Drug Khimka: effect, effects on the body, symptoms of consumption

What are the only ways to cloud your mind is not thought up by weak people! This is smoking tobacco, and slaughtering alcohol, and tranquilizers. But perhaps the most dangerous state of drug intoxication. There are hundreds of different kinds of narcotic drugs and different ways of using them. Smoking cannabis or marijuana among drug addicted people for some reason is not considered something dangerous, although this form of drug addiction is no less severe.

What is HIM?

One of the most harmful drugs among cannabinoids is the so-called chima. Khimka is a surrogate, prepared in a special way from anasha or hemp, a solvent and partly tobacco. Khimki is used by those drug addicts for whom the usual "herb" becomes a weak drug and does not cause habitual intoxication. Due to the solvent in which the hemp is soaked, the hemlock is times more dangerous than the usual "grass".The drug is extremely toxic and dangerous not just for health, but for the life of the user.

Since Khimka contains hemp oil, it is automatically included in Schedule I of narcotic and psychotropic substances, which are forbidden to acquire, store and sell on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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Exposure to the body

Drugs, as well as any other method of intoxication, has a different effect and differently on the organisms of different people. Khimka is no exception. Some addicts note psychomotor agitation, others - inhibition and lethargy.

But in general the symptoms of all those who used the drug are similar:

  • Anxiety and increased anxiety;
  • Feeling of suspension;
  • Impairment of coordination;
  • Rapid pulse, tachycardia;
  • After some time after eating, the addict feels broken, drowsy, slowing down the reaction.

The states seemingly unpleasant, you can even say painful. But nevertheless, the hemlock beckons people. What do they find in it? The fact is that in addition to the above unpleasant symptoms, the drug has the ability to change reality, gives dreaminess, inspires, it seems to the person that he can turn mountains. This unreal state lasts about half an hour after taking the drug, and then more painful manifestations begin to appear.

Harm and consequences of using

The vast majority of inveterate smokers of Khimki herb do not consider themselves to be addicts and generally dependent people. Without thinking about the consequences, they continue to smoke a drug from time to time and say that it does not do much harm to their body. In fact, Khimka is a very dangerous drug. In addition to the marijuana contained in it, which in itself is not harmless, the chicken is simply stuffed with derivatives of acetone or formaldehyde, which is much more dangerous than ordinary marijuana. Harm caused to the body by chemicals can be irreversible:

Impaired short-term memory. Episodes that occurred only recently, the addict simply fall out of memory. Further effects are greater. Elementary things are forgotten, concentration of attention is reduced, social skills are lost, interest to study and work is lost.

Disorders from the broncho-pulmonary system - from banal bronchitis and ending with oncological diseases of the lungs. The lethal dose of acetone vapor, contained in the chemical, very quickly leads to irreversible changes in the lungs and bronchi.

The whole point is that when smoking it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose necessary to achieve an altered state, so the addict can only slightly shift the grass to get a coma and a lethal outcome.

Serious changes from the genitourinary system - sexual dysfunction in men, infertility - in women.

Suppression of immunity, which very quickly leads to the inability to resist the most innocuous infections and viruses, such as ARVI and influenza. Addicts not only begin to get sick, but also get serious complications more often.

The emergence of mental disorders, hallucinations, psychoses, paranoid delirium.
The overall quality of life of the addict is greatly deteriorating. Perhaps, by some miracle, without exceeding the necessary dose, the amateur will indulge in the humbleness and will live for several decades, but what will this be for life?

Dependency of

Does smoking of grass cause physical dependence? No. The drug addict will not "break" from the inability to get the next dose, so many grasshoppers and consider themselves free of the drug. However, this is not quite true.

Indeed, the withdrawal syndrome in smokers is very weakly expressed. It manifests itself in small headaches, irritability, apathy. More pronounced is the psychic dependence on smoking hibiscus. I want to repeat the feeling of unreal world, a sense of flight and euphoria. Over time, these feelings become dull. I want more buzz. All this, sooner or later, will lead a person to severe drugs, and hence - early death. Heavy smokers of the drug will claim that they will be avoided by this problem. But, alas. They began for sure with the usual "light" marijuana, and when its action ceased to bring the pleasure for which the drug was taken, switched to a cheaper and "killer" way - chick.

If you want to stop smoking drugs can. It's not as difficult as getting rid of heavy drug addiction. At the same time, you need to be ready to change your environment, find an interesting occupation, fill your life with something other than smoking. It is worthwhile to understand that the period of drug withdrawal from the body is at least two to three months, all this time you can not engage in activities that require increased attention and responsibility.

If you do not get to stop smoking yourself, you can go through a rehabilitation and detoxification program, now there are a lot of such programs. And yet the most important advice is not to start at all!

In the video, the effects of smoking a chick:

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