Aneurysm of the interatrial septum in children and adults: forms, diagnosis and prognosis

Our heart is the second most important organ after the brain. In the normal state, the right and left atrium are separated by a septum, which allows them to function normally. For a variety of reasons, the septum can thin out, and then bulge in the form of a sac. In this case, doctors talk about the aneurysm of the interatrial septum or MPP.The disease is dangerous because it does not have a specific symptomatology, so the patient can be too worried too late. Is it possible to live with an aneurysm, and how is it treated in our time? Read in the article.

Features of the disease

An aneurysm most often affects adult men. In fact, it is the same for all people, regardless of age or gender. However, studies have found that in children, the disease less often causes negative symptoms, often without complications.

There are differences in the reasons. Thus, an aneurysm of the congenital form is more common in children. They also have virtually no relapses with proper treatment.

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About how the aneurysm of the interatrial septum looks like, the following video will tell:

Types and forms of

Three forms of MPP are distinguished in medical practice:

  1. with curvature to the left;
  2. with a curvature to the right;
  3. with S-shaped curve;

Also an aneurysm is divided according to the severity of the course:

  • Chronic form. Symptoms are similar to heart failure.
  • Acute form. Symptoms quickly progress, from the temperature rise to the formation of leukocytosis.
  • Subacute form. It is manifested by the appearance of dyspnea, increased fatigue, heart failure.

Atrial septal aneurysm


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Causes of

The most common cause of MPP is a transient myocardial infarction. This disease affects the entire cardiovascular system, which multiplies the risk of not only WFP, but aneurysms in other areas of the heart muscle, as well as other organs.

The appearance of an aneurysm of the interatrial septum in a newborn is associated with a predisposition to an aneurysm in a family history and pathologies of the processes of formation of connective tissues during intrauterine development. Such disorders can appear on different factors, the common cause of an aneurysm of the interatrial septum is an infectious disease in pregnancy.

The risk factors for the occurrence of an aneurysm of the interatrial septum include:

  • Weak connective tissue. Usually, a birth defect.
  • Diseases associated with connective tissue. For example, Marfan syndrome, characterized by the defeat of such tissues.
  • Diseases associated with decreased vascular tone, such as atherosclerosis, cystic medial necrosis, late stages of syphilis and others.
  • Arterial hypertension. Due to pressure surges, an increased pressure on the vessels is created, which can lead to the protrusion of weak walls.
  • Abuse of bad habits. In particular, this applies to alcohol and smoking, which seriously harm the cardiovascular system.
  • Vascular injuries.
  • Infected thrombus.

About the symptoms of the aneurysm of the interatrial septum, we will explain later.

Symptoms of

MPP has no specific symptoms, so the disease is difficult to detect. For different age groups, the symptoms vary:

  • Up to 3 years. Hindered development, shortage in weight, poor immunity, general malaise. Sometimes it is possible to observe an increase in the volume of the right ventricle and an overload of the small circle of blood circulation.
  • Up to 7 years. Lack of growth, rapid fatigue, weakness, strengthening the first tone while listening, rarely arrhythmia.
  • The adolescent period. Strengthening of the second tone during listening, pallor of the skin, enlargement of the pulmonary trunk and the right atrium, protrusion in the heart zone, decrease in the pulse and blood pressure.
  • Adults have shortness of breath, heart failure, dizziness, high fatigue.

At any age, MPP is characterized by retrosternal pain. The pains can be of different strength and character, usually sharp and aching.


MPP is diagnosed in several stages. First the doctor analyzes the symptoms, collects a family history, conducts a physical examination. Based on the collected data, the doctor prescribes studies:

  • of the chest ultrasound to determine the size of the heart, the presence of an aneurysm.
  • ECG for determining the localization of pathology.
  • MRI and CT to check vessel thickening, size, localization and aneurysm condition.
  • Dopplerometry of the open oval window in infants to clarify the diagnosis.

Additional counseling may also be required from other specialists, for example, a therapist. On how to cure an aneurysm of the interatrial septum, read on.

Treatment of an aneurysm of the atrial septum

Often, MPP does not require treatment, since it does not cause discomfort to the patient. If the aneurysm progresses, or the symptomatology is acute, the disease requires urgent medical or surgical treatment.


Therapeutic technique is suitable for the treatment of small aneurysms. It includes general recommendations:

  • Compliance with a diet with low salt and cholesterol.
  • Low physical activity.
  • Reception of stabilizing drugs at the rate.

Patients with MSP should visit the doctor every 6 monitor the condition of the aneurysm.


Drug treatment is indicated for moderate size aneurysms. For this purpose, the following are prescribed:

  1. glycosides;
  2. anticoagulants;

It is also possible to take beta-blockers and antiarrhythmic drugs. The first reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart, which leads him to an economical mode of operation. The latter are necessary for the prevention of arrhythmia.

In the preoperative period, patients with heart aneurysm are assigned cardiac glycosides, anticoagulants


Surgical treatment is required in the absence of reaction to medication, a threat to the life of the patient. Most often, doctors strengthen the aneurysm wall with polymeric materials, which prevents its growth and rupture.

If the situation has reached a critical state, the patient may be prescribed Cole's septoplasty or an aneurysm resection with subsequent reconstruction of the wall if necessary.


An aneurysm of small size can be treated with herbal remedies. It is strictly forbidden to treat large aneurysms in this way, since folk remedies can eliminate symptoms, while the problem itself will remain and will develop.

The most balanced recipe is the reception of the collection, which is included;

  1. rose hips;
  2. hawthorn;
  3. roots of marsh terrestrial;
  4. valerian;

Ingredients in proportion 1 /1/1/ 1 must be crushed and poured with 0.5 boiled hot water, let it brew for half an hour. Chine. Spoon the resulting broth diluted in 300 ml of water. The resulting infusion of drinking a glass of 3 r.per day before meals. For a month the dosage can be increased from tea to 2 tablespoons per 300 ml of water. To be treated with such decoction is necessary throughout the year.

Prevention of

disease There is no specific prevention of an atrial septal aneurysm. To reduce the risk, it is recommended:

  • Observe a diet with low cholesterol and increased - fiber.
  • Refuse bad habits, especially smoking.
  • Regularly engage in moderate physical exercise. Particular attention should be given to cardiovascular exercises.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Patients with an aneurysm should limit physical activity, try to avoid emotional overstrain. Also it is necessary to be constantly observed at the cardiosurgeon for the control of an aneurysm condition.

Complications of

The most dangerous complication of an aneurysm is its rupture. Symptoms of rupture are severe pain, pale skin, unconsciousness. If during the break does not provide medical assistance to the patient, he will soon die.

Also, an aneurysm can lead to a violation of blood supply, which affects the work of internal organs, especially the heart. Often, MPP is accompanied by heart failure.


The prognosis for WFP is favorable, as, usually, it does not cause a person discomfort. So they say in their reviews sick aneurysm of the interatrial septum. Aneurysm rupture develops in about 10% of cases. Five-year survival after surgery is more than 80%.

More details about the aneurysm of the atrial septum, as well as other types of it, will be described by the following video:

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