1, 2, 3 degree, stages and risks of development of essential hypertension

Almost everyone at least once in a lifetime experienced a pressure increase and knows how much trouble delivers hypertension. However, hypertension( GB) is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

Serious fluctuations in pressure adversely affect the body, and chronic disease, provided that there is no treatment, leads to the most disastrous consequences. About what differs each stage of hypertension and what risks it carries, we'll talk today.

Stages of GB

Stage I

The pressure at 1 stage of GB does not exceed 159/99 mm.gt;Art. In such an elevated state, blood pressure may be present for several days. Essentially helps to reduce its performance, even ordinary rest, the exclusion of stressful situations. In more severe stages, it is simply not possible to normalize blood pressure so easily.

For this stage of development of GB is characterized by the absence of any signs that the target organs suffer from high blood pressure, so in many cases almost asymptomatic course of the disease is noted. Only sometimes there are violations of sleep, pain in the head or heart.

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Clinical examinations can reveal a small increase in tone in the fundus of the arteries.

Hypertensive crises with 1 form of the disease are very rare, mostly due to external circumstances, such as weather or severe stress. As often occur in the climacteric period in women. The stage of the disease is initial, so it is easy to treat, and often it is enough to change the lifestyle, drug therapy may not be required. With the timely start of treatment and the conscious implementation of each recommendation, the prognosis is very favorable.

The following video tells about the stages and peculiarities of hypertension:

II stage

The level of pressure at the 2 stage of GB is in the range up to 179 mm.gt;Art.(diastolic) and up to 109 mm.gt;Art.(systolic).Rest is no longer able to bring the normalization of blood pressure. Patients often suffer from pain, shortness of breath during exercise, poor sleep, dizziness and angina.


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The group is distinguished by the appearance of the first signs from the internal organs. Often such a form of defeat practically does not affect their functions. There are also no bright subjective symptoms disturbing the patient. Most often, at the 2nd stage of the development of hypertensive disease,

  • signs, characteristic of left ventricular hypertrophy, are revealed;
  • increases the amount of creatine in the blood;
  • in the retina occurs narrowing of the arteries;
  • in the urine is found protein.

Hypertensive crises are common in the 2nd stage of GB, which entails the threat of development of very serious complications, up to a stroke. Doing away in this case without constant drug therapy is no longer possible.

Stage of hypertensive disease

III stage

The last stage of GB has the most severe course and has the most extensive group of disturbances in the functioning of a whole group of target organs. The most affected are the kidneys, eyes, brain, blood vessels and heart. The pressure is characterized by persistence, it is quite difficult to normalize its level even under the condition of taking the tablets. Frequent increases in blood pressure to 180/110 mm.gt;Art.and higher.

Symptoms The 3 stages of the disease are in many respects similar to those listed above, but they are joined by rather dangerous signs from the affected organs( for example, kidney failure).Memory often deteriorates, severe cardiac arrhythmias occur, and vision is reduced.

Hypertensive disease has not only 1, 2, 3 stages, but also 1, 2, 3 degrees, as we will discuss later.


I degree

The first degree of severity refers to the easiest, at which periodic BP races are noted. It is also characteristic of it that the pressure level is able to stabilize independently. The most frequent reason for the appearance of GB 1 degree - constant stress.

In the video below will be told about the degrees of hypertension:

II degree

Moderate degree of hypertension is distinguished not only by the inability of self-stabilization of blood pressure, but also because the periods of normal pressure are very short. The main manifestation is severe headaches.

If the disease develops very quickly, we can talk about the malignant course of hypertension. This form is very dangerous, because the disease can develop rapidly.

Degrees of essential hypertension

III degree

At grade 3 GB, the pressure always remains in a stably elevated state. If the blood pressure decreases, the person pursues weakness, as well as a number of other symptoms from the internal organs. Changes that have arisen at this degree of disease are irreversible.

Also the classification of hypertension includes, in addition to 1, 2, 3 degrees and stages, 1, 2, 3, 4 risks, which we will discuss below.


Low, insignificant

Women at the age of 65 and men under 55 with the "mild" arterial hypertension of stage 1 have the lowest risk of complications. Over the next 10 years, only about 15% acquire vascular or cardiac pathologies that have developed against the background of the disease. Such patients are often conducted by therapists, since there is no sense in serious treatment for the cardiologist.

If insignificant risk is still present, patients are required in the near future( not more than 6 months) to try to significantly change the way of life. Some more time he can be observed at the doctor at positive dynamics. If such treatment has not yielded results, and pressure reduction has not been achieved, doctors can recommend a change in treatment tactics, which will entail the appointment of medications. However, often doctors insist on the conduct of a healthy lifestyle, because such therapy will not have any negative consequences.


This group includes patients with hypertension of both the second and the first types. The level of blood pressure does not usually exceed 179/110 mm.gt;Art. A patient in this category may have 1-2 risk factors:

  1. heredity,
  2. smoking,
  3. obesity,
  4. low physical activity,
  5. high cholesterol,
  6. impaired glucose tolerance.

For 10 years of observation, in 20% of cases, the development of cardiovascular pathologies is possible. Modification of the usual way of life is always included in the list of treatment activities. For 3-6 months, medicines may not be prescribed to give the patient a chance to normalize their condition through a change in life.


The risk group with a high probability of identifying complications should include patients with the same 1 and 2 forms of GB, but if they already have several predisposing factors described above. Also, it is customary to include any lesions of target organs, diabetes mellitus, changes in the vessels of the retina, a high level of creatinine, and atherosclerosis.

Risk factors may not be present, but a patient with stage 3 hypertension also belongs to this group of patients. All of them are already observed in the cardiologist, since hypertension is for the most part long-term. The probability of complications reaches 30%. A lifestyle change can be used as an auxiliary tactic, however the main part of the therapy is medication. Selection of medicines should be done in a short time.

Next we'll talk about a severe diagnosis: grade 3 hypertension, risk 4.

Risks of hypertensive disease

Very high

Patients with the highest risk of complications in the work of the heart and vessels are a group of patients with stage 3 GB or 1-th and 2 nd degrees in the presence of the latter any violations by the target organs. This group belongs to one of the smallest. The main treatment is carried out in a hospital. Drug therapy is active and often involves several groups of medicines.

The probability of complications is more than 30%.

The following video contains useful information about the stages and degrees of hypertension:

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