The first( early) symptoms of stomach cancer, photo, what are the initial signs of the disease?

Symptoms of stomach cancer in the initial stages of cancer development can be expressed so poorly that even experienced gastroenterologists often can not correctly determine what exactly the patient that they observe is sick.

Most experts believe that the most common first symptoms of stomach cancer are permanent weakness, apathy and a progressive decrease in appetite. The patient begins to complain about the appearance of an incomprehensible aversion to food and strange gastric discomfort. After the end of the process of food intake, such a patient suffers from a feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, focal pains in the abdomen, nausea and severe vomiting( sometimes with blood clots) appear.

Another common first symptom of oncological disease is weight loss. The patient begins to lose weight rapidly without any apparent reason, looks pale and exhausted. In addition, such an oncological patient strongly suffers from depressive disorders, closes in himself and loses all interest in communication with representatives of his surrounding society.

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The first signs of stomach cancer are very much like the symptoms of other diseases, so for a final confirmation of the preliminary diagnosis the patient needs to undergo a thorough gastroenterological examination in a hospital.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer

In the early stages of gastric cancer, gastroenterologists record a number of specific epithelial changes in the patient. There is metaplasia and dysplasia of the surface cells of the digestive tract, which indicates that dangerous atrophic changes occur in the patient's body.

Many specialists note the syndrome of small signs of cancer. The patient complains of aversion to certain foods, anemia and weakness throughout the body. Also tremor of extremities can be observed. Appetite, as such, is absent, since in the early stages of human cancer, unpleasant aching pains in the gastrointestinal tract are being tormented, and swallowing is severely hampered.

Early symptoms of gastric cancer can have both a specific character for this disease, and can be expressed in the form of typical disorders of the body. Such primary signs include severe nausea and vomiting of blood. The stool with stomach cancer has an unpleasant smell and looks almost black. Noticing such abnormalities of the stool is necessary urgently to address to the oncologist.

Unfortunately, the early signs of stomach cancer are very similar to the symptoms of many other common diseases, so during a simple office examination it is impossible to identify. For an accurate diagnosis, you need a thorough examination in the hospital, which will be controlled by experienced specialists who specialize in oncological diseases.

Initial signs of stomach cancer

The initial manifestations of symptoms of gastric cancer include general weakness, loss of appetite and partial apathy to the world. Many patients with suspected gastric cancer complain of an incomprehensible aversion to meat and fish dishes. This primary sign is already considered a serious reason for visiting a gastroenterologist and oncologist.

Epigastric pain is another classic symptom of the initial stage of stomach cancer. The nature of the pain can be very different. Some patients complain of constant aching pains, others on attacks of an acute pricking, and the third and at all test only small discomfort in the field of GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, arising after meal. All of the above first symptoms can both be removed through the use of medicines prescribed by the doctor, and continue to exhaust the patient.

In some cases, a painful syndrome may be followed by bleeding. The main problem here is that the initial symptoms of cancer can mask the first signs of other less dangerous diseases. However, vomiting with blood is a very serious reason for visiting a professional oncologist.

Some gastroenterologists believe that one of the most important first symptoms of stomach cancer is permanent anemia and the accompanying anxious fever. The patient may complain of severe nausea, become estranged and most of the time try to stay away from others. This behavior, formed by changes occurring in the body, is considered a psychological sign of the development of stomach cancer.

All of the above signs may indicate the development of oncology, and require an urgent diagnostic study.

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