How is manifested and treated sinusopathy of the brain

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1 Causes and symptoms of

pathology Sinusopathy is increasingly found in people who suffer from rhinitis and acute inflammation of the nasopharynx. This is due to impaired immunity, a greater susceptibility to allergies. Frequent problems with nasopharynx are observed in the following categories of people:

  • living in areas with polluted air, high smoke and exhaust gases;
  • often have acute respiratory illnesses and flu;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people who undergone trauma and nose surgery;
  • in children with frequent scarlet fever or measles;
  • in people who have problems with adenoids and glands.

When diagnosing sinusopathy of the brain in children there is a large number of atypical microflora: bacteria and fungi in the sinuses of the nose.

There are several signs of the onset of sinusopathy:

  • the mucous membrane of the sinuses begins to deform and swell;
  • there are polyps in the nose;
  • in the blood increases the number of eosinophils;
  • there are frequent attacks of severe headache, they are usually sharp and have no reason;
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  • in the head there is a heaviness that is localized in the region of the nose, frontal lobes and in the bridge of the nose;
  • in the sinuses of the nose, there is burning and severe itching, for allergic reasons, there may be a strong sneezing and discharge from the nose;
  • hearing is impaired: the ability to hear quiet sounds is reduced, there is noise in the ears, in case of severe disturbances a person may lose orientation in space during headache attacks.

With sinusopathy of the brain during the absence of acute attacks, the condition of the mucous sinuses of the nose can be normal. In this case, deviations from the norm are observed only in the appendages.

Sinusopathy is often accompanied by a decline in strength, nervousness, sleep disturbance and, as a consequence, the emergence of the syndrome of permanent fatigue.

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2 Diagnosis and treatment

With sinusopathy, an important stage before treatment is diagnosis. Treatment is carried out by an otolaryngologist or neurologist in the course of a severe course of the disease and affecting the brain.

During the diagnosis it is necessary to give a general blood test, which will help determine the presence and number of eosinophils - the main indicators of sinusopathy. An important step is the procedure of MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. With the help of an MRI the doctor can examine in detail the state of the sinuses of the nose, reveal changes in their mucous membrane, the appearance of a tumor, etc. An important visual inspection is also an additional examination of the ears, eyeballs and the fundus, the nearest lymph nodes to exclude other diseases.

In the treatment of sinusopathy, it is important to determine the cause of the disease.

Otherwise, the disease will not stop its progress and will return with severe headaches.

It is necessary to find the reason why the nasal sinuses change their structure.

Most often, sinusopathy is caused by frequent allergic reactions( hay fever).For treatment, you can use any antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil and other medications that contain glucocorticosteroids. The use of exclusively medicines for allergies can be futile. Antihistamines only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but do not take away the cause. With the relapse of allergic sinusopathy, a patient may need antihistamines in the form of injections. They are recommended to take no longer than 5 days.

With severe headaches, you can take any analgesics. With paroxysmal headaches, it is not recommended to engage in what may provoke an attack: listen to loud music, be in a stuffy room, work on a computer or watch TV in the dark.


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In severe attacks of sinusopathy, it is necessary to provide the patient with peace, during the relief of severe pain it is recommended to walk on fresh air. In winter, for normal operation of the sinuses of the nose, moist air is needed, during the heating period, the premises are very dry, and the inflammation can progress. To prevent complications, it is necessary to take measures to improve immunity: the food should be full, with a lot of vitamins and minerals, you need to engage in gentle sports, for example, swimming.

Operations with sinusopathy are rare, only when purulent foci of inflammation occur and the risk of infection in the brain. At the same time, conservative treatment is also necessary, which helps to cope with small foci.

Gentle surgery, which does not require hospitalization, is performed with strong swelling of the nasal mucosa, a large number of polyps and severe difficulty breathing. In some cases resection of the mucous membrane or septum of the nose is performed.

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