How to pull out the tapeworm( solitaire) from the human body at home, how to kill, expel, expel the pill?

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This question arises in the case of infection by a chain, when a person feels the presence of a parasite, and the final diagnosis was confirmed by the analysis of stool. There are many ways to kill a tapeworm. It all depends on the variety of the chain and the stage of infection.

A very often invasive patient is surprised by the presence of a chain in the feces, because he does not understand how he got infected, tk.always follows preventive measures. It is worth noting that the conditions for the development of worms are not only unwashed hands, but also thermally poorly processed meat. Sometimes a person can not know that the product is infected, because the eggs of the worm are very small, so they can not be seen with the usual eye unless you use the microscope.

Before taking any action to pull the chain from the human body, you need to make sure that the symptoms and tests confirm the diagnosis. Therapy "blindly" is not assigned. To verify the diagnosis should be guided by the clinical symptoms of the presence of a chain.

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Chain rarely causes a strong bowel disorder. The most common disease is lethargic. The patient notices the presence of worms even when they appear in the stool. And then the question arises, how to get them out. You can only drive a tapeworm if you know exactly its origin. For this purpose, feces are analyzed. It helps to identify the helminth species.

How to remove tapeworm from a person with tablets?

Therapeutic scheme for removing tapeworm from the human body, consists of several main stages.

The first stage is preparation for the process. Used tablets of ordinary activated carbon and drug Allochol. The combined effect of these drugs creates favorable conditions for withdrawing the chain. These remedies help to prevent severe intoxication, which develops in the mass death of helminths.

In the second stage of the struggle with the solitary, the treating physician prescribes antihelminthic drugs. This is the main direction of etiotropic therapy( affecting the cause of the disease).To this end, antiparasitic drugs of a wide spectrum are selected. If they are ineffective or insufficiently effective, the analysis is repeated, the appearance of the chain is revealed. Only after a comprehensive examination can be assigned to a narrowly focused treatment. The most common kill and withdraw the chain is obtained with the help of such tools as Vermox, Decaris, Prazinkvantel, Pirantel, Albendazole.

At the third stage of the treatment of the tartar, recovery is required. If this is not done, the patient will experience severe malaise, headaches and dizziness. These signs indicate a toxic effect of dead parasites on the patient's body. At this stage, the following tools can be used:

  • Immunostimulants of nonspecific action. Any drugs that contain Echinacea. They are useful not only as reductants after the treatment of tapeworm, but also for general maintenance of health.
  • After removing the tapeworm, it is required to normalize the intestinal microflora. For example, this can be done with drugs based on phospholipids and milk thistle. Take them no less than 2-3 months.

Treatment that helps to withdraw the chain should be administered exclusively by the doctor in charge after the examination of the patient. Also, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the course of infection. This is the age of the infected, the type of parasite, the presence of concomitant diseases. The length of time during which the worm lives in the small intestine is taken into account.

How to get tapeworm at home?

Very often, the question arises as to how to drive tapeworm at home and whether it can be done without medication. Some people are ashamed to turn to doctors for the reason that infection with a chain has occurred in adulthood. There are several effective tools that will help to pull the chain at home:

  • A great way to kill tapeworm is to eat pumpkin seeds. For this, you need to prepare in advance. In the evening, you need to confine yourself to dinner. The next day, at dinner, a glass of pureed pumpkin seeds is eaten. The minimum dose is two tablespoons. However, you can eat more, worse from it will not. Pumpkin seeds are very useful for the internal organs as a whole.
  • Garlic is a universal remedy for many diseases. Few people know what to bring out a tapeworm, he also helps. Eat 10 cloves of garlic, while drinking them should be boiled warm milk. At home, this is one of the most effective ways to get rid of tsepnya.
  • If you eat garlic with pickled herring on an empty stomach in the morning - this will be an excellent prevention of worms. These products stimulate their release into the external environment, while also having a destructive effect.

All home methods should be done solely on an empty stomach, otherwise the effectiveness will not be achieved. There is an opinion that kerosene helps to bring out the chain perfectly. A glass of a drink on an empty stomach quickly kills a tapeworm. However, it is worth considering that such treatment can negatively affect the patient's health. Kerosene can cause a chemical burn. Moreover, for children such treatment is completely unacceptable.

Other home methods that help remove tapeworm:

  • Coconut is a product with unusual properties. It's hard to believe that he is coping effectively with chains. To get it to date does not amount to work. In addition, this treatment is not only useful, but also pleasant. On an empty stomach, the patient must drink a glass of coconut milk, then eat the whole pulp from the inside. After 5-6 hours, the tapeworm will go out along with the calves. In extreme cases, it will happen the next morning. It is important to pay attention to the parasite was dead.
  • A special diet will also help to pull the chain from the body. It is important to strictly limit your diet. On the first day, the emphasis is on well-washed vegetables in raw form. After 5 pm, eat is forbidden. To bring out the tapeworm after the first vegetable day, the patient needs to switch to coconuts. On the third day in the morning, a glass of castor oil is recommended. If after this the worm comes out with mucus masses without a head, the procedure must be repeated. It is best to contact your doctor to help remove the parasite with more effective pharmacological methods.

You can pull out the chain at home yourself, if it's embarrassing to visit a medical institution. However, there is nothing terrible in infecting the parasite. This happens with both children and adults. In case the tapeworm penetrated into the children's body, self-medication methods should be used only as prevention. Asking a doctor and taking the tests in this situation is very important to avoid negative consequences.

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