Anemia of the pancreas in pancreatitis

Anemia of the pancreas develops against the background of purulent-inflammatory processes in the human body. Diseases of the pancreas appear in most cases suddenly, gradually acquiring a growing character. If the disease becomes acute, then it is a question of pancreatitis. With a gradually deteriorating state, one can speak of a chronic disease. In the early stages, the diagnosis of pancreatic anemia is complicated. The trend towards its development is noted, in practice, for all people suffering from pancreatic diseases. This is due to the inhibition of hemopoiesis, in some patients there is an increase in ESR.

In the vast majority of cases, pancreatitis is accompanied by complications - infections, bleeding, jaundice, anemia. The latter phenomenon is especially frequent. The main symptoms of anemia in pancreatitis are increased fatigue, pale skin, drowsiness, fainting, headaches, heart palpitations.

Anemia provokes the appearance of problems from the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of the deficit may be bleeding. Patients are prescribed a special diet to support the body. It is necessary to pay attention to such products as veal, pomegranates, raisins, rice, liver, bread with bran, buckwheat, etc. When anemia of the pancreas needs to eat properly. It is recommended in large quantities to use dietary vegetable soups, stale bread, boiled vegetables( fried forbidden), juices in limited quantities.

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Sometimes it is impossible to completely get rid of pancreatitis. This applies to cases when the destructive process in the body develops. Anemia in pancreatitis is secondary, because it is a manifestation of pathological phenomena in the body. In this situation, it occurs quite often.

With proper treatment for pain and anemia, you can completely or partially get rid of. To do this, you need to change your lifestyle and diet. To adhere to a strict diet, excluding fried, salty, acidic food is necessary throughout life. It is necessary to stay in the open air systematically. Physical loads should be reduced. It is important to remember that pancreatic disorders increase stresses and experiences.

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