Drops, tablets and capsules Urolesan: indications, instructions, analogues, reviews

Renal and urinary pathologies provide patients with a lot of discomfort. In addition to painful sensations and puffiness, patients are troubled by urinary disorders, so the process of emptying the bladder becomes quite painful. In nephrology for the treatment of renal pathologies many drugs are used not only synthetic, but also natural composition. Preparations of natural origin are distinguished by the absence of adverse reactions, therefore in the treatment of renal pathologies are priority. One such natural means is Urolean.


The drug Urolesan belongs to the category of combined herbal medicines, it eliminates urinary infections, promotes the excretion of concrements from the kidney and urinary structures. Urolesan is prescribed for a variety of renal pathologies or infectious processes in the urinary tract, cholecystitis, as well as with active stone formation in the cholelithiasis or urinary structures.


The preparation has an exclusively natural composition, which includes:

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  • Extract of oregano;
  • Castor oil;
  • Hop extract;
  • Fir oil;
  • Extract of wild carrot;
  • Essential oil of peppermint.


As mentioned above, Urolesan is manufactured:

  • In the form of gelatin capsules green, inside a yellow powder with a coniferous odor. The package contains 40 capsules. The average price is 314-420 rubles;
  • In the form of a syrup having a light yellowish-greenish shade and a specific taste. The syrup is placed in jars of 90 or 180 ml capacity. There is a syrup of about 280-320 rubles;
  • In the form of drops having a brownish-green hue in 25-milligram bottles. The average price is 280-370 rubles.

Video review of the drug Urolesan:

Principle of action

The drug is quickly absorbed and after half an hour starts to work, and the maximum effect manifests itself in a half to two hours and lasts for 3.5-4 hours. Urolesan is excreted by natural ways. The composition of the drug includes essential oils, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process. In addition, they enhance renal circulation, provide a bactericidal and diuretic effect, lead to the formation of a protective colloid substance in urine.

Also components of Urolesan gently remove muscle spasms, they quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and dissolve in the tissues. Due to the increase in renal circulation, there is activation of urination. The drug promotes rapid removal of inflammatory processes and the removal of tiny pebbles and sand from the urinary and renal structures, as well as the ureters. Urolesan softly anesthetizes, which significantly improves the well-being of patients during the emergence of concrements. Under the influence of the drug components pH of urine changes towards oxidation, diuresis appreciably increases.


Urolesan is assigned under the following conditions:

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  • Gallstones;
  • Urolithiasis if stones are less than 3 mm in size;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Saline diathesis;
  • Inflammation of the urinary bladder;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gall-dyskinesia;
  • Pyelonephritis of various forms;
  • Hepatic pathologies of unspecified nature;
  • Inflammation of the bile duct and in the hepatic tissues;
  • Prevents stone formation after removal of calculus.

Instruction for use

How to take Urolean can only be determined by a specialist. The instruction only gives general recommendations.

  • Urolesan capsules should be taken three times a day for one piece. The drug in this form is indicated for admission to patients older than 14 years of age and adults. The course of therapy is 5-30 days.
  • Drops of the drug are taken as follows: a drop of sugar drips 10 drops and taken before meals three times a day.
  • Syrup Urolesan adults take a teaspoon three times a day for 5-30 days. Children under 2 years of age per day are shown 3-6 ml of the drug, 2-7 years of age - 6-12 ml per day, and 7-14 years of age - 12-15 ml.

Side effects of

Among the possible side effects that may occur with a dosing disorder or a particular sensitivity to the components of Urolesan, the manufacturer indicates such reactions:

  1. Dyspeptic manifestations;
  2. Slight dizziness;
  3. Allergic manifestations such as itching and hives, rashes, etc.;
  4. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting reactions.

If there was a symptomatic overdose, then the patient is recommended complete rest, you need to take activated charcoal and plenty to drink preferably warm liquids. If there is no improvement in the state of health, then the doctor's help is required, which in such cases prescribes atropine sulfate.


Although the drug is of natural origin, it also has certain contraindications:

  • Gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • Gastritis( with the exception of secretory insufficiency);
  • The presence of a particular sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Urolesan in the form of a syrup is contraindicated for diabetics because of the presence of sugar in its composition.

It is not recommended to take any pharmaceutical forms of Urolesan at the sizes of concrements exceeding 3 mm.

Special instructions

The instructions do not contain data on the use of the drug by pregnant patients. In fact, lactation or bearing is not a contraindication for taking the drug, moreover, there are cases of successful treatment of Urolesan with lactating and pregnant patients.

With special care, it is necessary to prescribe the drug after cerebral traumatic or pathological damage and alcohol dependence. Drops of Urolesan are more than half, consist of ethanol, therefore for a day with a three-time admission, the body gets 1.8 ml of alcohol, which can not prevent the driving of motor vehicles, reducing the reaction or attention.


The following preparations apply to preparations similar to Urolesana:

  • Urochol;
  • Enuran;
  • Blemaren;
  • Halidor;
  • Rovatinex;
  • Urocholum;
  • Argafetine;
  • Kanefron;
  • Phytolysin, etc.

Analogues according to the active components of the drug Urolesan not.


Doctors often advise patients not only for stone formation in the kidney and urinary tract, but also for urethritis, cystitis and other inflammatory genito-urinary processes, which are accompanied by urethra, frequent and painful bladder emptying. The drug does not cause adverse reactions and has a completely natural composition, which only positively affects its therapeutic effect.

Patients are very satisfied with the drug. There are cases when severe pain in the kidney due to stones worried, but after taking Urolesan on the third day the condition of the patients improved noticeably, and a week later they forgot about the pain and discomfort that bothered them for so long and painfully.

Patients also note a mild therapeutic effect of the drug in pyelonephritis. Often, with the bacterial nature of this inflammation, patients have to go through antibiotic therapy for a long time, which does not reflect the body's condition in the best way. Urostesan gently and effectively eliminates the source of the problem, while not harming the body, like antibiotics. In general, the drug has earned a lot of positive feedback from both the patients themselves and narrowly specialized specialists.

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