Which bacterium causes a stomach ulcer? Treatment of Helicobacter - microbial pathogen

The pathogenic bacterium of gastric ulcer Helicobacter pylori has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from non-dangerous microorganisms inhabiting the human body:

  • parasitizing at the genetic level; outside the human body, the pathogenic microorganism has practically no chance of survival;
  • bacterium of a stomach ulcer possesses a high degree of organotropy, that is, it affects the tissue cells of organs for the life-support of its species;
  • has the ability to release an increased dose of toxic substances;
  • can be the causative agent of certain infectious diseases;
  • , a bacterium that causes a stomach ulcer, has the ability to remain in the body for a long time at rest, until the immune system weakens, and then begins to multiply and provoke erosion.

Bacteria that cause stomach ulcers produce highly toxic enzymes that affect the physiological norms of the digestive organ and activate inflammation in its mucosa. The produced substance - cytotoxin - affects the cells of the epidermis and leads to their withering away. As a result of this effect, erosions are formed at the site of infection.

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Also, the microbe that causes the stomach ulcer, during their life, contribute to the formation of an increased dose of ammonia, which significantly depresses the protective purpose of gastric mucus. A prolonged persistence( being in a state of rest without reproduction) in the layers of the inner shell provides a chronic stage of the inflammatory process, as a reaction to a long-lasting damaging agent. The pathological physiology of the stomach is a reaction to the ability of the ulcerative bacteria to develop substances that reduce the acidity of the digestive juice, which enables it to adapt and unrestrictedly multiply. Reduced acidity is a signal for the body about the minimum content of gastric juice. Further, the level of hydrochloric acid rises and the patient suffers from heartburn, which subsequently threatens with dangerous complications.

What causes a stomach ulcer and how can you get it?

The main carriers of helicobacter pylori are considered to be people. And although the animals can also get infected, such cases are not extremely common. Epidemiologically dangerous are domestic pigs, cats and dogs, as well as monkeys.

A peptic ulcer enters the human body only through the oral cavity. It adapts to saliva and dental plaque, where it survives well. Get an ulcer and helikobakterioz it is possible through a kiss with the carrier of an infection and at infringement of norms of personal hygiene. By and large, it is easy to protect yourself from the disease, because bacteria are not transmitted through common items of the wardrobe, handshake and airborne way. It is enough to comply with hygiene measures:

  • wash hands after each visit to the toilet;
  • use individual dishes;
  • does not transfer personal hygiene items and cosmetics to other people;
  • teach children that you can not share one candy or bite one by one fruit.

Unfortunately, most parents infect their children at an early age by licking the nipple or using one spoon to eat. Sanitary illiteracy leads to the fact that families undergo joint treatment for stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Gastric ulcer and Helicobacter pylori - treatment and therapy

In the course of the research, specialists found out that most antibiotics that had previously treated gastric ulcer are deactivated due to the acidic environment of the organ or simply are unable to overcome the deep layers of the mucous membrane where there are a large number of microbes. At the moment, the choice of drugs, which is afraid of an ulcer and Helicobacter, is not very wide. The following antibacterial agents are effective:

  1. Amoxicillin and Flemoxin are acid-fast drugs of a wide spectrum of action.
  2. Clarithromycin - is characterized by good bioavailability under acidic conditions, has an extended period of high content of active substances in tissues.
  3. Azithromycin - due to lipophilicity is resistant to acidic conditions.
  4. Tetracycline is a highly effective drug for a wide range of uses.
  5. Levofloxacin - the mechanism of influence is directed to blockade of microbial cells and their irreversible structural damage.

What is the agent of the ulcer afraid of?

Bismuth subcitrate is an active substance that adversely affects microbial agents Helicobacter pylori - causative agent of gastric ulcer. The medicinal preparation De-Nol acts exclusively in places of destruction by erosive foci, creating a protective film on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. In addition, the drug promotes the accumulation in the injured zones of the mucous membrane of special proteins that stimulate the growth of epithelial cells. As a result, ulcers are quickly scarred. The substance of bismuth subcitrate inhibits the growth of a pathogenic microbe and converts the physiology of the stomach in such a way that the bacteria leave the digestive tract.

De Nol product is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the gastric shell and spread in the digestive juice, after which it is introduced directly into the cells of microbial bodies, destroying the integrity of their outer shells. Treatment with short courses does not affect the body as a whole, since the bulk of the drug taken passes only through the intestine, and does not accumulate in the blood plasma.

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