Main symptoms and treatment of eye keratoconus

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1 Causes of the disease and possible complications

Scientists of many countries of the world have studied this disease for many years and continue to do so until now, because it was not possible to determine exactly the reasons why a person faces such a pathology. However, doctors associate its manifestation with many other disorders. These include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • Eczema;
  • hay fever;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Addison's disease;
  • long-term use of corticosteroids;
  • microtrauma of the cornea;
  • pigmentary retinopathy;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • traumatic or viral keratitis;
  • congenital amaurosis of Leber;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Marfan syndrome.

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In addition, keratoconus of the eye often appears in people prone to allergic reactions and other diseases in which there is an upsetting of the immune system. Also, its appearance can be provoked by a bad environment, for example, long stay of a person in places with a large accumulation of dust( under its influence, the protective shell of the cornea collapses).

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Some scientists suggest that pathology arises from a hereditary predisposition. If someone from the next of kin has suffered such a disease, it is likely that a person will repeat his fate. However, all this information is quite contradictory and does not have any exact evidence. Therefore, the etiology of the disease is still a mystery.

During the course of the pathology, the following complications may occur:

  • progressive deterioration of vision, until its complete disappearance;
  • opacity of the upper layer of the cornea;
  • local rupture of the inner layer of the cornea;
  • appearance of dropsy on the surface of the cornea;
  • transition of the disease to the acute form of keratoconus.

2 Diagnosis and stages of the development of the disease

The main difficulty that can be encountered when diagnosing keratoconus is that the symptoms are manifested at a rather late period of the disease, so you can not do without special equipment and a specialized doctor.

Scientists distinguish 4 severity of pathology:

  1. The first is characterized by visualization of nerve fibers and irritation of connective tissue. Visual acuity is 1,0-0,5.
  2. The second - has a more pronounced manifestation. Visual acuity is approximately 0.4-1.0.Deformation of the cornea begins.
  3. In the third case, the cornea becomes much thinner and takes a conical shape. The Bowman membrane begins to grow dull.
  4. Fourth - is characterized by even greater development of opacity and thinning of the cornea. Vision drops to 0.02-0.01 and is no longer amenable to correction. Cone deformation of the cornea becomes visible to the naked eye.

The disease progresses rather slowly, often more than 10 years. In many cases, it can independently stop and go through a period of remission.

During the development of pathology, patients complain of rapid eye fatigue, a feeling of dryness and burning, increased photosensitivity. Vision is gradually deteriorating. First, a person begins to see badly in the dark, and then in the light of day.

In case of untimely or incorrect treatment, the disease can become acute. It is characterized by rupture of the descemet shell, sharp deterioration of vision and strong pain sensations. Corneal edema may occur.

3 Methods of therapy

Non-surgical methods of therapy of this disease can be used only at the initial stage of its development. To do this, the doctor selects the patient appropriate contact lenses and drugs that enhance metabolism in the body. In addition, subconjunctival or parabulbar ATP injections may be prescribed.

Also prescribed antibacterial drops( Taufon, Kvinaks, Oftan-Katahrom, Tobrex, Floksal), drugs based on hormones, antioxidants, immunomodulators and non-hormonal drugs that have anti-inflammatory effect( Indocollir, Diclof, Naklof).Throughout the treatment period, it is necessary to use an ointment with sodium chloride, in order to prevent the development of corneal perforation. As an auxiliary therapy, the patient is prescribed multivitamin complexes and a special diet.


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Another method of treatment that does not involve surgical intervention is cross-linking. In this case, ultraviolet rays are exposed to the cornea. The upper layer of the epithelium is previously removed and anesthetized. During the treatment, the corneal collagen fibers strengthen and thicken. The procedure lasts for one hour, and the effect lasts about 10 years.

However, since the disease is more often detected at a late stage of development, the surgical method of treatment is more common. The operation can be performed in the following ways:

  • keratoplasty through-type;
  • epkeratofakia;
  • thermal keratoplasty;
  • radial keratotomy;
  • transplantation of internal rings of the cornea or its segments.
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After surgery, the patient is prescribed contact lenses for a faster healing process.

At the initial stage of the pathology, you can try the treatment in popular ways. For example, washing with a decoction of sage, chamomile or coltsfoot. To enhance immunity, it is useful to take tea with rose hips, mint and melissa inside. You should also eat honey. However, to conduct correct and effective treatment it is better to consult a specialist. Therapy should be started as early as possible, at the very beginning of the manifestation of the disease, in order to prevent the development of acute keratoconus.

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