Pseudobulbar, erased, expressed, cortical dysarthria in children and adults: forms, symptoms and treatment

Dysarthria is a disease of a neurological nature that consists of severe speech disorders. It manifests itself in that a person replaces some sounds with others, his speech tempo changes and articulation. Often, dysarthria is diagnosed in children, and in recent years, more and more children suffer from this pathology. The diagnosis of dysarthria can not be ignored, because it does not pass by itself.

What is a dysarthria?

This term means blurring and slurring of speech. In this disease, the articulatory component of speech suffers. It essentially depends on the functioning of the brain, since this organ is responsible for coordinating the movements that make the cheeks, tongue, throat. Articulation usually changes in the brain pathologies, which leads to the emergence of dysarthria.

Causes of

Often, dysarthria is a concomitant symptom of infantile cerebral palsy. In such a situation, the central nervous system is affected during intrauterine development. This can happen during childbirth or at the beginning of a baby's life.

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To perinatal risk factors for the development of this disease include:

  1. Hypoxia
  2. Toxicosis
  3. Birth trauma
  4. Rh-conflict
  5. Pathology during labor
  6. Mother's physical illnesses
  7. Asphyxia at birth
  8. Prematurity
  9. Nuclear jaundice in a child

In the early years of lifethe disease can develop under the influence of factors , such as:

  1. Neuroinfections - encephalitis, meningitis
  2. Hydrocephalus
  3. Severe intoxication
  4. Purulentth otitis media

Brain Injuries In adulthood, dysarthria is usually associated with the following problems :

  1. Stroke
  2. neurosurgery
  3. Head Injuries
  4. brain tumor
  5. Multiple Sclerosis
  6. Oligophrenia
  7. Neurosyphilis
  8. Siringobulbiya
  9. Parkinson's disease
  10. Cerebral atherosclerosis

Classification dysarthria

InDepending on the severity of the symptoms there are such types of the disease :

  • Rubbed dysarthria .Symptoms of the disease are not expressed, which is why it is often confused with other speech pathologies.
  • The pronounced dysarthria .A person uses speech, but it can be described as inarticulate. Disorders are also noticeable in the voice, breathing, intonation.
  • Anarthria .Man completely loses the ability to pronounce words.

Depending on the location of disorders in the functioning of the brain, there are forms of the disease :

  • Bulbar dysarthria .Diagnose in case of disruption of the nerves and nuclei that are part of the bulbar group. They are responsible for the movements that make the language, the soft palate, the pharynx. Gradually, the muscles of the tongue are atrophied, which causes the voice to fade away. Pseudobulbar dysarthria .Violated the way connecting the cerebral cortex with the nuclei of the bulbar group. In this situation there is no muscular atrophy, the tongue strains and moves back, and the voice becomes deaf and husky. Cerebellar dysarthria .Appears as a result of disorders in the work of the cerebellum. At the same time, the tempo of speech changes, it becomes jerky, the ability to correctly place accents is lost.
  • Extrapyramidal dysarthria .The disease appears in the case of disruption of the subcortical nucleus, responsible for muscle tone. The voice can become sharp and deaf.
  • Cortical dysarthria .Appears when the cerebral cortex is broken - post- and precentral. The voice becomes muffled, sometimes the volume increases, the tension appears. In addition, there are difficulties with consonant sounds.

Syndrome of dysarthria in children and adults

The manifestations of the disease in children and adults differ. So, in adulthood, it is not accompanied by a concomitant disintegration of the speech system - a violation of the letter, reading, auditory perception.

When a disease occurs in children, it often leads to violations associated with the reproduction of words. As a result, there are problems with writing and reading, sometimes there is underdevelopment of speech.

You can detect the fuzziness of sounds, speech does not have the necessary smoothness, the breathing changes. In addition, the rate is upset - it slows down then accelerates.

Symptoms and signs

This disease is characterized by quite specific manifestations:

  1. Incomplete speech .A man says a number of words indistinctly.
  2. Nudity .There is a feeling that a person says "in the nose".
  3. The lack of fluency .The man utters words abruptly, pausing.
  4. Sensation of slowness of lips , tongue and cheeks during conversation, and this feeling has subjective character.
  5. Increased fatigue muscles when talking.

Statement of sounds in dysarthria

Since the main symptom of dysarthria is the vagueness of words, the most important thing is the correct setting of sounds. Before you begin this stage, you should prepare: to normalize breathing and make the muscles that participate in speech more mobile.

For this purpose, perform articulatory and voice exercises, do respiratory and facial exercises, and massage. Then the isolated pronunciation of sounds begins. In the beginning, vowel sounds are usually put. And each sound is put separately. Then you can begin to set up consonant sounds.

Speech therapist must make a speech card of the child, in which all information about the child, his illness and treatment is recorded.

Treatment of

Therapy for this disease must certainly be complex. To achieve a positive result, logopedic work should be combined with the use of medications. Important is massage of the face and tongue, as well as physiotherapy.


First you need to strengthen the muscles of the lips. This is realized by performing a point massage: 5-6 seconds you need to press on the points in the region of the lips, performing circular movements. This should be done counter-clockwise. This procedure begins at the center of the lips and moves to the corners.

Massage of the language suggests such tactics of action:

  1. Strengthening of the longitudinal muscles. They are stroked with the index finger. Do this 10 times twice a day.
  2. Strengthening of longitudinal and transverse muscles. It is necessary to press on the root of the tongue, moving towards its end. You need to do it for 6 repetitions twice a day.
  3. Strengthening of the longitudinal muscles. They are stroked with an index finger, and a soft toothbrush is also suitable for this. Do this 4-6 times three times a day.
  4. Increase in the number of articulatory movements. To do this, the "Eagle" probe is used for edge splitting. This procedure is done once a day for 10 seconds. If the patient is noticeably drowsy, the procedure is terminated.
  5. Reduction of salivation. To do this, perform a point massage in the places of depressions under the tongue. To do it you need rotational movements. Direction - counter-clockwise. The duration of the procedure is 6-10 seconds.

Drug treatment

For the treatment of the disease, nootropic drugs can be used, the decision on which can be taken exclusively by a neurologist. Such medicines help to improve mental activity, stimulate cognitive abilities, facilitate the learning process.

Effective means in the fight against pathology are:

  • piracetam;
  • lucetam;
  • finlepsin.

The fight against dysarthria in adults should be based on the therapy of the underlying problem that led to speech impairment. It can be:

  • tumor removal;
  • removal of hemorrhage;
  • removal of abscess;
  • stabilization of blood pressure.

How to treat dysarthria at home

To treat dysarthria as efficiently as possible, special exercises should be performed daily. You can, standing in front of a mirror, try to repeat the movements of the lips and the language of those around you.
There are also other effective methods of speech gymnastics:

  • opening and closing the mouth;
  • keeping mouth open;
  • bared teeth;
  • pulling a gauze bandage out of her mouth, bitten by teeth;
  • drawing the lips into the tube.

Articulatory Gymnastics

This method of treatment begins with passive gymnastics, which is performed by mechanical action. Then it passes into the passive-active, and then - into the active, which is done under the guidance of a speech therapist.
So, passive gymnastics language is as follows:

  • deducing the language forward and retracting;
  • lowering the tongue down and lifting up;
  • pressing the tip to the bottom of the mouth and lifting to the hard palate;
  • easy movements of the tongue to the sides.

Passive gymnastics of the lips includes the following:

  • collecting upper and lower lips;
  • drawing the lips into the tube;
  • lifting of the upper lip and lowering of the lower one;
  • stretching lips into a smile;
  • lips closing;
  • create different lip patterns that are needed for pronouncing vowel sounds.

For the sake of clarity, watch the video with the complex of articulatory gymnastics:

Speech therapies

These methods depend on the type and severity of the disease.
Classes for the treatment of dysarthria include such components:

  • Develops fine motor skills. To this end, you need to do palchetical gymnastics.
  • The motor skills of the speech apparatus are improving. Perform a speech therapy massage, also useful articulatory gymnastics.
  • Improves breathing. Effective breathing exercises.
  • A voice develops. To do this, perform orthophonic exercises.
  • Improves audio quality.
  • Communication improves.
  • The expressiveness of speech is improved.

Dysarthria is a fairly serious speech disorder that develops under the influence of various factors. Usually, the disease is diagnosed in children, although sometimes it appears in adulthood. If you have any signs of dysarthria, you should definitely consult a doctor - he will choose an effective treatment depending on the complexity and form of the violations.

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