Treatment of Parkinson's disease folk remedies: baths, decoctions, diet and exercise

Parkinson's disease, or simply trembling paralysis, overtakes people after 55-60 years. It is a disease of the nervous system: neurons in the brain begin to degenerate, which produce dopamine, a substance that provides normal signaling in nerve cells, and at some point the body ceases to respond adequately to these signals.

Increased muscle tone and trembling limbs at rest, slow motion and difficulty with fine motor skills, unnatural facial expressions are all clear symptoms of progressive Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease is not fatal, but to live for many years and yet not have the normal ability to control your own body - a difficult test, not accidentally, depression - a companion of half of people suffering from this disease.

To cure this disease completely it is impossible, but to control its manifestations, using traditional means of treatment, and to lead a practically full life is quite realistic.

General recommendations for the treatment of

Manifestations of Parkinson's disease are known to people for a long time, and folk medicine has preserved many recipes that help alleviate the condition of people with this disease. Modern medicine as part of complex therapy also recommends decades of proven folk remedies, most importantly - to select them together with your doctor.

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If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, you need to adjust your lifestyle - a full-fledged diet and constant exercise with this diagnosis are mandatory.

And more - when you choose a treatment regimen for Parkinson's disease, consider the following:

  1. It is impossible to eliminate the cause of this disease, therefore the main treatment should primarily alleviate the symptoms - remove stiffness and pain in muscles, restore motor activity, improve blood supply and activate in the cells processesexchange.
  2. Parkinson's disease usually manifests itself in retirement age, when there are already a number of attendant problems. Recipes of traditional medicine should be combined with the drugs that you are taking in parallel.
  3. You should find the first positive shifts in a couple of weeks, so if there are no results, choose other folk remedies.
  4. After a full treatment course, it is useful to spend 2-3 more preventive( take medications in a lower dosage) to fix the result.

Do you know the symptoms of cerebral ischemia? Diagnosis of the disease, methods of treatment.

The norm of intracranial pressure in adults can be found here.

External means

Folk remedies for external use in Parkinson's disease are designed to soften the tension muscles and remove spasms:

  • for the legs are useful baths from the dry roots of the fern: take a tablespoon of roots per liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours. We do the procedures regularly, about half an hour;
  • is useful to take baths with thyme: they soothe muscles throughout the body. Two handfuls of thyme herb boil for 5 minutes, give a little brew and pour into the bath. The duration of such water procedures is 20 minutes.
  • universal ointment can be made from laurel leaves: grind them into powder, on 4 table. Spoons of raw material we take 0.5 liters of vegetable oil( unrefined!).We boil, we insist for two days, then we boil again. Rubbing into diseased limbs.

Decoctions and infusions

Herbal infusions and decoctions are an effective remedy for Parkinson's disease, provided that folk remedies do not replace you chemotherapy drugs, but only supplement the basic therapy.

The earlier you discovered Parkinson's disease, the softer the remedies can be used. The initial stages will help such recipes:

  • root of valerian, oregano, yarrow and white mistletoe - in equal parts. Fill with boiling water( a tablespoon per glass) and leave it overnight. Drink before meals in half a cup, at least 3 times a day;
  • sage: we take a table.a spoon of chopped grass on a glass of water and insist the night( preferably in a thermos).Filter and drink one-quarter during the day after eating;
  • if there are no serious chronic diseases, oat broth will help: a glass of unpeeled grains are poured with water( 3 liters), brought to a boil and boiled for an hour. Ready to drink broth instead of water, no longer than two days. Then we prepare fresh.
  • is a good alternative to decoctions in the early stages of the disease - propolis: we take it in cycles: 15 days after eating 2-3 grams, 15 days - half the dose.

If these folk remedies are powerless, more powerful herbs will help:

  • mix equally the roots of the hemlock and goose eye patch - 4 table.spoons per liter of water. Boil, insist all night and drink 4 times a day before eating;
  • we take: 2 pieces of lemon balm + creeping thyme, 1 part - mint + oregano + mistletoe + motherwort. Tablespoon of raw materials for a glass of boiling water - we insist in the thermos for one hour, filter and drink half a glass an hour after eating, 2 times during the day.

Power system

The diet for Parkinson's disease has several goals: to provide a weakened body with vitamins and trace elements, to establish a full-fledged brain nutrition and the work of the gastrointestinal tract: Parkinson's disease is often accompanied by constipation and weight loss.

How to eat correctly:

  • guarantee of normal metabolism and intestinal work - fractional food: eat small portions 4-5 times a day;
  • if it is already difficult for you to chew and swallow food, give up dry and fried foods, grind food, introduce puree, soups and cream soups, viscous cereals, etc. into the ration.

What you need to include in the diet:

  • to get rid of constipation, eat more fiber: fruits and vegetables( preferably small pieces, vegetables - thermally processed), various cereals,
  • dairy and sour-milk products - this will adjust the intestines, strengthen the bones,in the muscles;
  • to activate the brain: fatty fish and seafood, with care - nuts and seeds,
  • if you quickly lose weight - include in the menu vegetable oils, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, protein foods.
Important - drink plenty of water, up to 8-10 glasses per day: Parkinson's disease often provokes dehydration.

Physical exercises

To ensure a full life with Parkinson's disease will help permanent physical activity. And this is not only a special set of exercises - dancing, working in the garden and in the suburban area, walking outdoors and swimming - in the early stages, all this will help delay the disease and prevent symptoms.

If the disease progresses, therapeutic gymnastics becomes already a necessity of the .Regular exercises with Parkinson's disease help to reduce trembling of the hands and feet, teach you to relax the muscles, improve the gait and restore coordination of movements:

  • exercises should not be a burden to you: do gymnastics to pleasant fatigue, for starters - for 10-15 minutes a day,gradually increasing the time;
  • the main load should be on those muscle groups that have suffered the most;
  • the amount of training, their duration and the degree of exercise should always be agreed with your doctor.

Complexes LFK in Parkinson's disease there are many, we will specify only some exercises:

  1. We press our backs exactly to the wall, the body is stretched in one line. We stand straight, we count to five, we relax.
  2. The starting position - sitting or lying, as it is more convenient. We put our hands on the neck and turn the whole body( simultaneously with the neck) to the right and left.
  3. We sit down on a chair and try to tilt forward, putting his hands on his knees with his hands down. At an inclination we arch our back. We return back, straighten our shoulders.

We perform all the elements 10 times.

Convulsions - painful numbness of the muscles, which occurs involuntarily. Let's see why it reduces the cramp of the calves of the legs. Causes of frequent seizures, diagnosis.

On the causes of development of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a mixed type can be found by clicking on the link.

Methods for treating dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis are well covered in the following article: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /golovokruzhenie/ golovokruzhenie-pri-osteohondroze.html.

Prevention of the disease

Parkinson's disease develops over the years: it becomes visible already in retirement age, but the first manifestations can begin as early as 25-40 years. And here it is important not to miss the alarming signals.

If there are difficulties while driving, coordination is disrupted, facial expressions become not quite normal, immediately contact a specialist.

In the prevention of Parkinson's disease, the main thing is to detect the disease at the initial stage and adjust the lifestyle - then you will maximally delay the obvious clinical manifestations of this illness.

Prevention of Parkinson's disease is primarily a healthy lifestyle. Constant motor activity, work and obligatory walks in the fresh air, playing sports will help to keep muscles in a tonus for many years.

A balanced diet will provide useful substances to all parts of your body, a special emphasis should be placed on the nutrition of the brain.

Parkinson's disease is a long and very unpleasant disease, but it's not a verdict. An integrated approach to treatment, a combination of necessary drugs, proven folk remedies, a special diet and proper physical activity will help you lead a normal life and feel a full-fledged person.

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