Tumor of the head and tail of the pancreas - volumetric formation, edema, neoplasm

In histology, all new formations( tumors) of this type are treated according to the accepted classification:

  • metastases
  • lymphoid and hematopoietic
  • not classifiable
  • mixed tumors
  • non-epithelial
  • islets of pancreatic
  • epithelial tumors
  • malignant
  • benign tumors

The latter two categories are classified as rare,90% of new formations are involved in the cancer, cystic edema is localized in the tail and head of the organ. The cause of death of 20% of cancer patients is the cancer of this organ, caused by the genetics of patients, an abundance of fat, coffee, alcohol and nicotine in the diet. Men of venerable age are sick with PCa more often than others, in children there are isolated cases.

Pancreatic head tumor

The head is called an appendix in the form of a hook, new formations are located to the right of the vein( mesenteric).Edema of the pancreas head is fraught with exacerbation of pancreatitis. This is the third most frequent disease( after cholecystitis and appendicitis) of patients who were taken to the emergency room with acute pain. Classification divides pancreatitis into purulent and catarrhal( acute).

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Causes of the disease are mechanical( organ trauma or surgical interventions), neurohumoral( diseases of neighboring organs, blood flow disorders, fat metabolism, voluminous edema), toxic-allergic( poisoning, alcoholism, infections of any kind).The tumor on the head of the pancreas squeezes adjacent organs, causes acute pain, requires hospitalization.

The way out of the crisis is accompanied by starvation( from a day or more).The volumetric formation of the head of the pancreas, usually, compresses the duct, causes jaundice of a mechanical form. The pulse increases, there is hypertension of the arterial type. The abdomen is soft( participates in breathing) only the first hours, then swells, stony.

Pancreatic Tumor Tumor

Symptomatic neoplasm is characterized by pronounced pain in the abdomen. Sometimes the patient complains of tingling in the spine. Painful sensations are quite intense and constant, especially acute night attacks are observed. The patient has a fairly strong dyspepsia and a fibrous temperature. At the last stages of the disease, the tumor is palpated and becomes uneven, diastase rises.

Pancreatic tail tumor, in its early stages, is difficult to diagnose. The reason for this is a wide range of symptoms that often occur in many common diseases. This includes temperature, weakness, loss of appetite, poor concentration of attention, etc. In certain cases, the correct palpation can help to determine the presence of a pancreatic tail tumor. However, for the reliability of the results it is necessary to seek help from an experienced specialist who is able to conduct additional laboratory and instrumental studies. Such a solution will make it more clear in the preliminary diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

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