Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in children - drugs, drugs, drugs, scheme, powder, how to cure what to do, what is better to give the child?

This pathology of the digestive organs, like dysbiosis, deserves special attention and treatment. Especially in the case when it develops in children. And it happens much more often than in adults, even despite the fact that they lead a healthy and active lifestyle. This is because the fragile organisms of babies are more susceptible to negative environmental factors provoking intestinal microflora disorders. These are frequent colds, infectious diseases, which are treated with antibiotics, and poor ecology, causing great harm to the child's organism, and love for fast food, as well as soda. All this contributes to the rapid development of dysbiosis.

Although this pathology is not recognized as a primary disease, it is quite dangerous for children, especially when treatment is not done correctly. Recently, due to the increased growth of the pharmaceutical industry and the huge number of new medicines, it is quite understandable for many parents to question which dysbacteriosis drugs for children will be more reliable, and what is better for the child with powder, medicine or tablets? What can be given to children with dysbiosis, so as not to cause side effects and not to harm even more fragile organisms?

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How to treat a dysbacteriosis in a child?

Before the first occurrence of disorders of the stool or general malaise to start treating children from dysbiosis, "spiky" their medicines, it is worthwhile to figure out whether the disease is, or the process taking place in its body is physiologically normal. To do this is difficult enough, therefore a very important role is given to the prerequisites that could affect the manifestation of symptoms. If children have had antibiotic treatment in the treatment of a disease, and at the same time they have not been prevented from dysbiosis, then this functional disorder of the intestine will be discussed.

The easiest way to find out whether this is a disease or food poisoning is to conduct a study of feces for the presence in it of pathogenic microorganisms that disrupt the microflora of the digestive organs. Also, with the help of such a study, you can find out how well the body absorbs food. In the event that an expert has confirmed the possible development of pathology, the scheme of treatment of dysbiosis in children is selected in accordance with their individual characteristics.

What should I do if a child has a dysbiosis?

First of all, do not panic. Although treatment for children dysbiosis and prolonged, but when all the prescriptions of the doctor, as well as adherence to a special diet, the intestines of the baby will be fully restored and he will forget about the unpleasant symptoms forever. Also, all mothers need to take note: in our time there are many drugs for dysbiosis for children, which can be divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Probiotics. They contain in large quantities useful bacteria, which contribute to the restoration of the beneficial microflora in the digestive organs, which has been disturbed;
  2. Prebiotics, which are necessary in order to "feed" useful microorganisms already present in the intestine.

It is often enough for specialists to treat dysbacteriosis in children, their combination is recommended. It is often possible to hear such a thing that the reception of these funds is necessary for everyone, but this is far from being the case. You need to take this medicine for dysbiosis in children only if:

  • Not so long ago the child was treated with antibiotics, in which besides pathogenic bacteria, useful ones also die;
  • The microflora died after an intestinal infection;
  • If it is a question of newborn children, then they need treatment with such means in the event that they are on artificial feeding, and it is carried out by unadapted mixtures and against this background dysbacteriosis develops.

In all other cases, if the child as a whole feels well, but there are minor abnormalities in the balance of the flora of the digestive tract, they can be very easily adjusted by making changes in the diet.

Remedies for children with dysbiosis

What is the role of prebiotics and probiotics, which are recommended for almost every child? The most diverse and most commonly used in our time group of drugs used to treat and restore the microflora of the digestive organs, which has changed its composition due to a functional disorder in them - is probiotics. The principle of their action lies in the fact that the lactic acid bacteria contained in them contribute to the protection of the digestive organs of children affected by dysbiosis, suppressing rotting microorganisms.

The second group includes prebiotics, which stimulate the activity of probiotics. There is also a third group - symbiotics. They are complex preparations. Among them, for the treatment of dysbiosis in children, the most commonly used are the following:

  • Powder from dysbiosis for children Bifiform. It is encapsulated in gelatin capsules, resistant to gastric juice. Thanks to this, bacteria can freely reach the intestine unchanged;
  • Bifidumbacterin is intended to restore the activity of useful microflora in the children's gastrointestinal tract, and suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria that develop in children with dysbiosis. Also, this drug in the treatment increases the immune status;
  • Linex is used to stabilize the membrane of cells that make up the intestinal epithelium and regulate the absorption of electrolytes;
  • Also well-proven in the treatment of children from the dysbiosis Acipol, which has a multifactorial effect. It increases the immunological resistance of the body due to its high activity.

In severe cases of dysbacteriosis, when it is impossible to stop manifestations of dyspepsia( feeling uncomfortable, bloating, profuse regurgitation or vomiting), children are treated with products that improve the intestinal microflora and restore its functioning. These are dairy products Biolact, adapted with lysozyme, Lactobacterin or Narine forte.

Most drugs containing lactobacilli are available in the form of powders. So often ask about what is best, just drink it with water or still dissolve it? And what is better than capsules or sachets of powder? It depends on the age of the child. If the treatment of dysbacteriosis is carried out in preschool or school-age children, the form of release of the drug does not play a role, it is enough to follow the scheme indicated by pharmacists. But the kids are best used to use the drug, which is available in the form of sachets of powder, which can be dissolved in water or another liquid and give a drink before eating according to the scheme indicated on the package.

Nutrition of children in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

The diet plays a very important role in the treatment of the disease. Only in the case when the mucosa of the digestive organ is not irritated, there is an opportunity to achieve a faster recovery. The diet of the diet is made by a specialist depending on the individual characteristics of the child and on the symptoms accompanying the disease.

If dysbacteriosis in children is accompanied by diarrhea, raw fruits and vegetables are completely excluded from the daily menu. You should eat only baked. In the raw state only bananas are allowed. Under the ban will be all fatty and fried foods, as well as fizzy drinks.

Treatment of children's dysbiosis

It often happens that during the birth the digestive organs of infants stop being sterile. When the newborn moves along the birth canal, its intestines are filled with pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the most correct is to attach the baby to the chest, but this is not always possible. This is the main reason that dysbacteriosis develops in children of monthly age. A lot of moms are interested in what to give the child in this case, to reduce his anguish from unpleasant symptoms.

It is not advisable to treat any medicinal products, because in the intestine of a month-old child besides opportunistic microorganisms there are also useful lactobactero and bifidobacteria , which help calcium assimilation, act as protectors against pathogens and strengthen the immunity of the baby. To determine whether a dysbacteriosis develops in a month-old child does not present any complication. Children at this age with develop intestinal dysfunction nick because of painful spasms constantly capricious, suffer from stool rest over 3 days , often vomit between feedings and sleep poorly at night.

On the question of mothers about what to do and that to give the child in this case, it's easy enough to answer - one of the most effective ways of treating the monthly children of dysbiosis will be breastfeeding. What can be better than mother's milk, which includes all necessary for the baby minerals and vitamins. Also, on the advice of a pediatrician, can initiate to take Bifidumbacterin or Plantex. The doctor , judging by the state of the baby, will say that it is better for him from these bifidobacteria , used to treat children under one year from dysbiosis. To give any of these powders can be dissolved in water just before feeding.

What to give a child from dysbiosis?

A very common question for young parents is that, whether or not medications are treated with a dysbacteriosis of a child, the disease that manifested itself after a year, and what should I give him to ease his health? Specialists respond to this, that the therapy for a grown-up kid is practically the same as that used for infants, and the tests and preparations are the same, only their application is prescribed in a different quantity and according to another scheme.

But treating them with growing children from dysbiosis will be useless if the cause that led to an imbalance in the microflora of the digestive organs will not be eliminated. That is, in the case of an older child, therapy is required for the underlying disease that created conditions for the development of intestinal dysfunction. But the unpleasant symptomatology that is present in children with dysbiosis even at the very beginning of its treatment is removed quite simply and at home. To do this, you just need to do the baby when a painful sensation occurs in the abdomen of his lung massage. This will help not only to ease the soreness, but also relieve the baby's intestines from the accumulating gases.

When children do not need treatment for dysbiosis?

Due to the fact that the state of the microflora of the child's digestive organs is very variable , there are cases when the imbalance in it is provisional and does not require microbiological correction, since it does not harm the functional action of the internal organs. Recently, such a form of pathology that is provoked by false-allergic reactions to food is often encountered, all external symptoms in this case are the same as in a true disease, but without the increased sensitivity of organs and severe symptoms.

What should I do in this case? The most correct is to take wait and see and do not have any treatment for dysbiosis in children. However, it is mandatory to conduct regular studies of stool, according to which the dynamics of the changes taking place in the body will be visible. If they begin to take a pathological turn, specialist st c Azu also selects a therapy scheme using probiotics .

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