Treatment of chronic pseudotumorous pancreatitis, symptoms, folk remedies, prognosis

Pseudotumorous pancreatitis is one of the forms of chronic pancreatitis that often develops as a result of its untimely begun treatment. From the moment of diagnosing chronic to the development of pseudotumorous pancreatitis, it may take ten, or even fifteen years.

Chronic pseudotumorous pancreatitis is often "masked" for diseases of the liver and bile ducts. As a result, the correct diagnosis is made only in the hospital at admission of patients with suspicion of liver carcinoma and a number of other diseases.

A characteristic feature of this form of the disease is the presence of an acute pain syndrome in combination with a loss of body weight. When palpation is determined by the uneven increase in individual parts of the pancreas, confirmed by ultrasound.

In most cases of pseudotumorous pancreatitis, the growth of the pancreas head is observed. Its contours in the study are blurred, poorly defined. The tissues of the damaged pancreas are loose, with impregnations of pseudocysts. The pancreatic duct is considerably enlarged in diameter.

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In the diagnosis of pseudotumorous pancreatitis, surgical treatment is indicated. In this case, two options are possible: resection( removal) of enlarged gland tissue or direct intervention in the pancreatic duct.

As a rule, surgical treatment of timely diagnosed chronic pseudotumorous pancreatitis gives positive results. Patients are completely restored and lead a habitual way of life. In this case, it is possible to avoid complications such as the development of diabetes mellitus.

But even with excellent health it is necessary to lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, completely eliminating the use of alcohol, including light wines, smoking and overeating. It is useful to periodically carry out unloading low-calorie diets, including hunger. Treatment is shown in sanatoria, better gastroenterological profile.

The success of the treatment of pseudotumorous pancreatitis largely depends on the correct and timely diagnosis. As a rule, the disease is detected in 7% of patients with chronic pancreatitis. At the same time, only a small number of cases are treated without surgery, but the risk of other complications and changes in the pancreas is great.

Symptoms of pseudotumorous pancreatitis

One of the manifestations of inflammation in the pancreas is pain. With pseudotumorous pancreatitis, it has a pronounced character. The pain is often surrounding, it can give to the hypochondria and back. There is a pain syndrome, usually after eating or drinking alcohol. Often, pain occurs during the night.

It should also be noted that the pain syndrome may be accompanied by the appearance of nausea and vomiting. The intensity of pain in pseudotumorous pancreatitis is not associated with the severity of changes in the gland itself.

Another symptom of the pseudotumorous form of pancreatitis is a decrease in body weight. The reason for this in exocrine gland failure, in which it turns out that there is not enough juice for digestion. As a result, the process of digestion is disturbed - flatulence, instability of the stool( which may have a tendency to both constipation and diarrhea) can be noted. Changing the very consistency of the stool - it becomes more greasy, light and often gets a fetid smell.

In the history of the patient with pseudotumorous pancreatitis, the doctor may note the following symptoms:

  • enlargement of the abdomen;
  • on palpation revealed enlarged in size pancreas head;
  • tenderness in the epigastric region.

To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound or computed tomography is assigned, which often reveals an increase in the gland's head, and the contours of the organ in this department turn out to be indistinct and uneven. Foci of reduced density in the affected area with pseudocysts are observed, in combination with compaction sites.

Treatment with folk remedies

All recipes of traditional medicine can only be a supplement to the doctor's prescribed treatment. In this case, various tinctures and herbal preparations can be used.

One of the plants used for folk remedies for pseudotumorous pancreatitis is the golden mustache. To prepare a healing drink should take a small process of the plant( about 20 cm), finely chop it and crush it. Then this slurry should be poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 and let it infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. After this, the infusion is filtered and taken at 5-10 ml after 30 minutes after the end of eating.


The prognosis for the pseudotumorous form of pancreatitis largely depends on the timeliness of the surgical treatment. If it gave a positive result, then to maintain the health of the patient is recommended to adhere to a certain diet - to avoid alcohol, add low-fat dairy products to the diet. Also, to maintain the pancreas, the doctor may prescribe the administration of certain enzymes.

Only when all the recommendations of a specialist are performed, the forecast can be relatively favorable.

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