( wet).This acute form, indicated in ICD-10, under heading 29.1, usually leads to the formation of erosive changes and acute ulcers( the outcome may be phlegmon and gastric perforation).The consequence of massive necrosis of acute phlegmonous and corrosive forms of acute gastritis( according to ICD code 10, heading K29.1) is mucosal atrophy and sclerosis of the gastric wall( cirrhosis of the stomach).

Clinical manifestations

The acute form clinic, according to the ICD, is diverse and, in many respects, depends on the extent and duration of the irritating factor. In some cases, after 3-6 or 12 hours after the violation of diet gradually develops weakness, the appearance in the mouth of an unpleasant taste, heaviness, possible pain in the epigastric region, dizziness, belching, nausea and vomiting. The tongue is covered, the stomach is moderately swollen. Palpation of the epigastric region is painful. The patient usually feels thirst, subfebrile condition is noted( subfebrile fever lasting more than 2 weeks).Also for acute gastritis, indicated in ICD code 10, hypersecretion, increased acidity of gastric contents( possibly the opposite phenomenon - hypoacidity) and impaired motor function of the stomach( pylorospasm) are characteristic. In some cases, vomiting contributes to blood clotting( increased hemoglobin( HGB) and red blood cell( RBC) concentrations.) Occasionally, moderate neutrophilia( an increase in the concentration of neutrophilic leukocytes), leukocytosis and ESR acceleration( erythrocyte sedimentation rate) are recorded

General blood test: most often withoutabnormalities

Coprogram: latent blood with gastric bleeding( in Gregersen's reaction), with a reduced acidity, particles of undigested food can be detected.

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