Prevention of drug addiction: general concepts, theoretical bases, tasks, subjects and objects

Modern society, which has a lot of useful for every technical and information achievement, should be considered progressive. However, along with the benefits of this, there is an increase in the number of certain problems that seriously harm all members of society. And drug addiction, representing a real calamity for the families of those who encounter it, requires an immediate solution and various measures to prevent its further spread.

Prevention of drug addiction

Several social institutions are engaged in the prevention of the spread of drug addiction at the same time. And all of them are subordinated to the same goal: to create a database( legal, law enforcement, information) that will maximize the dissemination of data on the dangers of narcotic substances and avoid or alleviate the problems associated with their use.

As drug addiction, substance abuse and tobacco smoking should be considered not just harmful habits, but human diseases, the prevention of these phenomena must first of all be carried out by medical institutions, and the legislatures determine documented methods of combating the spread and sale of narcotic drugs.

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General concepts

The issue of drug abuse prevention directly concerns anyone who is directly or directly related to narcotic substances - that is, it is the target group of prevention.

To this group should be attributed:

  • adolescents - they are most often under the influence of persons offering narcotic substances for testing. Their unsettled psyche is easily exposed to external influences, and the lack of a clear point of view makes them especially vulnerable to such influences;
  • persons who have once tried drugs and have periodically experimented with them;
  • using psychotropic substances on a regular basis without the appointment of a physician;
  • people who have been addicted to drugs for some time;
  • are co-dependent - this includes people who are part of the social environment of a drug dependent person;
  • persons engaged in prostitution who use narcotic substances in their line of business.

One of the most effective methods of preventing the use of narcotic drugs is the use of measures to restrict their distribution, and anti-agitation measures.

Their main idea should be to inform people who are both in the risk zone and in contact with them about the negative impact of all types of drugs on the physical, moral and psychological state of a person, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The peculiarity of the impact on the target audience is the filling of such information materials in the most accessible form for reading.
Video about the prevention of drug addiction:

The theoretical basis of

The traditional biomedical model of drug dependence is basically epidemiological, characteristic of infectious diseases. According to its fundamentals, the cause of any defeat of the human body should be considered a certain material causative agent, which can be subjected to identification. Carriers, according to the theory of this model, are considered to be specific individuals, and the environmental factor is considered to be those that are not related to behavioral motives. If to generalize, then the traditional biomedical model defines the disease as a consequence of human infection.

Modern reality forces us to revise the principles of the traditional biomedical model, because often pathological conditions can arise not because of the entry into the body of an infection, its progression occurs only after a certain time.

For the reasons listed, the model aimed at conducting preventive measures of drug addiction and preventing mental illnesses is now popular. It was formulated in the 80 years of the 20th century, and its emphasis is on "pre-sick" states of man and his behavioral aspects.

Subjects and objects

When carrying out preventive measures in the prevention of the spread of mental illness and drug addiction, it should be remembered that all groups of people who are at risk of dependence on narcotic drugs are considered to be the objects, and the subjects are those individuals and organizations that carry out preventive work and implement them.

To the subjects of the prevention of the emergence of drug addiction, the following bodies and organizations should be classified:

  • The State Committee of Russia on anti-drug work, as well as its territorial subdivisions. Their duties include monitoring the implementation of preventive measures and their effectiveness, coordinating the activities with the participation of the media and other organizations;
  • The Federal Service for the Control of Drug Trafficking in the Territory of Russia - it provides monitoring and control of all anti-drug activities, participates in the development of programs and their implementation on the ground;
  • self-government bodies of local significance - with their help, organization of activities to ensure the leisure of young people, the development of mass sports and physical education;
  • authorities in the education system - they organize and control extra-curricular time and leisure for young people and children, conduct educational work and correct behavior with the help of social centers;
  • management bodies in the health care system - thanks to them, work is carried out on the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of people affected by drugs;
  • internal affairs agencies - they monitor the situation in the drug market, carry out operations to prevent illegal trafficking in drugs;
  • crisis services for children and adolescents - providing psychological assistance in special situations, holding thematic lectures and trainings;
  • specialized institutions and bodies that carry out management in the system of social protection of the population - with their assistance, children are protected when they are in a difficult situation.

Prevention Aspects

Since all youth and adolescents should be included in the risk group, all preventive activities with minors are conducted. Several main types of preventive work should be divided.


This type should be considered the most massive, with its help several problems of drug abuse prevention are solved using various methods. These include:

  1. Information propaganda, which includes communicating to the public the methods of the legislative authorities to combat drugs and drug addiction, the risks of using narcotic drugs, encouraging adolescents and young people to turn to special help services.
  2. Development of skills that will be necessary for adolescents for further life and overcoming difficult situations.


This type of drug prevention work is aimed at those representatives of youth and adolescents who are considered to be "difficult" - they are already beginning to demonstrate behavioral characteristics and found themselves in difficult situations.


Prevention of this species is aimed at those who already have experience of drug use, but have not yet acquired the status of addict. Outwardly and in social behavior, such people are distinguished by narrowing their circle of interests, indifference to their parents, seen in alcoholic or narcotic excesses.

For injecting drug users,

Injecting drug users( IDUs) are a group that rarely fall under the health authorities' attention. The danger is also that they become carriers of such serious diseases as hepatitis C, infections that are transmitted through sexual transmission, AIDS and HIV infections.


For people who have undergone special treatment and seek to stop using drugs, rehabilitation methods are used that are based on the motivation of a healthy life without drugs, help in preventing disruptions, and medical and psychological assistance to them.

Assessment and monitoring of the situation

It is recommended that the monitoring of the narcotic situation be carried out with the participation of a general control program - it is implemented by the State Committee on Drug Control. We are acquainted with the principles of monitoring and documents on primary research of the situation during the courses conducted by the State Anti-Drug Committee of Russia.

To participate in such courses and assessments it is recommended to involve the following specialists:

  • collecting the relevant situation;
  • responsible for organizing and receiving data;
  • employees from the Federal Service, which monitors the situation in the drug market and drug trafficking.

The purpose of such monitoring is to develop measures that will help in combating the spread of drug addiction among the population.

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