Diarrhea with influenza, diarrhea after it in adults and children, is there a loose stool and vomiting, what kind of treatment?

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If there is an infection in the digestive system, one of the symptoms of this may be the occurrence of diarrhea in patients. Diarrhea with influenza occurs very often and is accompanied by fever, dehydration, weakness.

Intestinal flu is an acute disease, its pathogens are various viruses that contribute to the appearance of diarrhea. Once they have entered the body, these viruses begin to multiply, exerting a pathogenic effect on the general condition of the patient, contributing to the appearance of diarrhea. Most often this disease affects children, since their body is most susceptible to diseases. In children, this disease can be more severe, with pronounced symptoms, while in adults the presence of symptoms is not always noticeable.

Causes of diarrhea in the case of the flu

Provoke diarrhea in the first influenza viruses. They get inside through the mucous membrane. Depending on the immune system of the patient's body, the virus can both continue its life activity and die.

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The most frequent way of getting the virus is through food. Low-quality or spoiled food, unwashed products can cause diarrhea and vomiting in the flu. Then comes the incubation period, which lasts about 16 hours, but a longer period is possible.

Since this is not the only possibility of the virus to enter the human body, there is still a threat of transmission by airborne droplets.

This virus is very difficult to destroy. Effectively it can only be affected by too low and high temperatures. The appearance of the virus can be determined after several hours of its presence in the body. Since it will disrupt the structure of the mucous membrane, with the digestion processes will also be violated, and as a consequence - the appearance of watery diarrhea in the flu.

Diarrhea in case of flu in children

Intestinal flu can affect children in the first year of life. The symptoms are the following:

  • the child is very weak, feels tired;
  • frequent attacks of vomiting;
  • temperature increase, the value of which can reach 39 degrees;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • appearance of cough and runny nose.

It is very important to get rid of the disease, and not just to suppress symptoms. After the appearance of these symptoms, it is necessary to cleanse the body of the infection and eliminate diarrhea. Intestinal flu, unlike other gastrointestinal diseases, does not begin with gastric disorders. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the child so as not to lose sight of certain symptoms, after the detection of which, you need to start treatment and diarrhea, and the most infectious disease.

Development of intestinal flu with diarrhea in adults

Like any disease, it develops gradually and has its own specific stages. The incubation period lasts no more than two days. Then follows an acute period with an average duration of about a week. If the disease is severe, the duration of the illness can be prolonged for a longer time. As a rule, the recovery lasts 3-4 days.

After the first two days have passed since the onset of the illness, the patient feels unwell, there are unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. Also, the patient complains of a decrease in appetite, vomiting. There is a cough, a runny nose, a nose can be stuffy and a sore throat can be present.

Diarrhea is a major symptom of intestinal flu. Patients with a loose stool, a prolonged course of which contributes to the occurrence of dehydration, take measures to begin immediately.

In the first stage of the disease, there is not always an elevated body temperature, especially in adults. But with the progression of the disease, diarrhea, the temperature can reach 38-39 degrees.

Treatment of intestinal flu with diarrhea

From the manifestations of intestinal flu must be disposed of in the first stages, preventing the occurrence of any complications that are due to a prolonged liquid stool.

Special medicines, whose effect would be directed to the destruction of rotavirus and diarrhea, no. Therefore, therapy should be designed in such a way as to destroy all symptoms, making the patient feel better.

If there is diarrhea after the flu, you need to isolate the patient to prevent the spread of the infection.

Further, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance and to fill the lack of fluid lost in diarrhea from influenza. Special rehydration solutions will help to prevent dehydration with diarrhea and contribute to the restoration of water balance in the body. If such solutions are not possible, use of a solution of water and salt in liquid stools is allowed. But do not use a lot of water, because there is a big risk of vomiting.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults often does not require taking serious measures, but if the symptoms are actively developing, you need to use methods similar to those with influenza with diarrhea in children.

Diarrhea diarrhea with flu

To accelerate the process of recovery and get rid of diarrhea it is very important to follow a certain diet. To prevent the progression of symptoms, foods that aggravate diarrhea are excluded from the diet. Thus, milk, dairy products not only increase diarrhea, but also can provide bacteria with the necessary environment for their development.

You can eat cooked on the water porridge, chicken broth. Food that is rich in carbohydrates, fruits and juices is also not worth eating during this illness, since after taking such food, the loose stools are strengthened. Portions of diarrhea from influenza should be small, as it happens that the reception of a large number of products immediately causes the patient to vomit. Drinking should be abundant, but not excessive. Salt solutions should be taken in small portions.

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