Drug rehabilitation program Narconon: the essence, stages, reviews, video

The Narconon program, which is becoming more known and popular, can repel even the advanced stage of drug addiction and alcohol problems. The article deals with its principles, the history of appearance, as well as the description of rehabilitation courses included in the Narconon.

What is the Narconon program

Narconon can rightfully be called the largest international network of organizations dealing with the fight against drugs, alcoholism and the prevention of addictions. The name of the program for which rehab centers operate is derived from "narcotics-none", that is, "no drugs".At the moment, statistics show that rehabilitation for this program is the most effective, and positive results are observed 4 times more often than other methods of combating drug addiction.

It should be noted that Narconon does not work with drugs from addiction, virtually all stages of getting rid of the problem are dispensed with without medication. In addition, dependent people are not imposed religious views, a different will.

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In addition to treatment, Narconon is also engaged in preventive work, thanks to which a huge number of people in the world are aware of the dangers of drugs, their harm and the speed of dependence. Special attention is paid to the promotion of healthy lifestyle among adolescents.

The history of the program

The Narconon program was invented in Arizona( USA) in 1965 by William Benitez, when he, a prisoner in prison and a drug addict, came up with the idea of ​​creating rehabilitation courses for people with the same problem. The central link in the construction of the program was given by L. Ron Hubbard's book The Foundations of Thought, which was read by Benítez. The works dealt with methods of developing human abilities, which were not directly related to drugs, but made a great impression on Benitez.

Thanks to the book, the prisoner stopped using drugs, developing certain abilities. Further, after obtaining permission from the prison authorities, he worked with other "colleagues" in misfortune, and this work was very successful. After a while, more than 300 people in the Arizona prison passed the Narconon program. Then the program began to move into society.

Since 1972, Narconon is provided in the United States as a service for the rehabilitation of drug addicts in boarding houses and specialized centers, and since 1974 it has appeared in Canada and a number of countries in Europe. Now there are more than 180 centers in 47 countries that work with people in difficulty, and the number of centers continues to grow.

Goals and objectives

Narconon is a program of social rehabilitation of drug addicts, which allows to return the patient motivation, to reveal to him the perspective of a normal life without drugs. In the course of treatment, it is possible to restore physical strength and mental capabilities, understand why drug use has occurred, reassess life and learn from the past.

Thus, the main objectives of the Narconon are as follows:

  • increasing self-esteem;
  • return trust of loved ones;
  • reorientation of thinking;
  • the beginning of a new life.

Non-drug therapy according to the Narconon program includes the passage of eight consecutive stages. Unlike traditional treatment in clinics, where they remove the breakdown and purify the body of drugs, Narconon also relieves psychological dependence, which is much more important and effective. Therefore, 7-8 out of 10 people after "release" no longer return to a past life. The program is very effective and with chronic alcoholism, getting rid of it is also very difficult. If you briefly formulate the principle of the program, but it is - getting rid of the body from drugs, healing the soul from dependence, training former drug addicts a new life without artificial "sweeteners."
On the video about tasks and objectives of the Narconon program:

Stages of

The Narconon program consists of eight consecutive stages. The duration of each of them is individual and is selected based on the results from the passed course. On average, patients live in the rehabilitation center and deal with its specialists from four months to a year. The ultimate goal is a person completely free from drug addiction and drugs. The main eight steps of the Narconon program are described below.

Exemption from drugs

At this stage, the body gets rid of drugs and their toxins. Sometimes a drug addict is brought to the center from a clinic where he has already undergone a medical withdrawal of physical withdrawal, which is not forbidden. But actually Narconon does not include taking medications, although according to the indications in severe cases, the dependent can be redirected to the hospital with a subsequent return to the center.

New Life

This stage is aimed at eliminating the effects of drugs on the body and their effects. The fact is that the residues of harmful substances enter the adipose tissue and remain in it, as a result of which they can be activated even after a few years. Therefore, in order to avoid a return to the effects of drugs on the body you need to completely get rid of even the slightest part of them. Also, the task of the stage is to reduce the physical craving for drugs and alcohol.

The main measures for the solution of the objectives of the stage:

  • Visit to the sauna and sauna;
  • Running and walking;
  • Nutrition with inclusion in the diet of a large number of minerals, vitamins, protein;
  • Admission of vitamin supplements, especially niacin, as well as a mixture of oils;
  • Increased fluid intake;
  • Enough rest;
  • Complete sleep;

Objective processes

As drug use leads to blurring of a person's consciousness and to malfunctions in his communication with the outside world, this stage is designed to eliminate these problems. Experts help to redirect the attention of the patient from bad thoughts, which are connected with dependence, on the search for goals in life, to change the point of view about many things. At this stage, the worldview of the dependent changes, with attention from the past switched to the present. The acquisition of practical skills to overcome difficult situations is also the goal of the program phase.

Life skills of

After passing through the three previous stages, most patients already feel much better. But they are, of course, not ready for the "coming into life".Moreover, many do not represent a long-term perspective, they do not see what they will do in the future. Therefore, the work of the Narconon program continues. At this stage, dependent people gain a lot of physical, labor, mental skills, learn useful information, receive training, which gives them self-esteem and helps restore lost values.

Relation to ups and downs

The program phase will give the person the necessary knowledge about how not to return to drugs. After returning to normal life there will be a lot of situations, failures, problems that can push the person to dependence again. They include a possible meeting with former friends, a proposal to again use the "potion".At this stage, the addicts are taught how to make the right choice and learn from their own mistakes to recognize good and evil.

Personal values ​​

The course promotes the reassessment of values. Participants are looking for ways to regain the lost qualities of the individual, remember the duties and norms. At this stage, people are fully aware of all the mistakes made, while not blaming the surrounding or life circumstances, but realizing their responsibility for everything that has happened.

Fighting the Difficulties of

Often taking drugs, alcohol is due to unresolved problems and unresolved difficulties in life. Return to the same situations can be dangerous, so it is important for a person to learn to solve all their problems consistently, without going away from them by taking drugs. Participants in the course are given clear recommendations on how to act in this or that situation, help themselves to seek methods of getting rid of trouble.

The final step of the

Here the former dependents sum up the results, compare the goals and the results obtained. The factor that determines success is the person's desire to live a new life. At all stages, specialists trained in the Narconon program help dependent people to become freer quickly.


According to those who have already passed Narconon, to quit using drugs has turned out for many. Program participants begin to understand the meaning of life, find new goals and start moving forward without drugs and alcohol. You can achieve excellent results if you do not fear obstacles and difficulties, which will be enough during the course of the courses. Some former dependents themselves remain working in the Narconon, helping others to solve their own serious problems.

The doctors' comments about the program are also positive: a combination of non-medicament physical methods of influence on a person and psychological comfort, as well as ongoing social rehabilitation - an integrated approach that gives the best results. No method currently leads to such a high percentage of relief from dependence( up to 80%), as Narconon, so experts recommend choosing this method of therapy.

Reviews of former addicts about the Narconon program:

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