Urticary vasculitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prognosis

If the skin shows purple rashes that do not go away quickly, it can be urticaria vasculitis. Such violations require treatment, so you should consult a specialist. And today in this article we'll talk about the symptoms and treatment of urticaria vasculitis, we'll look at photos and reviews of patients, as well as doctors' forecasts.

Features of the

Disease The problem denotes the appearance of characteristic blisters or nodules on the skin surface. The mechanism that triggers their formation is a vascular disorder.

Inflammation occurs on the inner walls of capillaries and small vessels. The disease increases their permeability.

  • More often pathologies are experienced by female patients in the second half of life. Men also have urticaria vasculitis.
  • In childhood, the disease is rare. It differs in severe course and complications.

Forms of urticaria vasculitis

The disease has two forms:

  • Primary disease differs in that it has pronounced skin rashes. Provoke the problem of the body's reaction to the allergen.
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  • The secondary form of the disease is caused by deeper internal problems. Initiate rashes:
    • oncology,
    • infectious diseases, for example:
      • hepatitis,
      • mononucleosis.

Causes of occurrence of

To the factors that provoke the appearance of the problem, experts attribute an allergic reaction of the body. This type of disease differs from simply allergies in that after removal from contact of the allergen skin rashes are not immediately, but after a while. The course of the disease can become chronic.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of the disease:

  • The most important symptom is a skin rash. It occurs after the blisters that appeared before this moment burst. The rash is similar to hives, but experts know how to distinguish them. Rashes have such characteristics:
    • blisters to the touch are defined as dense formations,
    • when the rash passes, in their place there are traces:
      • pigmented spots,
      • hemorrhages under the skin of yellow, green, blue.
  • In the area of ​​the rash, pain and burning sensation.
  • Lesions of other organs:
    • Inflammation of the kidneys,
    • disorders in the digestive system,
    • joint pain.
  • These changes in general condition are noted:
    • temperature increase,
    • intracranial pressure may deviate from the norm.


To determine correctly, the patient has a number of diagnostic procedures.

  • Inspection of a specialist may suggest a urticaria vasculitis. Characteristic blisters on the surface of the skin are a signal about the presence of this disease. The voldles have a purple color. When pressure is applied to them with glass( the method of diascopy), the nodes become pale, and the rash that occurs on the skin after the blisters burst does not lose its original color when pressed.
  • To ensure the correctness of the diagnosis, a histological examination is performed. A fragment taken from the site of the rash for study is separated by a biopsy method. It is advisable to carry out the research in the early stages and use several samples for this.
  • Immunological examination is performed.
  • The patient is recommended to pass urine and blood tests.
  • The patient is tested for possible health problems of the internal organs.

Treatment of

In general, the fight against the disease is medicated, but physiotherapy procedures and other methods can be used.

  • If the identified disease is a secondary form, then it is necessary to treat those health disorders that initiated it.
  • In the treatment of the primary form of the disease, efforts are directed to stop the inflammatory process of the inner layers of the vessels.

Therapeutic way of

In the early stages, the plasmaphoresis procedure is effective. The method performs purification of blood from harmful and toxic substances. Plasmaphoresis is performed manually or with the use of high-tech equipment.

On whether medication is treated with urticaria vasculitis according to those who have recovered, we will tell below.


The specialist selects the drugs that the disease will respond to in each case. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are used. If necessary, connect glucocorticosteroids.

The agents from this list are used:

  • doxepin( it is combined with cymedin),
  • ranitidine is also advised to be taken with non-steroid drugs:
    • ibuprofen
    • or indometacin,
    • is an option - with naproxen;
  • dapsone,
  • colchicine,
  • cyclophosphamide,
  • prednisolone,
  • azathioprine.


The method is used only as a supplement to the main treatment. Be sure to agree with the expert the possibility of applying a particular people's council.

  • Recipe 1. Infusion drink three times a day in the amount of 100 ml. The infusion is made from a mixture of herbs taken in equal amounts:
    • nettle leaves,
    • elder flowers,
    • fruits, sophora
    • grass spores
  • Recipe 2. Make ointment from birch buds. For the basis of the means, the fat of marmot or nutria is chosen. A mixture of powder from kidneys and fat is baked at a temperature of approximately 150 degrees. Seven days, the mixture is pressed for three hours in the oven. After that, the particles of the grass are separated from the ointment( filter) and kept in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Twice a day, you can apply a product to lubricate the affected area.

Prevention of

Disease prevention methods against this disease have not yet been developed. But in the case of the secondary form of vasculitis there are recommendations:

  • should strengthen the body's strengths:
    • provide useful physical activity,
    • develop a positive attitude,
    • correctly treat stress,
    • make pedestrian walks before bed;
  • is important in time to treat infectious diseases and not create in the body of chronic processes.

Complications of

If vasculitis is caused by another complex disease, the pathology can assume a chronic form. Possible complications in severe forms of the disease are manifested through organ damage:

  • joints( arthritis),
  • kidney:
    • interstitial nephritis,
    • glomerulonephritis;
  • Eye:
    • episcleritis,
    • uveitis,
    • conjunctivitis;
  • digestive organs:
    • digestion process violation,
    • vomiting,
    • pain in digestion;
  • lung:
    • bronchial asthma,
    • is an obstructive disease.


The primary form of the disease is quite amenable to treatment. What the result will be from the assistance activities from the form of the disease, having a secondary nature, depends on how serious the deviations in the patient's condition occurred under the influence of pathology.

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