Open oval window in the heart of a child, in an adult: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

An open oval window is not a heart defect. Every child is born with it. When the baby takes a first breath, his blood circulation will start working normally, and the need for it will disappear. The window disappears when the pressure in the left atrium becomes higher than in the right. Usually, the valve overcomes the connective tissue, after which the LLC disappears.

If the hole is not completely closed or not overgrown at all, there is a discharge of blood from the chamber of the right to the left. That's when they talk about the diagnosis of an "open oval window" in the baby. According to statistics, they are sick more than 40% of adults. Is it dangerous? Let's consider in more detail

Features of the disease

Depending on the age of the disease may differ. So, infants can not open the window that is not completely closed from physical overstrain, so the cause of the company can only become pathologies.

Symptomatic at different ages also differs.

  • For example, infants do not gain weight, become irritable, cyanosis may occur.
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  • Older children experience a developmental lag, restlessness.
  • LLC in adolescence is characterized by low endurance, rapid fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

If the open oval window is closed, then it will not be able to open.

The following video shows how the open oval window looks like:

The classification of the open oval window

LLC is located on the inner side of the left wall of the right atrium, namely at the bottom of the oval fossa. Most often it has a small size( up to 2.5 mm) and an elongated shape, similar to a slot. In size and classify the oval window, which can be:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. small;
  2. average;
  3. large;

A large window can be up to 20 mm, then it is said of a complete nakedness, which is a wide round hole.

Fetal blood circulation through open oval window

Causes of

Causes of the disease are not fully understood. By the appearance of an open oval window in a nursing baby may result in some factors like:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. of prematurity;
  3. of heart defects;
  4. connective tissue dysplasia;
  5. negative environmental impact;
  6. use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy;
  7. genetic abnormalities;

There is a risk of opening an oval window. So, athletes who are keen on weightlifting, wrestling and similar sports because of the great physical exertion can open an oval window. The risk group is also entering:

  1. divers and divers;
  2. patients with thrombophlebitis;
  3. patients with PE;

Next we will consider what are the symptoms and signs of an open oval window in children and adults.

Symptoms of

In most cases, the company runs without specific signs with very poor symptoms. To indirect signs of the disease can be attributed a whole group of symptoms like:

  1. pallor of the skin;
  2. cyanosis in the region of the lips in the phys.load;
  3. delayed physical development in children;
  4. syncope;
  5. dizziness;
  6. headaches;
  7. of migraines;
  8. shortness of breath;
  9. low endurance;

However, these symptoms are indirect and it is impossible to diagnose the disease from them.


In order to diagnose an open oval window, it is necessary to undergo hardware examinations, which the doctor directs. The doctor collects anamnesis of complaints and signs, assesses the patient's nutrition, conducts a physical examination and, according to the results of the studies, appoints:

  • General anhyzes of blood and urine for the assessment of the condition and detection of concomitant diseases.
  • Biochemical an-z of blood to determine the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar.
  • Coagulogram for assessing the likelihood of blood clots.
  • Echocardiography with dopplerography for the detection of a damper LLC, anomalies of the heart.
  • ECG, which reveals the pathology of the heart.
  • Chest X-ray to clarify the size of the heart muscle.

It is also possible to consult other doctors, for example, a therapist. About the treatment of an open oval window we'll talk further.

Treatment of

If the patient does not have severe cardiac dysfunction, then the treatment of the LLC can be limited to therapeutic methods and medication intake. In severe pathologies, endovascular treatment may be required.

Therapeutic way

Compliance with these recommendations is necessary for all patients with an open oval window, even those who have undergone surgery:

  • Limit phys.load.
  • Eat balanced, for 4-5 meals a day. Pay special attention to vegetables and greens.
  • Observe the mode of work and rest, do not overexert.

It is also important to observe the correct sleep regimen, not to overwork the body.


In conjunction with therapeutic measures, patients are prescribed and medicated if signs of malaise appear:

  • Anticoagulants, for example, Warfarin. Designed to prevent thrombosis and thromboembolism.
  • Disaggregants or antiplatelet drugs, for example, Aspirin for prevention of venous insufficiency, thrombosis or stroke.

Drugs with different effects may also be prescribed, depending on the diseases associated with the LLC.

Endovascular procedure

No surgery is currently performed, as it has been completely replaced by an endovascular procedure.

During the endovascular treatment, a catheter is inserted into the artery. At the end of the catheter there is an occluder that clogs the oval window when inserted.

Prevention of disease

Specific prevention of LLC does not exist. To prevent the opening of an unearned window, it is important:

  • Maintain a balanced physical activity and do not overexert.
  • In time to treat the emerging disease, not to allow their complications.

On whether to join the army, if there is an open oval window, read on.

Do they join the army?

An open oval window fits article 42, according to which the patient is partially or completely exempted from service in the army with the categories:

  • B, is limited if the disease is with a discharge of blood. The conscript is not good for service in peacetime.
  • B, is suitable with insignificant limitations, if the disease is without a discharge of blood.

However, we must remember that now the army is strictly selected, and often people with any form of LLC are exempted from service. The final decision will be made by the draft commission.

If there is a risk called an open oval window during pregnancy, it's worth taking care of prevention.

Pregnancy Pregnancy

There are precautions that must be followed by a pregnant woman in order to reduce the risk of the disease in a born child, for example:

  • Refusal of bad habits.
  • Adherence to proper nutrition. It is necessary to limit consumption of roast, smoked and spicy, pay special attention to products with high fiber content, that is, vegetables, greens, beans, etc.
  • Avoid contact with strong ionizing radiation.
  • Avoid contact with corrosive chemicals.things, for example, varnishes, paints, liquid medications.
  • Avoiding or timely treatment of infectious diseases, especially rubella.

In general principles, prevention is reduced to adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Complications of

The open oval window itself often leads to clots in the heart. Because of the formation of a large risk of occurrence:

  • Stroke, which leads to brain damage.
  • Myocardial infarction leading to damage to the tissues of the heart muscle.
  • Infarction of the kidney leading to the death of kidney tissue.
  • Transient impairment of cerebral circulation, which temporarily disrupts the brain.

It should be understood that insufficient blood circulation affects all human organs, so it can lead to other pathologies.


With competent treatment, the prognosis for patients is positive. After the operation, it is recommended to take medications prescribed by a doctor, and to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to increase the positive effect. It is also recommended to visit the cardiologist regularly and undergo echocardiography.

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