Wetting eczema - treatment and symptoms

Dermal eczema is a cutaneous non-communicable disease, which in medical terminology is also called idiopathic or true eczema.

The term "Eczema" comes from the ancient Greek language and in translation means "effervescence" or "boiling" - this is an affirmation of those symptoms that are characteristic of this type of disease.

With wet eczema on the skin of a person, bubbles form, which subsequently burst with the release of serous fluid;this phenomenon really resembles the boiling of water.

To understand how wet eczema looks, we will look at detailed photos, as well as the symptoms and treatment of this unpleasant disease in humans.

Causes of

The most common cause of wet eczema is the immune inflammation of the skin. Not the least role is played by functional disorders of the central nervous system, endocrine disruption, digestive tract, metabolic processes, etc.

The disease has a chronic recurrent character, exacerbations occur, as a rule, under the influence of psychoemotional stresses, improper diet, contact with chemicals or other allergens.

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Symptoms of wet eczema

When wetting eczema occurs, the patient experiences symptoms such as swelling of the skin, bubbles and redness of the skin. Next, the bubbles spontaneously open and form a wet eczema, which aches and itches.

A characteristic feature of the disease is the symmetry of the manifested processes. In children, eczema often develops on the face, chin, less often on the head, back, chest, knees and elbows. In adults, eczema is often diagnosed on the arms, neck, ankles, and also in bends - on the inside of the elbow or on the outside of the knee.

To determine how to treat a disease, it is important to initially attribute the manifested ailment to a particular kind. After going to the doctor and undergoing the prescribed treatment, many completely get rid of the symptoms of eczema.

However, it is possible that even after a few years, eczema will not break out again, hitting an even larger area of ​​the skin. To cause such a relapse can be severe fatigue, nervous breakdown or even improper nutrition.

Dermal eczema photo

Treatment with folk methods

Traditional medicine has accumulated its arsenal of ways to relieve the condition of patients with eczema, proven for centuries. And yet they are, most likely, an auxiliary character, to facilitate the manifestation of the disease.

With the permission of the attending doctor, some folk remedies can be used, for example:

  1. Compresses from sea buckthorn and fir oil, cucumber brine relieve inflammation and swelling.
  2. Adoption of warm baths with the addition of decoction from the following herbs: clover, chamomile, pine needles, spores, millennia, elderberry, plantain. As well as essential oils of geranium, tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender, etc.
  3. To soothe the injured skin, you can add to the bath essential oils of tea tree, geranium, ylang-ylang, lavender.
  4. You can lubricate the affected area with calcareous ointment, which you can prepare yourself, adding as much water to 100 g of extinguished lime. The mixture must be brought to a boil, allowed to stand until completely cooled, strain and mix with vegetable oil in the same proportion.

It must be remembered that before using any method of treatment, one should consult a doctor in charge, because self-treatment of wet eczema can be dangerous for the general condition of the patient.

Ointment from dying eczema

Sometimes during the period of moss closure, it is effective to use ointments together with pastes or to combine them with oil, oil solution( Retinol, Carotolin or Tocopherol Acetate).If the patient is poorly tolerated fatty bases, then low-fat ointments, based on gelatin, glycerin, casein, agar, starch, are prescribed.

You can soften the skin with boric ointment, salicylic ointment, Lorinden cream, Castellani liquid, cream containing Ketoconosol, pots with potassium permanganate.

Treatment of moccasive eczema

Like any other disease, eczema is easier to prevent, rather than then seek how to treat it. Therefore, those people who are more predisposed to its development, it is necessary to take care of your skin, protect it from possible irritants.

Exclude from its use all chemicals: washing powder, dishwashing detergent, soap and so on. Completely change your way of life, get rid of stressful situations, stick to a hypoallergenic diet.

The treatment regimen for wet eczema includes:

  • immune and sedative drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • vitamins;
  • sometimes hormone therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • local effect on the skin( cream, ointment, lotion, etc.);
  • diet, limiting contact with household chemicals.

Than to treat wet eczema? Therapy includes preparations of local and systemic nature. Application of the latter is intended to influence in the following directions:

  • reduction of sensitization( sensitivity to the allergen);
  • reduction of intoxication syndrome;
  • decrease in the severity of inflammation( steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines);
  • immunocorrection;
  • angioprotection( strengthening of the vascular wall);
  • correction of changes from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sedative therapy;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • symptomatic therapy.

Treatment of wet eczema on the hands, leg or other parts of the body begins with the reception of antihistamine medicines of the 1st generation. Among them are chloropyramine( Suprastin), promethazine( diprasine), acryvastine. If a positive effect is not observed, the patient is prescribed medicines 2-3 generations, such as ebastine, loratadine, and corticosteroids - prednisolone.

Local treatment consists in applying lotions to the affected areas of the body, previously impregnated in a solution of resorcinol or other astringent drugs.

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