Secondary( recurrent) colitis

Recurrent colitis is one of the forms of the course of this chronic type of disease. In this case, the symptomatology periodically manifests itself in an acute form and after a while again becomes sluggish.

According to experts, secondary colitis is the most difficult to treat, because it is characterized by extensive damage to the mucous membrane that lines the intestine. To restore its integrity requires a long medication and a certain diet. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the disease can be cured only through surgical intervention.

Symptoms of secondary( recurrent) colitis require separate consideration. The aggravation of symptoms is most often caused by external stimuli after the cessation of which a period of remission occurs, when the secondary colitis again turns into a chronic stage. In some cases, attacks of secondary colitis are similar to the acute form of this disease. Their severity is determined by the degree of spread of the disease and, of course, the area of ​​the mucosal lesion in the large intestine.

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For the selection of a course of treatment for recurrent colitis, specialists primarily assess the frequency and intensity of seizures. When diagnosing weak seizures, it is sufficient to use the usual conservative methods of treatment to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect. If the attacks of secondary( recurrent) colitis are accompanied by a deep intoxication of the body, a sharp change in the qualitative composition of the blood, as well as a violation of the nitrogen / water-salt balance, surgical intervention is required to eliminate them. This form of the disease adversely affects the overall health of the patient and is accompanied by a weakening of vital functions. That is why when diagnosing a severe form, there are cases with a fatal outcome.

In order to prevent the complication of recurrent colitis, a number of preventive measures need to be carried out regularly. Watch for oral health, lead a lively lifestyle, and also responsibly approach the processing of foods before consuming them and ensure a quiet rate of food intake. By following these recommendations, you will never encounter this unpleasant disease, which can seriously damage the quality of your life and generally worsen your health.

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