The course of complex treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

As a course of treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults in modern medicine, means are selected that not only help in reducing symptoms, but also with the content of living beneficial bacteria.

Often, doctors say that to get a positive result of the complex treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, you need to follow a specialized diet. This, of course, is important, however, all dietary recommendations for complex therapy should be strictly individual, depending on which leading pathology is the violation of microflora. Therefore, do not exactly follow the various menus that you can find on the Internet, but you just need to focus on them, and provide a compilation of a course of dietary nutrition for a dysbacteriosis specialist.

Course of treatment of dysbacteriosis with probiotics and prebiotics

Such preparations contain live intestinal bacteria - mainly enterococci, bifido- and lactobacilli. However, they are not applied at every stage of microflora disturbance, since in case of mild manifestation, the organism itself is able to cope with pathogens. Thus, probiotics are included in the course of treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis only if the clinic, etiology and symptomatology are clearly expressed, and it is required to speed up the process of restoring the bacterial balance.

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To date, there are several types of probiotics:

  • Monocomponent, which contain one type of representatives of useful flora.
  • Polycomponent, which contains several representatives of useful flora.
  • Antagonists, which contain bacteria that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Combined, which contain bacteria with obligate flora, which has an immunomodulatory effect.
  • Symbiotics, which contain substances of beneficial microflora and prebiotics.

It should be noted that probiotics are not used for severe dysbacteriosis, since they do not give any effect.

Prebiotics are another group of agents that have a positive effect on microflora disorders. In the course of treatment of dysbiosis in adults include substances that are carbohydrate-like, not absorbed in the intestinal cavity, and become a nutrient medium for beneficial bacteria. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to use medicines, since prebiotics are also contained in plant products in sufficient quantities.

Bacteriophages that are viruses that selectively kill certain types of microorganisms can be included in the course of treatment of dysbacteriosis. So, if the infringement of the microflora is caused by staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, proteus or Klebsiella, it makes sense to include a bacteriophage in the course of treatment of the bacteriophage dysbacteriosis in order to avoid the use of antibiotic agents.

However, some believe that such a course of treatment of dysbacteriosis does not bring due effectiveness, as allegedly they can be destroyed by gastric juice, enzymatic substances, bile. But according to the results of the conducted studies it turned out that the bacteriophages give a fairly good effect, since the symptoms disappear rather quickly, and, consequently, they have a positive effect.

Complex treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis

The course of treatment of dysbacteriosis is made taking into account the fight against manifestations of microflora disorders. A frequent phenomenon in the violation of microflora - a violation of the stool, manifested in the form of diarrhea or constipation. With complex therapy of diarrhea, various astringent drugs are used, and for constipation, laxatives are used.

Quite often there are painful sensations that can easily be removed with the help of antispasmodics. The course of treatment of dysbacteriosis also provides for the prevention of the appearance of an allergic reaction by taking antihistamines. Often, adults develop a neurasthenic condition that can be easily removed with sedatives.

Thus, the course of treatment of dysbiosis provides for various manifestations and complex therapy of the underlying cause of microflora disorders.

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