How to cure sinusitis according to Neumyvakin's method of hydrogen peroxide

1 What is the secret of

peroxide? In medicine, more and more people are beginning to say that the properties of hydrogen peroxide allow treating a wide range of various diseases.

What allowed Professor Neumyvakin to draw such conclusions about the medicinal properties of the remedy?

Hydrogen peroxide is recognized in the 21st century as a panacea for many diseases. This is a relatively new, inexpensive and versatile tool that allows you to treat vascular diseases, infectious lesions. Hydrogen peroxide is also the first aid in the fight against sinusitis.

In order to test the effect of the substance, Professor Neumyvakin literally put on himself experiments. Having proved the medicinal possibilities of the drug, he was able to achieve popular approval for this drug.

Beginning with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, Professor Neumyvakin has achieved certain results in the therapy of manifestations of sinusitis.

Why the inflammation of the sinuses is most effectively treated by hydrogen peroxide? To do this, you need to understand what this disease is.

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Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the sinuses. The cause of its development, as a rule, are infections or colds. The course of pathology is accompanied by the allocation of mucus from the nose and runny nose.

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Based on the fact that the sinusitis has an infectious etiology, and the drug is an excellent tool that can defeat almost any infection, Professor Neumyvakin came to the conclusion that this drug can be used in the treatment of sinusitis.

2 Therapeutic actions

Hydrogen peroxide, being the regulating force of all metabolic processes in the body, is able to cope with a large number of diseases, including with sinusitis.

During various experiments, Professor Neumyvakin managed to create unique recipes, the use of which allows us to treat various ENT diseases today, while achieving fairly good results.

Along with the usual common cold, hydrogen peroxide is widely used in the treatment of manifestations of sinusitis. It is important to say that by starting special treatment procedures at the first stages of development of the common cold, complications in the form of sinusitis in general can be avoided. In contrast to the treatment of the common cold, when a single use of the drug is sufficient, the treatment of sinus inflammation will require several procedures using hydrogen peroxide.

The most common procedure, permissible in the treatment of both adults and children in case of signs of sinusitis, is considered to be rinsing. What do you need to know in order to properly execute it?

Initially, it is necessary to prepare water. It should be boiled and cooled. In a glass of water, it is required to dissolve from 60 to 80 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The very procedure of washing the nose with sinusitis requires compliance with certain rules.

Liquid is poured into a small teapot, or better in some kind of container, similar to that used for the release of nasal drops. The patient should sit on a chair, putting a small container in front of him. It is convenient to carry out the washing procedure and over the sink. It is important to take the correct position, in which one nostril will be higher than the other. To do this, slightly tilt your head to one side. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is poured into that nostril, which is located higher, respectively, through the lower opening of the nose it will flow out.


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Spreading inside the nasal cavity, hydrogen peroxide will have:

  • cleansing action;
  • disposal of accumulated inside the mucus;
  • local exposure.

Breathing during the procedure should be carried out through the mouth to prevent the penetration of fluid into the human respiratory tract. If possible, to achieve greater effectiveness in the treatment of sinusitis before starting the procedure, you need to blow your nose.

The second procedure, which makes it possible to treat sinusitis, is not to wash the nose with a large amount of fluid, but in its introduction into each nostril. For this, following the proportions described above, the solution is buried in the nose. After some time, the patient will notice that the mucus is released from the nose in a considerable amount. It is important to note that excessive zeal in flagging is not worth it, it's enough that the mucus can be slightly blown out.

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Professor Neumyvakin, like a large number of specialists, recognizes the almost complete absence of contraindications for hydrogen peroxide. An exception can be only cases of individual intolerance of the drug. Doctors are of the opinion that this medicine can help in the treatment of all known diseases to date, even the most serious. It is clear that the treatment of sinusitis with the use of hydrogen peroxide is no exception.

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