Plaque in the language of dysbacteriosis, photo

Dysbacteriosis, which is provoked by a long and uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, steroid drugs, immunosuppressants can manifest itself in various forms, that is, there are curdled layers on the surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue. Plaque can be removed as easily or not. In the first case, the surface of the tongue has a reddish hue. If it is not removed easily, then after removal you can find a hyperemic bleeding surface, and the procedure itself will be painful, and accompanied by a burning sensation. If the plaque has a foamy character, then this is a sign of the presence of fungal flora.

According to the characteristic of the plaque in the language, it is possible to determine the presence of a dysbacteriosis. Thus, it can be determined based on:

  • Thickness. Characterized by an increased coverage, which does not provide an opportunity to discern the color of the tongue.
  • Colors. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by white color, only taking into account the use of the correct treatment of the disease and its course in a mild form. In severe type of dysbacteriosis will acquire a yellow tint.
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  • Consistency. Mostly moist and oily.
  • Locations. It is localized on the left side of the surface of the tongue.
  • Easy removal. With dysbiosis, it is possible to remove the coating quite easily, but later it will appear again.

Plaque on the tongue with

dysbacteriosis. If this symptom appears, this can be the cause of a large number of diseases, however, in case of suspicion of a dysbacteriosis, the following tests will be assigned:

  • General blood test. In this case, there will be signs of intestinal microflora disorder, acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation and an increase in the number of white blood cells.
  • Bacteriological sowing with mucous will help determine the level of its sensitivity to taking antibiotics.
  • Biochemical blood test will help assess the state of the intestines with dysbiosis.
  • Coprogram.

Language care for dysbacteriosis

Language is a kind of filter for food that can get into the airway. Along with this, such an organ has the function of delaying unwanted microorganisms from entering the gastrointestinal tract. It must be cleaned, as it provides an opportunity for the accumulation of bacteria, which then, together with food, enter the stomach and blood.

Cleaning of the tongue with dysbacteriosis is carried out immediately after brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth, but before eating. To date, you can find brushes on the market that are used not only for dental care, but also help maintain the hygiene of the tongue. In the event that such a brush is not at hand, you can use these methods:

  • Cleaning with your fingers for one minute. It is worth noting that after each movement of the pads, not only the mouth cavity is rinsed, but also the fingers themselves.
  • Cleaning with a spoon. In this case, you need to scrape the plaque, while also rinsing the mouth and the spoon itself.

The surface of the tongue can also be cleaned with vegetable oils. To do this, take a tablespoon of any oil in the mouth and rinse for 15-20 minutes. By the end of the procedure, the oil will become watery: if the cleansing is successful, the color of the contents will be white, with the yellow color of the contents - it is worth repeating the procedure.

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