Laxatives for constipation during pregnancy, medicine for pregnant women, good, effective, safe drugs, what tablets can I drink?

Problems with regular emptying of the intestines in pregnant women can cause intoxication of the body, as well as unwanted experiences and disorders. Constipation contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine, hemorrhoids and other problems that will manifest themselves in the pathologies of fetal development, and may even lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, it is so important to immediately eliminate stagnant manifestations in the intestines to prevent complications.

However, in the tactics of treatment to the choice of funds from the delay of the chair should be treated very carefully. As women are aware during pregnancy, constipation medications can harm instead of benefit if they greatly affect the increase in the tone of the uterus. In addition, some laxatives are generally not acceptable because of their side effects, which contributes to the development of fetal pathologies. In any case, recommend which drugs can be pregnant with constipation should be exclusively a specialist on the basis of accounting for all factors present in a woman in an "interesting situation."

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Constipation for pregnant women

A good remedy for constipation during pregnancy is to gently and effectively rid the woman of the problem and at the same time not to have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy. In the arsenal of effective remedies for this ailment in women during childbearing are:

  • medications;
  • tablets;
  • medication;
  • popular recipes.

Preparations for constipation during pregnancy

Stool restraint drugs that are classified as classic( Senna, buckthorn, etc.) are strictly prohibited. Good drugs for constipation in pregnant women should in no case contain Carlsbad salt, magnesium salts. This approach is explained by the fact that, for example, magnesium chloride provokes overactive activity of the intestine. And given its close proximity to the uterus, the launch of this process of stimulating the motor activity of the intestine can lead to a spontaneous abortion.

During the period of childbearing, lactulose-based medicines are the most popular and most widely used. The most famous Dufalac drug, available as a syrup, the main active substance( lactulose) affects the intestinal peristalsis, increasing the osmotic pressure. As a result, the normal rhythm of physiological defecation is restored. Forlax, Tranzipeg and other preparations soften the stool and facilitate the process of bowel evacuation. Especially cautiously it is necessary to approach or suit to a choice of an agent from a constipation for pregnant women in early terms. During this period, the highest risk of miscarriage and abortion of the fetus with its death.

The choice of a remedy for constipation during pregnancy depends on the cause that caused stagnant phenomena in the intestine of a woman. All such syndromes can be divided into the following groups:

  • primary;
  • secondary, resulting from diseases or as a consequence of the drugs used;
  • idiopathic, the nature of which is not established.

The most effective remedy for stool problems in the early stages is Transipeg. The main active substance of laxative is polyethylene glycol( PEG).The therapeutic effect of PEG on the elimination of stagnant stool is associated with high hygroscopicity, which ensures the evacuation of stools by a natural physiological route. The advantage of Transipeg is the lack of absorption and metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract.

The absence of a teratogenic and toxic effect and the fact that it does not penetrate the fetoplacental barrier has made Transzipeg the safest drug against constipation during pregnancy. In addition, this remedy is perhaps the only one among the laxatives that support the electrolyte balance of the body. This effect is ensured by introducing a special electrolytic mixture of sodium and potassium chloride, sodium sulfate and sodium bicarbonate into the composition. Studies have shown good results of Transipega as a cure for chronic constipation during pregnancy.

Drugs for constipation during pregnancy

The absolute majority of drugs for constipation during pregnancy are prohibited for admission. But there are also those that are allowed for use by pregnant women. These include magnesia. The laxative effect of magnesium is based on increased osmotic pressure and increased intestinal peristalsis. However, there are a number of contraindications preventing its use as a medicine against constipation during pregnancy. These include:

  • hypertension;
  • depression of the respiratory center;
  • kidney failure;
  • the onset of labor;
  • dehydration, bleeding.

Magnesia from constipation is used only if the expected result exceeds the possible risks of developing fetal pathologies. Mukofalk, Fiberleks refer to drugs for constipation for pregnant women, which copes with the problem by increasing the volume of stool. However, it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid, which is not desirable for kidney failure. It does not fit the woman's inclination to swelling.

Tablets from constipation for pregnant women

When choosing which tablets you can drink from constipation in an interesting position, you should take into account possible side effects in case of irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, if they contain irritating substances, they are strictly prohibited. This applies to drugs that contain antre glycosides, based on sodium picosulfate. Poslabin Lactulose tablets not only cleanse the intestines, but also affect the recovery of useful microflora.

Guttalax tablets can be taken with constipation prescribed by a doctor only in the second half of pregnancy and in no case in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that in the process of bacterial cleavage Guttalax increases the strength of muscle contraction, which can contribute to miscarriage.

The universal properties of activated charcoal for the treatment of intestinal disorders have been known for a long time. Removal from the intestine of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic substances, decay products makes it indispensable in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders. At the same time, high absorption capacity can provoke an increase in stool delay. However, this is possible with prolonged use or in high doses. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes treatment with activated charcoal for constipation during pregnancy, then it must be carried out according to the prescribed schedule and in a certain amount. Its use is justified with a strong toxicity at an early stage.

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