Stimulation of the pancreas, how to stimulate the activity of enzymes?

The pancreas is affected by various factors. As a rule, the disease of this organ develops due to malnutrition. The choice of technique depends on the severity of the disease, the patient's age and many other factors. Stimulation of the pancreas involves the compilation of a competent diet. From the diet, alcohol, fatty and fried foods are excluded. The performance of the functions of the organ can be improved using various techniques. Food should be of a fractional nature. In the process of eating food, it is important to remember that a person's physiological sense of saturation comes an hour later. To ensure that the body does not have a large amount of exercise, it is necessary to stop eating with a feeling of a small sense of hunger.

To properly stimulate the pancreas, you need to carefully consider the composition and volume of products used. Diet should be composed in such a way that it contains a large number of beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Stimulate and improve the body can be, if you regularly use high-quality mineral water. It ensures the maintenance of the body in tone.

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Taking care of health, it is not superfluous to contact a doctor who will prescribe effective medication. Gastroenterologist, as a rule, prescribes the use of such drugs, which have enzymes in their composition that allow stimulating the pancreas. Such medicines include, for example, Panreatin, Panzenorm, Creon. These drugs are taken with food.

Pancreatic juice contains a large number of various enzymes. If their activity is disturbed, then a disease such as pancreatitis develops. Stimulate their release of drugs that affect the exocrine activity of the pancreas.

There is also a group of antifoam agents that affect the work of this body. The list of the number of drugs that have a positive stimulating effect on the release of pancreatic enzymes is small. Any therapeutic course of treatment includes a group of such drugs. The best drugs are those that stimulate the activity of pancreatic enzymes by complex action.

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