Diarrhea with water and sore stomach( stomach)

In the event that a patient who has turned to the doctor with diarrhea with water and a stomachache, it can be a question of many diseases of the digestive system. Such signs correspond to dysentery, colitis, enteritis. They all cause different kinds of diarrhea, so only an expert after a relevant study can tell about the real reason that provoked this symptomatology. But whatever it turns out, from the very beginning of the appearance of such symptoms it is necessary to follow a strict diet. It is prescribed depending on the manifestations of the disease. In the event that watery diarrhea is the result of an imbalance of putrefactive and fermenting processes, the following symptoms appear:

  • Stools take a frothy appearance;
  • The stomach starts to hurt;
  • A rumbling appears in the abdomen and it swells;
  • A sour smell comes from the patient's oral cavity.

When putrefying water, which hurts the stomach, the bulk of the food that makes up the daily diet should be carbohydrate, and when fermented - protein. In the first case, recommended porridge with sugar, vegetables and fruits, and in the second, eating fish, meat, eggs and cottage cheese. But since adherence to a strict diet, when it is necessary to use carefully cooked and wiped food, can cause significant damage to the body in that it can not get the substances necessary for its functioning, urgent measures must be urgently applied. Only due to them it is possible to prevent harmful influence of diarrhea and quickly get rid not only of abdominal pains, but also of diarrhea with water.

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In the case when there was diarrhea with water and the stomach hurts, you can try to relieve the condition with drugs sold in the pharmacy without prescriptions. Their action is aimed at reducing intestinal motility. In addition, they all act as adsorbents. In addition to drug treatment, an emergency measure of therapy of watery diarrhea, accompanied by pain in the abdomen, is the use of traditional medicine. Among them, the blueberry drink and decoctions of onion husks, St. John's wort and oak bark are very well recommended. But in any case, after removing the first acute symptomatology of the pathology, it is necessary to consult a specialist to establish the exact cause that provoked diarrhea with abdominal pain and the appointment of an adequate treatment.

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