Disease of stomach cancer, precancerous diseases

The most common diseases like gastric cancer occur in elderly people - 60-75 or more years. It was also found that oncological diseases of the stomach in men are twice as common as in women. It is known that the appearance of cancer can also affect the socio-economic conditions of human life, potential carcinogens, contaminated food and geo-hydrochemical factors( soil acidity, water hardness, trace element composition).According to the results of the research, those patients who took in food a large number of marinades, pickles, smoked products, fats, fried meat and fish were more exposed to the disease. The monotony of nutrition is also a factor of the hunger risk of the occurrence of such a disease as stomach cancer.

Causes of cancer diseases

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of such a serious illness:

  • abuse of severely hot food;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane with strong alcohol;
  • misuse of spices and condiments;
  • ingestion of duodenal contents( including bile) into the stomach from the duodenum by means of pyloric pulp( sphincter when leaving the stomach).
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High content of nitrates in root crops and vegetables grown in those areas where fertilizers containing nitrogen are used with a surplus can be high. Very effectively absorb nitrates such vegetables: cucumbers, lettuce, radish, beets, radish, eggplant, rutabaga. To prevent cancer, it is strictly not recommended to eat vegetables and fruits of unknown origin.

Genetic factors play an important role in the development of cancer diseases. Most often they are registered in people with a second blood group. There are often family and oncological diseases, especially in the line of mothers.

Precancerous diseases of the stomach

Contribute to the onset of the disease and precancerous diseases of the stomach of high risk:

  • chronic large stomach ulcers( whose diameter is 2 or more centimeters);
  • multiple and adenomatous polyps;
  • chronic atrophic gastritis;
  • erosive gastritis with full erosion;
  • long-term helicobacter on the mucosa;
  • extremely long gastric obstruction.

As is known, gastric cancer is a long-term pathological process of atypia of cells, which can take from one year to seven, and sometimes even more than 7 years. The latent precancerous period of tumor development usually takes about 75% of the time. This period is considered to be a latent or early cancer. At this period of the disease, patients most often complain of pain in the upper abdomen, heaviness in the stomach after eating, worsening of appetite and general weakness.

Prevention of cancers of the digestive tract:

  • proper nutrition, diet with increasing plant foods and dairy products, reducing marinades, smoked foods, pickles and animal fats;
  • detection with subsequent treatment of high-risk groups, with regular dynamic monitoring;
  • refusal from drinking and smoking;
  • Vitaminoprophylaxis, which includes vitamins A, C, E, amino acids and microelements;
  • strict control of the content in the soil, atmosphere and food products of radionuclides and nitrosamines.

The late period of the disease is characterized by: persistent pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, incessant hiccough, anemia, significant body weight deficiency.

It is possible to treat such a form of cancer only operatively. There are only two types of operations - with complete removal of the stomach and tumor( called gastroectomy) and removal of most of the organ with the tumor( subtotal resection).Effective surgery only at an early stage of the disease.

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