Forms of chronic pancreatitis, dyspeptic, painful

In the modern medical classification of chronic pancreatitis, according to the peculiarities of the clinic, the disease is divided into five forms:

  • Polysymptomatic.
  • Painful.
  • Pseudotumoral.
  • Latent.
  • Dyspeptic.

In the case of a polysymptomatic form of chronic pancreatitis, the pain is localized in the gland region and irradiates into the heart, left hypochondrium, back, or is shrouded in nature. Most often, the pain syndrome occurs against a background of strong emotional experiences or gross disturbances in nutrition, and may be accompanied by crises.

In pain, the pain is permanent and intense. Subjectively, the pain is dull, periodically amplified, but without clearly expressed relapses. Such constant pain can indicate the onset of the formation of a cyst in the pancreas.

With pseudo-tumoral pancreatitis, there is often a steadily increasing persistent mechanical jaundice. These processes are associated with changes in the head of the inflammatory gland, which subsequently lead to the development of pancreatic sclerosis. Under the effect of sclerosing tissue, the gland's head increases and begins to squeeze the common bile duct, thereby causing the appearance of jaundice. In parallel, pains are manifested in eating disorders, dyspeptic disorders and weight loss.

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Latent - manifests itself as an external secretory deficiency of the gland, which manifests itself due to the death of the prevailing part of the acinar tissue. The pain may not be expressed or wear a aching stupid character. Pain syndrome often manifests itself after overeating or taking fatty foods. Patients with a latent form often have a loose stool. The temperature in the remission phase is normal, with exacerbation - subfebrile or elevated.

Dyspeptic form of chronic pancreatitis is characterized by such manifestations of digestive system disorders as nausea, bloating, pronounced aversion to fatty foods, vomiting, belching eaten food or air, hypersalivation.

In case of severe exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis due to gross violation of diet, all forms from dyspeptic to polysymptomatic can manifest themselves with increased sweating, frequent threadlike pulse, hypotension, tachycardia, cyanosis of lips and shock state.

Pain form of chronic pancreatitis

One of the variants of pathology development is the painful form of chronic pancreatitis. Most often, it is noted in patients who do not have a very long history, and is characterized by a number of characteristic symptoms. The main difference from other clinical forms is the presence of a virtually permanent and prolonged pain syndrome.

The most characteristic localization is the upper part of the abdomen with irradiation into the back area, there are also pains along the girdle type. The intensity of the main clinical sign can be different and depends on many factors. Most of the patients notice unpleasant, dull and aching pain, with possible periodic strengthening against the background of provoking moments( relaxation in diet, exercise, bad habits).

When the painful form of chronic pancreatitis is not characterized by pronounced exacerbations and remissions, they represent, in fact, an ongoing process. Of the other clinical signs, there is a decrease in appetite and associated weight loss. In addition, patients note a constant nausea, bloating, a tendency to diarrhea and flatulence. In clinical examination, the pancreas structure may be densified.

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